>Also as one of the most free market countries in the world
Coop Norge is literally one of the largest Coops in the world, though.
>And Hungary, and Poland, and Yugoslavia, and Vietnam, etc, etc.
Hungary, Poland and the rest of the eastern Bloc were always puppet states of the USSR, who had abandoned Socialism by the point they were made Russia's bitch, they're hardly fair examples. You're basically just saying Russia again.
Tito is and always will be shit.
Vietnam never 'Became' a dictatorship. The Republic of Vietnam was a dictatorship. French Indochinese rule did not give them representation. I would argue the Communist Vietnam was more democratic. They actually allow independents in elections.
>Marx's biggest flaw was not outlining an axiological framework through which the means of production could follow and appropriately allocate resources toward.
Most modern Socialists hate Marx tbfh. The best way to allocate resources in a worker managed economy is either through a market system combined with syndicalist management (Ew) or communes.
>It is a dynamic system for the allocation of resources to satisfy the interests of individuals.
And it is essentially pseudo-feudalist. Your status in the society is based entirely on the family you're born into. it is entirely based on production for profit, not need.
>So regimes like URSS and Maoist China weren't true socialismâ„¢ then.
Were the workers managing their own workplaces? No. Therefore, it wasn't.
>So you are an ancom or what?
Bookchin-ist Libsoc.
>massive collectivization of means of productions require state management to work.
Collectivization doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with a centralized system. In fact, most socialists argue against it.