>I'm not a racist, I'm a race realist
I'm not a racist, I'm a race realist
>sorry if I'm to SKEPTICAL for you
>Hello, I'm OP, a low IQ nigger who doesn't know what the word "average" means!
t. brainlet
>implying IQ isn't bullshit
You're kind of exemplifying OP's point.
Le stormfront boogeyman. Is this 2012 again?
It's not, read a book brainlet
Triggered by the word nigger, nigger?
>this number proves I'm better than you
Literally capitalism tier
yeah numbers are like a social construct used to oppress us, I mean who cares about numbers lmao they're so bourgeois
>tfw racists try to justify their hate for black
>tfw race realists have to hide their understanding of the world and be blamed for what racists believe in
If you're a loser with a high IQ you're still a loser
Why would prefer to be?
autistic high IQ basement dweller with a 130 IQ
or successful rich guy with a 95 IQ
IQ is a well known hoax that has no scientific basis that is designed to attract amateur racists, there's even a thread on endchan/pol/ on that topic
t. race realist
What kind of shitty dichotomy is that? A person with an IQ of 95 which manages to be rich and successful can only be an actor or an athlete. On average, people with IQs of 130 are more successful by several orders of magnitude than people with IQs of 95. So your question is absurd.
Yes, between being a loser or being a rich athlete or movie star, I'd choose being a rich athlete or movie star.
Now the more interesting question is: would you rather be born in a rich family with an IQ of 95, or be born in a poor family with an IQ of 130. Because studies (you know, those things with those "rayciss numbers") show that you have a better shot at success being born poor with a high IQ than rich with a mediocre IQ.
Yeah, go breed with an australian aboriginal, I'm sure your children will be geniuses, faggot.
Kill yourself.
>Australian aboriginal in charge of reading
Can some burger explain to us what kind of difference is there supposed to be?
Remember Billy, you should breed with ashkenazi jews and asians to improve your childs IQ! Don't breed with low IQ whites, remember, your kid should be a mongrel!
Ive been told time and time again Im actually a walking God but I've accomplished fuck all. Fuck you.
Lets see them faggots, tell me you IQ, what you have accomplished.
>assisting research on fucking cereals with shitty nutrition diploma
First off, judging from the grammar of your post, I find it very hard to believe that your IQ would be greater than 90.
And also, where did I ever claim that high IQ = success? Only a pathetic brainlet like yourself could think that. Just as being 7 feet tall and in good athletic shape doesn't necessarily mean that you can be an NBA player, having a high IQ doesn't mean you'll be successful in life. It just means that your have the required brainpower to be successful in life.
As for me, I've never taken an IQ test because I don't feel the need to validate my existence. MENSA is an organization for autistic failures. BUT, this does not detract from the validity of IQ testing.
>I'll pretend to be /pol/, it'll work!
Begone, kike.
>It just means that your have the required brainpower to be successful in life
>MENSA is an organization for autistic failures
You're the one pretending to be /pol/
You're defending jews and their jewish test that acts as "proof" for the legitimacy of their jewish supremacy, you don't need a stupid test to prove human biodiversity
You're flat earther tier, you know that?
t. jew
>You're the one pretending to be /pol/
Nice try Shlomo.
>You're defending jews and their jewish test that acts as "proof" for the legitimacy of their jewish supremacy, you don't need a stupid test to prove human biodiversity
By your own accord, if the test doesn't measure anything, then you could breed freely with niggers, since niggers are actually really smart but only score low on tests because muh oppreshun n sheeit.
Go kill yourself you fucking niggerlover.
Correlation does not equal causation therefore the IQ test is fake
Races are not equal though
>Correlation does not equal causation therefore the IQ test is fake
Correlation does not equal causation therefore the earth is flat.
>By your own accord, if the test doesn't measure anything, then you could breed freely with niggers, since niggers are actually really smart but only score low on tests because muh oppreshun n sheeit.
Strawman level: jew
You're retarded if you think that the IQ test is the only thing showing human biodiversity
White people are much smarter than Black people on average. How does the claim that the IQ test is jewish fake bullshit disprove this? Do you really think that racism is based entirely off this jewish test, lol?
They didn't even have that test during the Hitler times
Also visit the endchan thread like I suggested
Do you know what correlation and causation is?
>it's a the_donald tries to be /pol/ episode and shills hard for a test that shows ASHKENAZI JEWS being smarter than everyone else and asians smarter than whites
>White people are much smarter than Black people on average
That's irony btw
Do you know what the g factor is? What an IQ test measures? What the field of "psychometrics" is?
Go kill yourself you nigger faggot.
>White people are much smarter than Black people on average. How does the claim that the IQ test is jewish fake bullshit disprove this?
Because IQ measures intelligence, and therefore the conclusion would be that whites are not smarter than blacks.
You will never defeat jewry if you underestimate their intelligence. They truly are much smarter on average than whites, which is why they are so successful in their endeavors in the first place.
>You will never defeat jewry if you underestimate their intelligence. They truly are much smarter on average than whites, which is why they are so successful in their endeavors in the first place.
Case closed
>if this particular test that claims to measure intelligence is fake then everyone is equally intelligent because the test is fake
I think you're just baiting for replies at this point
Good luck in your life, you'll get outjewed at every turn but hey if you refuse to see facts rationally you deserve it. Now go care to your wife's half black son.
>he doesn't know about the low IQ scientists
In fact less than a percent of Nobel Laureates could apply for MENSA
The IQ's of geniuses are average as shit and high IQ people are usually drooling morons
That being said the nobel laureates are white, asian and jewish anyway, so even that's a better measure than the (((IQ's)))
What the fuck are you talking about. Show me a Fields medalist with a low IQ, and you'll show you a unicorn.
The moment when someone in a discussion claims that he's "rational" or uses "critical thinking" shows how buttblasted and inconfident about his own intelligence he is
You're probably a fedora too, right?
Well we know intelligence is inheritable and that environment also plays a role.
Considering some people's already have different abilities duo to genetics (like certain Africa people's are better at running or sprinting etc) why wouldn't there also be a differense in intelligence?
Not that guy but Feynman claimed to have a 120 IQ.
Everyone except the megabrainwashed first percentile believes that ethnic difference in intelligence is a thing
When someone says that all races are equal then it usually means that "I'm going to say that all races are equal because I'm politically correct, but I don't actually believe this"
This is not a racist vs. non-racist debate, this is a racist vs. racist hiding his racism debate. That's why proving race difference to them has no effect, since they already believe in that but will continue to pretend that it's the other way around
The IQ test is still fake as fuck though, if you want confirmation bias for white supremacy then just open a history book instead of looking at jewish numbers.
>Do you know what the g factor is?
It's a thing invented by the IQ lobby to justify the fact that literal retards sometimes score 200 on their test
>Uhh, it's not that our test is broken, it's just that you don't take this other thing into consideration
It's another episode of pol saying it's okay to be failures because there apart of the >HWHITE MASTU WACE
perhaps the least rare pepe