>tfw Liberalism destroyed the French civilization
Tfw Liberalism destroyed the French civilization
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Didn`t it start the French culture of war mongering imperialists?
the freemason liberals of the french revolution shoah'd thousands of people.
>tfw Liberalism destroyed the French civilization
This is what most people don't understand, Liberalism and the French Revolution brought on the cancer that today says there is no such thing as French people and French culture.
socialism did
>Liberalism and the French Revolution brought on the cancer that today says there is no such thing as French people and French culture.
The French Revolution started the idea of nationalism and nation-states you retard.
>levy en masse , anti-clericalism , and destruction of a decadent nobility
come now be reasonable , it has its upside
>tfw Liberalism saved French civilization
>The French Revolution started the idea of nationalism and nation-states you retard.
France was a nation long before the French Revolution, there are two types of nations, those build on the German model, aka "ethnic" nationalism, and those built on the French model, aka "civic nationalism", civic nationalism is opposed to ethnic nationalism and is inherently liberal.
No it didn't. It destroyed Western civilisation. The idea that all men are equal and that every mindless moron should have the right to vote is what doomed the west.
>idea that all men are equal
you mean that one that came from the bible and help to found the west
There was no unifed French nation before the Revolution. People in the north and south of the kingdom literally spoke two different languages.
And they were damn happy about it
The bible also taught us how to treat our slaves, and to murder our families if our wives cheat.
The bible says that all men are equal. However, it doesn't say that all men are equally able to rule a country. The church always recognised the need for social hierarchies.
The French Revolution transferred power away from an educated elite to the hands of the hoi polloi. It also popularised the idea that the uneducated masses ought to be in charge.
The results speak for themselves...
dips fedora :DDDD
>the french revolution wasn't the best thing to happen to anyone that wasn't part of the aristocracy
you seem to be literate enough to argue against widespread literacy
>posting a map of british perfidy consisting of desert, jungle and subcontinental bugmen
On the contrary, liberalism, through the reaction to it, brought about the best of traditionalism. It's a shame that traditionalism failed to stop liberalism, but the reactionary ideals were what made the tradition worth fighting for.
>>levy en masse , anti-clericalism , and destruction of a decadent nobility
Literally none of these were good, i swear i feel like im in kindergarten here sometimes.
>Levy en masse
This is never good, especially for the poor people, this is real life we are talking about not the latest in autistic map painting simulators, imagine being actually physically fit, shitposting on Veeky Forums, and some tiny clique of merchants and butthurt faggots who are upset they aren't in charge start a coup and declare war on the entire continent, and YOU my friend get to go die.
How is this good? Are you a 15y old fedora?
>and destruction of a decadent nobility
>le decadent nobility meme
Yeah sure some faggots probably were, but that doesn't change the fact they were in positions of power for centuries and had wealth, influence and experience in running a government, they were practically bred for it, a nobility in the least is in no way worse than "elected" politicians. The only people who are upset with nobility, are the same ones who started the French Revolution, a bunch of wealthy middle class people who were upset they were still at the bottom of the barrel despite their wealth, and that the clergy or nobles wouldn't let them in their super secret club, so they changed the hereditary nobility to a new elite of wealthy plebeians.
>>posting a map of british perfidy consisting of desert, jungle and subcontinental bugmen
Well the British Empire ended the moment the hoi polloi was put in charge of the country so I don't really think democracy is something we ought to praise. I also don't think the enlightenment was necessarily a good thing. It destroyed social hierarchies and popularised the idea that the uneducated masses should have a say in running a country's affairs.
The French Revolution was the beginning of the end. The results speak for themselves. Ugly cities devoid of any aesthetic worth, the disappearance of European empires, cultural marxism, the destruction of European culture, the stupidification of society, mindless materialism, etc.
>he fell for the cultural marxism meme
okay buddy put down the evola books and get off /pol/ for a bit
>The only people who are upset with nobility, are the same ones who started the French Revolution
You do know it was the nobility that started the revolution right? The nobility was against the king through the parlements.
>but that doesn't change the fact they were in positions of power for centuries and had wealth, influence and experience in running a government, they were practically bred for it, a nobility in the least is in no way worse than "elected" politicians.
You're right. They're better.
>You do know it was the nobility that started the revolution right?
>How is this good?
Clearly the church should be allowed to horde wealth and have extreme political power. How else will the plebs know what to do?
>tfw it's true and there's probably no going back
>tfw the future is just going to be meme liberalism vs meme nationalism vs meme socialism
Even contemporary far-right parties are children of the French Revolution. They cherish 'fraternity and egality' and oppose natural hierarchies.
THERE'S NO GOING BACK. The west is doomed.
rip the last bastion of the West's traditions.
It's quite ironic that he was killed by the bolsheviks. Metaphoric to say the least.
Socialism defeated Monarchism. Europe was finally handed to the hoi polloi on the day Nicholas II was shot.
>tfw the triumph of the monarchy during the Fronde destroyed French civilization
The Jacobins did nothing that Louis XIV wouldn't approve. Even chopping the heads of half the nobility would be something the Sun King would loved to have the power to do.
What the French Revolution did was merely take the gloves off the expansion of the central state, but that expansion had already began in the 13th century, and the last attempt to destroy it wasn't the Revolt in the Vendee, but the Fronde.
that was that fucking netherlands war of independence, thirty years war or some shit, ended at westphalia
not french revolution lmao
You have nice trips, but pls no bully Nicky, he showed mercy to those who attempted to topple his regime, and all he got for it was the senseless murder of his entire family and for some reason his sister-in-law.
How have things turned, you dipshitvik
Paris destroyed French civilization honestly.
>tfw europlebs are too dumb for liberalism and need to be cucked by some dictator
the french revolution changed nothing, socioeconomic conditions favored a king/emperor, whether that would be nappy or someone else, doesn't matter
>tfw dumb British peasants in New England believed all the bullshit of democracy and liberalism from those masonic elites
There's an important lesson there.
Don't let poor Nicky and his family have died for nothing with that lesson going unlearned
>tfw former colony becomes the biggest power in the world
Aye. Communism must be nipped in the bud. We can't show them mercy because they will show us none.