Hey biz, I'm at the market selling oranges

Hey biz, I'm at the market selling oranges.
There's a cheeky fat bitch two stalls to the right also selling them (alongside jams and shit)
How do I ensure I outsell her?

Place a turd between some of her oranges. No one wants to eat shitty oranges.

Can you ensure lower prices?
If not smash her stall

finally a post on biz that belongs here. I have no input so sorry, but I just want to congratulate you on providing some fucking content that's not just shillcoin or fuck token bullshit

Price all your oranges in bitcoin.

How much u get them for and how much u sell em for?

>How do I ensure I outsell her?

start an ICO

pedroOrangeCoin (POC)

>cheeky fat bitch

Hmm, seems like a fitness / health-oriented marketing opportunity in the making here.

Maybe a slogan? Something passive-aggressive towards the lard goblin like:

"Orange you glad you're fit and healthy"

Or alternatively, if reddit puns don't resonate with the hippie parking lot fruit market demographic you can just call them 'Lean Oranges' or something.

Pick em for free (own orchard)
Selling 2 dollars a bag, shes selling for 3$
Her bags are cleaner (cleaner fruit)but smaller

This will work, guaranteed.

>increase price of oranges
>3 bags for price of 2 sale

People FOMO and buy 3 bags even if they only wanted 1.

create a orange based crypto currency, mine a few hundred pf them and promote it on Veeky Forums as the new big thing
just sit back and watch idiots buying up your tuli- I mean oranges

I'd rather buy cleaner oranges. You're fucked.

Squeeze orange juice and let people have free samples.

Figure out the regular clients and give them discounts.

Sprinkle oranges with water so they sparkle.

>(alongside jams and shit)

Beat her at her own game. Sell weed out of your stall and give the oranges away for free.

pic related

I have a phd in econimics. This is what you should do. Take 90% of your oranges and give it to her. By doing so you will increase her supply of oranges and increase the demand of your oranges, thus reducing her prices and inflating yours. Now you can sell your orange for $1,000,000.

selling dirty oranges cheap isn't good.
People have this weird psychological thing where if something is priced low, they believe it's low quality. They'd rather over-pay for something and then tell themselves they bought something that's high quality. That combined with dirty unsightly oranges, your fucked.

this, people love a sale, and buy X for price of X-1 sales are great offloading lots of merch.

If you can't increase the quality of your product, then increase the quality of something else, like your stall's appearance, the sign, your clothes, and people will associate that quality with that of your product. This is the logic of products with lots of fancy packaging. Sometimes it's not the product being sold but how it's presented that counts.

Studio city farmer's?

Shout louder.

I put out free samples

Would you like to try some, user?

OP you may want to try this.

Your oranges are shaped sorta funny, no? If it were me I wouldn't go for it unless you told me your bumpy oranges are somehow better than the regular variety.

That's a lemon, we selling a few of em too

>Pick em for free (own orchard)

oh boy, we got one of those