Not trolling but why isn't this ever taken into consideration?
Not trolling but why isn't this ever taken into consideration?
Whites were kicked out dozens of nations in Africa, Asia, and South America when the native people became strong enough relative to the whites to overthrow colonial structures. Does that mean anything?
We are talking about Jews here. Why change the subject?
>people in the past did something a lot, they must have been right about it if they did it that much!
This is unironically what /pol/ believes.
Just for you.
It's not changing the subject, it's just showing that there's nothing special about the Jews when it comes to this.
That multiculturalism/civic nationalism doesn't work in the long-term. Ethnical, linguistical or even "racial" connections within the groups of people in the state still remain and are only weakening it from the inside. Same can be applied to the Jewish unwillingness to fully integrate into the remaining society of the state throughout the history.
See that thing that just passed above you? That was the point.
>They were kicked out 109 times, surely so many people kicking them out can't be wrong!
>They were kicked out 108 times, surely so many people kicking them out can't be wrong!
>They were kicked out 107 times, surely so many people kicking them out can't be wrong!
This is the equivalent of asking Muslims about terrorists and they then say "well what about baptists bombing abortion clinics in the south?" It is a fallacious way to avoid the question that is posed.
its the opposite actually. European imperialism is way worse than any perceived jewish conspiracy
That's not the same
Following the failure of the second Jewish-Roman war and the expulsion of Jews from Judea by Hadrian Jewish communities spread across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, often maintaining a high degree of insularity to resist integration into the majority communities. This unwillingness to integrate, and canonized hostility to Jews within Christianity made these communities frequent targets of aggression and expulsion.
happy now?
You realize Whites are hundreds of different ethnicities, right? Jews are like 4.
taken into consideration for what exactly?
It's a pretty inane argument since Nazis and other anti-Semites are more hated than Jews, meaning that if this was evidence that Jews are "bad", it implies that anti-Semites are even worse.
It's applying your same logic to other scenarios and asking if you find it reasonable. If it's a sound argument, it's not limited to JUST the Jews.
So it's "ethnicity" that matters now? I guess all those countries that kicked "white" people out only had a beef with one white ethnicity and were fine with all other white people?
Jews were kicked out multiple times by various Christians and Muslims. Whites have been kicked out by almost every kind of human in existence.
109 countries over 2,000 years is nothing. Many other groups were put into forced migrations and genocides too. Also that logic is astoundingly stupid.
Take for example Haiti, they were fine with polish people but hated French. In most cases, yes, I'd imagine wherever these whites were supposedly kicked out, whoever kicked them out would be okay with some Europeans.
Seems like the Germans had the same problem as they Jews. I wonder...
>Whites have been kicked out by almost every kind of human in existence.
Citation needed.
Because it's not effective. This people capitalises on playing the victim. Anything that allows them to be seen as victims will not work.
He's talking about the post-colonial era.
South American nations didn't kick white people out.
>South East Asia
Really. Only place whites stayed is where they killed off the indigenous people.
>South America
Wew lad!
lol I like how your entire knowledge over the history of that country is literally those few headlines that get passed around here.
>no argument
But Whites weren't kicked out of those places. They chose to leave at their own initiative. Be way more specific than regions and fucking continents.
Desu. France and Portugal went to war to keep their colonies. They got BTFO by the locals and gave up.
Its another jew hate thread
No wonder nobody on /pol/ can get a gf when theyre all so fucking boring
That's because Algeria was a department, and we all know about Portugals "not a small country" penis envy
Millions of French chose to leave Algeria. They weren't kicked out. As far as portugals concerned who cares about niggers chimping out? In Goa, Timor and Macau it wasn't natives but foreign aggressors which pressured the Portuguese to leave.
Plenty of Jews chose to leave Germany too way before they were put into camps.
WW2 Germany is only one of those 109 nations I'd imagine. Plus throwing people in labor camps isn't kicking them out....
Because its not surprising for a racial, ethnic or religious minority to be expelled or otherwise discriminated against, especially one that historically refused to integrate
It's not 109 nations. It's just another dumb lie, by stormfags. In that famous list they consider random German cities or lands as different nations, so Nuremberg or Bavaria become two different countries.
what a fag. time to kill the kikes
>Not trolling but...
Because it assumes that "The Jews" are some kind of hive brain that isn't made up of many individuals and that they should be collectively punished as a result.
Because it fails to give numbers, context and is based on another meme that is very generous with what it considers to be a country, with most of the explusions occurring in individual cities, where they throw out about 20 Jews, in the middle of a war or riot.