>Grab phone
>Go to biz
>Read shitposts
>Go to blockfolio
>Refresh gains
>Back to biz
>Read shitposts
>Back to blockfolio
>Refresh gains
>On and on and on
Wtf am I doing with my life?
Also what's the next moon mission boys?
>Grab phone
>Go to biz
>Read shitposts
>Go to blockfolio
>Refresh gains
>Back to biz
>Read shitposts
>Back to blockfolio
>Refresh gains
>On and on and on
Wtf am I doing with my life?
Also what's the next moon mission boys?
As long as you're making gains, what's the problem?
next moon mission?
You're a retard if you don't buy SOJOURN
Go shill in your containment thread, shill. Nobody wants your bags.
You're realizing life is pointless and anything you do will not affect the future of humankind.
Join the club
I'll retire from reading shitposts at 100k profit
>check Veeky Forums, find a good thread on a coin I have an interest in
>guy shilling the coin hard, think I'm about to buy in
>check blockfolio
>up $300, heart jumps in my chest
>go back and refresh the thread
>some guy is shitting all over the coin, think I might not buy in now
>refresh blockfolio, down $800, heart sinks
>go back to the thread, more shills show up, think I might buy in now
>refresh blockfolio, up $900
>three days later still have the exact same holdings at pretty much the exact same dollar value with thousand dollar swings to the positive or negative every day
>three days of my life gone, can't sleep without refresing blockfolio twenty times at night, losing hair, high stress
Literally ever day for the past two weeks. This is literally hell, get me off this hamster wheel. Hopefully I get a moon mission in the next couple days to remind me why I endure this suffering.
haha holy shit dude, I feel the same way
good life
yup. it's like work, but fun
I'm at that point breh, the ride never ends.
Get some Sojourn fags. The next byteball
Piecoin that is
Guys i got FOMOd so hard into buying BTC right when it started dropping earlier i sold half of my OMG and literally thought world eceonomy and world in general will collapse with bitcoin in the next few weeks
Luckily i could calm down and think straight again after like an hour and bought back my OMG with hardly any loss
Its crazy how much this shit can fuck with your feelings and psyche
There's a point where it's mindless stimulation. You need to keep up with the gym and your studies, some other type of activity or you will be fucked. Your cryptostimming will become an ineffective time sink soon enough.
Holy shit dude just put it in Bitcoin and find a new hobby.
I can't imagine being that much of a bitch. I feel nothing except for a game-like excitement. The swings do not phase me.
Was mooning part of your plan?
this thread is getting so accurate it's scary