post good historical films
Post good historical films
why did they make the arabs speak with a weird accent and lawrence normal when they were both supposed to be speaking arabic
why did they make lawrence seem like such a cuck
>Pray god that men reading the story will not for love of glamour and strangeness go out to prostitute themselves and their talents in serving another race
that doesn't sound like something movie Lawrence would say
Everyone just fucking loves to bitch so much about "muh orientalism" but there is nobody more guilty of that than the love and tolerance multiculti types. they don't care for culture and they don't care for history or reality
>why did they make lawrence seem like such a cuck
I don't remember him being a cuck give examples.
DESU this Famalam 100
Doesn't seem orientalist to me. Just the way they still do things to this day, the clan in the tent etc.
Europa Europa is the only Holocaustâ„¢ movie really worth watching Tbh. The rest are just the same dumb shit being constantly regurgitated.
I love the music.
One of the themes was this "forge your own destiny" thing, where they tied him not being born to married parents to a sort of identity crisis, a lot of the politics in the movie was just him being like "no no I'm english I can't rightly fuck around with my arab buddies boohoo" vs "no I will choose my own path and become one with the arabs", it was sort of weird is all.
Like the scene where he's in egypt and his british friends say something like "bro how do you stand those wogs lmao" and he sort of shrugs them off very uncomfortably. That scene was really just forcing a really simple message that could have been done much less explicitly and elegantly: "muh don't be racist"
And then there was the part where he was dancing around in the desert with his new arab gear, that was gay as fuck, it's like the movie has no self awareness there. You're supposed to be "with" lawrence there, not mocking him like the guy who finds him. The vibe I got from it was this pointless "look at him he's so exotic now dude lmao so cultured so non-western we should all strive to see the west as boring just like he does". What's more orientalist than that?
It just could have used a healthy dose of cynicism
watch Gettysburg before the liberals get rid of it, they are already taking down the youtube videos
>not having special edition on DVD
son of saul was actually pretty kino, and if you count come and see you can say that as well. I wish Kubrick made that holocaust movie he wanted to
my uncle was a civil war renactor and he looks exactly like this. guy has over 30 guns but doesn't know how many nor where they all are lmao
>Kubrick made that holocaust movie he wanted to
Tell me more...
>son of saul
>While Abraham advocates an uprising, Biedermann prefers a plan to photograph the camp's atrocities and to smuggle the pictures outside to attract attention and help.
>thinking that the Allies who are fighting the Germans thousands of miles away are in any position to really help
Big mistake.
The only people who can be trusted to help you when you're facing annihilation is yourself. No one else has an obligation to help you. We Americans know this from experience.
kubrick was going to make a holocaust movie but he scrapped it after schindler's list came out. he didn't like it. I think I heard that he said, "Schindler's List is about success, the holocaust was about failure". He was also going to make one on Napoleon but didn't since Waterloo didn't do too great in the box office apparently.
>come and see
Not about the murder of Jews per se, but it nonetheless shows the nightmare even non-Jews experienced during the German occupation of the USSR.
yea but at that point it's hopeless to try when you know you will die. I mean there were camp rebellions (treblinka one comes to mind), but if you couldn't attempt it the best options were to kill yourself or do suicide by guard
>We Americans know this from experience.
Falling out out of your electric scooter in the cheese section at walmart?
>why did they make the Arabs speak differently from the Englishman
Gee, it's almost like they have different mother tongues and so will have different accents
>"Schindler's List is about success, the holocaust was about failure"
Pretty accurate summary to me. Failure of Germans who opposed Hitler's insanity to stand up to him in any meaningful manner. Failure of the Dutch, French, Czechs, Greeks, Belgians, and countless others to defend their territory from German invasion. Failure of the Allied Powers to intervene to stop the killing (although lack of knowledge, geography, technological limitation, and the pressing demands of the war as a whole limited their options). Most importantly, the failure of Jews to resist, even though they were the ones in the Germans' gunsights.
>it's hopeless to try when you know you will die
Still better to fight to the death than be killed and disposed of like common vermin. At least when you die heroically in battle, even your enemy will come to sing your praises.
TV movie, but this is actually really accurate telling of how Hitler became der fuhrer
How 'bout taking on the largest empire on Earth and winning?
>inb4 le French won it for it us
France supplied us with the money and gunpowder, but it mostly us who did the fighting and the dying.
fuck, forgot the movie
No you fucktard during scenes where they're all supposed to have been speaking arabic they make the arabs have the accent when it should theoretically be the other way around somehow. When they're supposed to be speaking english the arabs still have the accent. I'm just saying that slightly contributes to it being a "western perspective" movie which is exactly the type of thing dumbasses like to complain about, and the movie is ideologically on those dumbasses' side
>Arabs consistently speak with an Arab accent
>Englishman consistently speaks with an English accent
What's the problem?
>Begbie plays Adolf Hitler
>Hitler's Jew-turned Christian CO has a Jewish ring
>Hitler openly wearing his Iron Cross
>Ernst Rohm is a thin, tall, Swede
>Fritz Gerlich is blond-haired
>Hess is balding
>Ernst Hanfstaengl played by a Jew
>No Himmler, Heydrich, Speer, or Streicher
>mfw immersion already ruined
The props and costumes were decent though
Forgot to add
>Hitler is mean to dogs
>social degeneration of the Weimar Republic (which even the Nazis were contaminated by) is underplayed
>Horst Wessel's death is not even mentioned
>Night of the Long Knives is given less than two minutes of airtime
Bumping for interest
>France supplied us with the money and gunpowder, but it mostly us who did the fighting and the dying.
This is your reminder that the largest engagement of the American war of independence was fought in Spain by Spanish and French armies and navies against those of Britain.
Also let's not forget that the only reason the British armies were small enough that the continental army could even hope to match them in numbers (and even then, remember how at Yorktown, literally half the assaulting army were French regulars), was because of a massive naval battle, in which there was absolutely no American involvement.
But please, continue explaining about how it was mostly Americans that did the fighting and the dying.
Sergeant Hara was the best part of this film. He perfectly represented the mental state of the Imperial Japanese Army.
His cruelty wasn't held back for film, but when he got drunk and his his inhibitions, he acted in an odd form of kindness. After the war, he became a Buddhist priest. This is similar to most IJA veterans I read on. War essentially made them entirely different and horrifically cruel people due to the Imperial mindset.
>Merry Christmas!!.. Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence!..
Been on my too watch list, that runtime, man..
I'll recommend the Wind that Shakes the Barley. .webm is from it.
Very down to earth and accurate portrayal of the Irish war of Independence and the Irish Civil War, though I will say they give a bit too much credit to the Anti-Treaty IRA.
Aside from anti-Treaty bits, it holds a firm place in reality. It doesn't portray the violence as glorious, but as necessary and unfortunate, but still necessary.
drama vs reality lad, you can't always find actors who fit the bill exactly who are also the right kind of actors for the role. plus actors work on many things, they aren't always available even though you want them. not sure why you worry about jews PLAYING THE ROLES, its acting, thats what they do - appear to be people they are not, in return for payment. your political opinions have no bearing on the quality or not of the film.
found this in the bargain DVD bin at a store once, grabbed it on a whim. holy fuck what a film.
>tfw my dad had the 2-cassette vhs version at home when I was a kid
watched it so many times
literally perfect
how has nobody posted this kino yet
Did not occur in North America. Also, the conflict between France, Britain, and Spain over Gibraltar goes back to well before the American Revolution and continued long afterward into the Napoleonic Wars.
>But please, continue explaining about how it was mostly Americans that did the fighting and the dying.
French and Spanish dead from the American Revolution: 12,000 combined
American dead: 25,000 (at least), possibly as high as 70,000
Most of the actual ground fighting (excluding the early campaigns in Canada and the fighting in the Caribbean) was done in our cities, our towns, our farms. It even pitted our brothers against one another (20% of colonists stayed loyal to the Crown). Safe to say we did most of the dying.
>Did not occur in North America.
That's the point.
Significant events in the war and large battles (including, as mentioned, the largest of them all) were undertaken outside of North America.
>Most of the actual ground fighting (excluding the early campaigns in Canada and the fighting in the Caribbean) was done in our cities, our towns, our farms.
So you acknowledge that there were engagements that took place outside of North America here (unless you're going to count the Caribbean as North America), but not the battles in Europe or India? How about the myriad large naval battles of the war?
Do you completely refuse to acknowledge that the bulk of the British army in this war (numbering tens of thousands of men) was occupied in dozens of engagements all across the globe, with the Royal Navy being spread thin trying to combat the three largest navies in the world simultaneously, and that as a result of this only a small portion of the British forces were ever deployed in North America?
Or would you claim that in 1942 Britain, with only a small portion of its forces, single handedly defeated the most powerful army in the world in the North African campaign, with the commitments on the Eastern Front being irrelevant because Britain was not involved in it? Because that's literally equivalent to what you seem to be claiming here.
>French and Spanish dead from the American Revolution: 12,000 combined
>American dead: 25,000 (at least), possibly as high as 70,000
Those numbers are wildly inaccurate and I'd love to see some sources defending them.
>Begbie plays Adolf Hitler
he fucking crushed it though
>implying it wasn't the terrifying might of Mysore that destroyed the British
t. descendant of 1850's german immigrants
>Those numbers are wildly inaccurate and I'd love to see some sources defending them.
Howard H. Peckham, ed., The Toll of Independence: Engagements and Battle Casualties of the American Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974).
1690s French immigrant actually. Had an ancestor who signed South Carolina's declaration of independence from the United Kingdom