How do you deal with your existential burden, Veeky Forums?
How do you deal with your existential burden, Veeky Forums?
by being a neet n proud.
one day at a time
With 3am panic attacks
By knowing that when I die I cease to exist, and you can't have responsibilities, thoughts, or feelings when you no longer exist.
>by knowing
You don't know shit nigga yall needa wait til you die before yall guessing shit
I think it's reasonable based on all the people who have died and been brought back medically who experienced nothing.
Work, various drugs, and alcohol. Probably gonna be a shorter ride than most...
I don't take it to be a problem really.
It ironically seems to be a dogmatic question.
Anime and vidya.
With a healthy dose of absurdism.
You realize you still have to eat, drink, piss, shit, sleep. Thus existential burden becomes secondary to those. Then you realize you must have money to do those, so you work. Thus existential burden becomes far distant at this point.
I don't have one. Those who work to enjoy the fruits of their karmic actions are misers, never satisfied and entangled in a struggle for the cyclic life in the material world, hence the myth of Sisyphus. It's better to renounce the fruit and work towards Moksha, only then does actual happiness come about.
With all the mysteries in the universe, the one certainty is that you were designed to pass on your genetics. It is your duty to find the ultimate mate and create a stronger spawn. Knowing that I raised strong and healthy children is pretty much the only way I could find peace and die happily. It's the only way to leave a piece of you behind.
>dealing with your existential burden
check out this faggot
So in order to make yourself feel better about your condition, you rip a consiousness from the sweet nothingness of the void and force it into a flesh prison in a probabilistic universe of suffering and a bit of pleasure, thus perpetuating the cycle that forced you to force others to force others to keep dragging new souls into this!
>It's the only way to leave a piece of you behind.
>Tesla didn't leave anything behind
Symbolic immortality is more significant than any shitty offspring you spawn, you dumb ape.
But how is non-feeling possible? Even when you sleep you are feeling something. I can't imagine everything turning into black forever
mind yourself on that edge, why do you consider living to be suffering? It's far better than the alternative.
Regular exercise
It is neither worse or better. You perceive it is better, because of your judgement, created by a neurochemical reaction in your brain.
Your judgement a shit btw
That's a cute dog
Because suffering > pleasure.
I watch anime and masturbate
"Turning to black" is an experience. You don't experience when you're unconscious. I would say it's like taking a nap but you'd confuse being dead with the having your eyes closed before a nap. Yeah most accurate analogy is saying being dead is like not being conceived yet. You don't know and there is no time or thought, and you would only know you were dead if you stopped being dead.
by saging &humanities posts
Ignoring it. I have a duty to my family to not kill myself, so I do that.
accept it and try to better the things around me
No burden here fag. Workout, play video games, read, life is simple and easy you guys get to step up
>he hasn't turned to hedonism and/or utilitarianism
Enjoy your shitty life. Just fucking end it, spare yourself and the rest of us your existence.
wallababy! :3
With irony.
it will creep in eventually. you simply havent thought about it enough
What existential burden?
By walking the path of the Dragon.
sometimes i'll think about it and get a rush of panic, like when you nearly choke.
maybe we've evolved too far as a species. we should not be able to ponder things that are so far out of our realm and take us away from our prime objectives as a lifeform
wtf? The leprechauns were real and everyone knew it but tried to convince me they weren't?
What leprechauns?
t. agent of the dark powers
Constant paranoia.