Does anyone here actually ready whitepapers?
Does anyone here actually ready whitepapers?
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yes, when my mum comes in I have to pretend I'm doing something other than checking Blockfolio. Good way to pass time.
ready whitepapers always ready
What are they about? See them posted on here a lot.
I read all the white papers before investing in shit coins.
Just finished reading Enigma’s and am waiting for hype to pick up around that to make sure it’s not totally retarded
i dont know how you do it, i cant read off the computer screen without getting adhd. i can read a book no problem and browse Veeky Forums for all that matters but reading pages off a computer screen is just too hard
Lol I have ADHD and take amphetamines to pay attention. You’d probably have even more success with that strategy user
General business plan going forwards, how the technology works, what the goals of the company are.
Yes, I read Omisego's back when they were $2 each, did some research on the team and the owners and make $5000 in a week.
Always read the white paper for long term holds. wouldn't bother if it was a shitcoin where i've got an exit strat.
i skim em
I read Satoshi's BTC paper and it blew my mind. Then I read Ethereum's whitepaper and thought it was pretty cool stuff.
Then I read Neo's whitepaper and... well, I tossed Ethereum's.
most people here don't even know how to read
Nah, not a single one.
I lurk users on reddit to keep myself up to date. Much easier this way.
Do read Expanse COIN whitepaper
the best and cheeper
I was kidding.
I like Neo, but it's not comparable with Eth.
if i check a site and cant find real pics of their dev team i avoid it like the worthless shitcoin that it is
Yes. Fundamental trading is traditionally the most sound. You have 100 years of Wall Street to help you make mega gains in crypto...why bot use it? You'll never have a chance like this in your lifetime to do unregulated trading based strictly on white papers and fundamentals.
Why? Curious why Neo's was a letdown compared to Vitaliks
Some good ethereum news:
>Does anyone here actually ready whitepapers?
Literally what the fuck else would you read? Every time I hear about a new coin, the quickest way to learn about it is the white paper.
Only for coins that I'm interested in long term. Sometime I'll be holding a shitcoin and be interested to learn more about it, and read the whitepaper, and be impressed, and it will become a longer-term hold. Not often though. Most alts are only useful for increasing your BTC stack (if that).
No, because even if I did I lack the knowledge to judge and make decisions based on the description.
I visit /biz to see wojacks because they didnt read whitepaper
no, i buy coins that have hype and are mentioned on twitter then sell for 10-30% profit
Never more than two or three pages. Was always bored to death by them. Also most people lack technical expertize to interpret them comparatively to other coins withpaoers anyway.
Still made 2 million bucks.
I would if I had any idea what they mean.
It's a yellow paper in this case, faggot.
Ethereum has a white paper and yellow paper you brainlet.
mfw examing the mathematical formula parts
They're full of jargon and empty promises. Only a few coins will survive
yes, I have a CS degree and work at a blockchain company sometimes I read whitepapers and they usually disappoint in the thoroughness of addressing possible attack vectors.
Only the ((white)) ones
tfw read xrp whitepaper and really felt that it could go far.
but now I'm just holding a bag that keeps declining
The good thing about crypto is that you don't need to read the whitepapers. It doesn't matter whether or not *you* like the objective. All you have to do is analyze the sentiment of Veeky Forums and some Reddit subs and you'll have an idea of what's gonna be hot. People will shill what's about to be pumped, and sometimes anons will tell you what will be pumped. Then, you buy in and have a strategy to exit. You don't know when the pumps will stop, but you do know that Litecoin sucks cock and you can quintuple your investments in two days with shitcoins.
tl;dr litecoin sucks dick
if you read the white paper you will miss the moon
Then you know enigma is actually not that good
>strong competitors like Melonport or ICONOMI
>The crowdsale terms are not that lucrative. Only 50% of tokens will be distributed
Also has anyone tried the alpha? I found the UI utterly unusable, or does everyone here just like spreadsheets
Anybody in here read ARK's white paper yet? What are your thoughts?
the team of devs and advisors make it really appealing. it's obviously not a cashgrab, which in and of itself makes it better than roughly 75% of ICOs, and to put it bluntly, the people working on Enigma aren't the type of people that fail at much in life.
What kind of research did you do on the owners?
who you callin white papers
Yes I do.
I was fucked by gox and btce so I wanted to have a decentralized exchange.
I also was mind blown how much exchanges earn ~0.2% for every deal.
So I was looking for those kind of ICO. Then I saw this dimmcoin stuff which is a decentralized exchange where the coin holders get % of the exchange earning depending on how many coins they are holding.
I got in for like 300 bucks. Reading the whitepaper is a must.
Nice fud
What do you mean? Like researching the actual future-proof coins and holding? Doing some top down analysis?