Post your countries most glorious moments
>that sneaky Welsh flag
haha noticed that too
There are plenty of glorious moments to choose from but I'll pick the anti-polish uprising of 1612. I choose it simply because it shows that Russia can only be saved if the people unite.
And most of the battles in The Great Northern War. Also proud of Gustavus Adolphus
Did Russians wear Plate mail during the 1600s?
Those three and pretty much nothing else
Count Pozharsky(the guy in the armor) is wearing Plate mail because he is from a noble family. Your average Russian wouldn't be able to afford that.
Pic related is what our regular infantry looked like in the late 16th- early 17th century.
I've seen a lot of Eastern Europeans wear alternatives to Cuirasses. Wouldn't it be more effective to wear musket resistant armour such an important person?
Is there a website where I can see more pictures like this?
To be fair, we don't really know what kind of armor he wore. Pic related is also a common depiction of Pozharsky. You can clearly see a solid plate which covers his torso. Also, you have to remember that Pozharsky didn't charge in with the troops. He commanded them from a distance and was relatively safe.
>That picture title
10 thousand megakeks of explosive force.
Isn't this mirror armor?
Google "Men at arms" by Osprey
Polish Legions sounds like a meme
Right, my mistake
Wow this is great stuff. Thank you very much friend.
Murdering defenceless old men is your nations most glorious moment? Pretty unimpressive t b h.
Sort of sad, but it's either this or Amundsen reaching the South Pole.
Pretty sure my fellow countryman was joking, user.
Do it for once Bomber Harris!
I didn't know Bulgarians were so badass before we conquered them
This is unironically one of the greatest moments. I wish people would stop memeing about us for once, but it matters not.
well, fuck
It does not necessarily have to be a battle
vatniks forever mad
Fuck wars, there's nothing glorious in them.
It's throught the wars that nations are built.
Occasionally, but mostly destroyed. Also, it doesn't mean they should be glorified.
What do you mean by occasionally ?
Whole Erutpe was built through centuries of war.
Why shouldn't it be ?
What should be glorified then ?
I don't think Europe would be in a worse position now if not for centuries of wars, desu. If anything, it was built despite centuries of wars, not because of them.
War is a mean, the nation, the end.
I really that war was an necessery thing to grow up as a people and as a nation.
Basically, all of our technology came because people faired the war, so, despite the fact that war isn't something nice for us, which was never been by the past until the first ww, it's something that helped civilisations to grew up and evolve, as we wish or not.
First Homosexual Prime Minister/Premier.
> i wonder does the leader of Ireland choose top or bottom
I forgot, he's also a poo in the loo.
Europe was built up because of wars. Sure, every now and then you get a 30 years war or something similar that devastates the population of an area, but much of the smaller wars & colonial conflicts provided a bit of pressure for the nations, now competing in earnest, to innovate, either in military tech or in economics / administration (to help fund the war over again). With the spread of such innovations around Europe as a whole, its nations were able to rise up to be the powerhouses they once were.
In fact, you could argue that the devastation to populations through war / famine actually helped Europe advance, with low skill workers being in higher demand, and thus industrialization (for example) occurring to cut costs.
Surely you beat Swedes at some war or something.
We didn't even vote for him
Those glorious Bardiche-pods.
Eh, nothing to brag about really. The Norwegian Crusades was a success though.
15 July
He was a terrible admiral who is talked up like some god like mariner. He learnt from his mistakes like most other great men, but he is not as exceptional as people claim.
The day an absolute madman said "I'm gonna stab that tree and drink whatever comes out of it.
Picking over a skeleton to rebuild it in your image?
This angers and confuses the mesoamerican.
>Sieged for days
>Sickened by diseases brought by spaniard
>No food
>Deorganized army due to Moctezuma cucking himself to the spaniards
>Less than 3k spaniards that on even circumstances couldnt face Tenotchtitlan
See La noche triste
It was pretty much a fight between Tlaxcaltecs against already battle worn Mexicans, and Im not an indigenist since I love the spanish empire, its just that it wasnt a victory like those against the moors where even when outnumbered 300 against 1k-2k Spaniards managed to btfo.
This just wasnt the case.
Puerto Cuck
feels good man
>Destroyed a dictatorship with economics and peaceful protest
>No fatalities
>The German people reunited
Yeah sorry it's not some war that killed thausands or millions
Wasn't there a whole thing where the girl in this pic later said she didn't even know that guy and that he was just a drunk sailor who accosted her and she was too shocked to react?
>Those three and pretty much nothing else
battle of ongal
second arab siege of Constantinople
battle of klokotniza
battle of shipka
first balkan war
I laughed I don't know why
The battle of Cartagena de Indias, the second time we destroy the British armada
>La noche triste
An ambush? The Spaniards undersuplied and with barely any allies buttfucked the Aztecs at Otumba. Native allies are a revisionist meme. If the allies won the war alone they wouldn't have left a bunch of foreigners to take over control over their land .
Spaniards were just way too advanced for the Aztecs
OP asked most "glorious" moments, not most "degenerated" moment.
I see the only good moment of Ireland left are a potential HIV carrier and shit stick, that's sad really.
>Lists the death of the last true German nation as a glorious moment. Truly modern Germans are the kings of cuckoldry.
I don't know whats sadder, That he's a faggot or half street shitter.
We Finns joke too much about Swedes sucking at war but we indeed need to remind ourselves that Finns were lead to victory in many wars led by Swedes.
Glory to Gustavus and Charles.
Even though many of my countrymen would declare World War 2 as Finland's most glorious moment.
I however think our greatest moment was the parliamentary elections of 1907 when first in Europe, everyone from men to women, from the richest to the poorest, from the farmers to the laborers, had the right to vote and run to parliament.
Man I love the fucking Balkans, I swear every word I hear in this song ( which is beautiful by the way) is like it's sung in my language.
>Doesn't know shit about the GDR / is a tankie
>Posts about German history
Where to begin?
>West Germany took advantage of the fact that the GDR was on the brink of collapse (abandoned by the USSR with Krenz at the helm doing too little too late)
>GDR citizens who had already began fleeing to the west swarmed through as the wall fell looking for a better life
>The West treated them relatively poorly (and continues to do so)
>All those in the NVA are given the middle finger and abandoned despite literally stopping WW3 by allowing Die Wende to occur peacefully.
Fast forward to today, we see a reunified Nation lead by shysters that hates itself and wants to project that self hatred onto others. The GDR wasn't perfect, far from it. But at least they weren't like the absolute joke of a nation we see today.
Cartagena de Indias, or how the Royal Navy was BTFO by half a man
HAHAHAHAAHAHA proud of being cucked.
>People are constantly spied on by the own Stasi
>People who oppose too much get sent to prison
>Population get's incarcerated, people who try to flee get killed
>Capital punishment
>Socialism, shortages with everything
>Option 2: a relatively free, relatively democratic country with none of the above which - surprise surprise - allows degeneracy and bullshit as long as it's legal
You choose which is better
W-we were first!
I actually remember reading that Charles learned finnish in order to more easily lead his finnish soldiers.
Thanks mate, we usually get a lot of shit on here, but its nice that someone appreciates the song.
I can't stop laughing