Which coins have WHITE lead developers? its very important that the lead devs are white.
Ill start: Ethereum
Which coins have WHITE lead developers? its very important that the lead devs are white.
Ill start: Ethereum
gtfo storm fags, you aren't welcome here
Russians aren't considered white by neo nazis haha
Bitcoin Core - Luke-Jr
Again, Bitcoin - Gmaxwell
Good thing we aren't neonazis. If your skin is pale as fuck like this autistic skeleton then you're white.
>Bitcoin Core - Luke-Jr
this guy literally thinks the earth is the center of the universe.
surprisingly, he doesn't believe it's flat.
reminder that lots of racist pol fags missed out on buying 11 cent stratis because if their racism
So China, Korea, and Japan are predominately white countries? No, their skin doesn't actually look yellow. Fuck off stormfag
It's not yellow but it's tinted in a way that makes it distinctly not white. Unless you're an actual colorblindfag
Not to mention that asians are basically honorary whites.
Jew, white, Top Laugh
>mfw theirs no good white lead developers
>top kek
That would be Japanese people, not Chinks (Chinese) or Gooks (Koreans).
kys cracker.
if Vitalik is white,then Bancor and NEO
Whites are like the all purpose race. Well rounded and competent at most things, but specializing in little.
Again Bitcoin - Dr. Pieter Wuille (Belgian)
/pol/ please go away.
luke-jr is not the lead dev he's #7 on the commits list.
Wladimir van der Laan is the maintainer of bitcoin-core, and he is white.
All Bitcoin Core developers are white, at least everyone that has an image.
Whites are like the warrior class in RPGs. Reliable, ok at everything, a little boring but they get the job done.
No, actually white people in general tend to have far more unattractive/low iq individuals but at the same time have far more genius level iq's and attractive people to balance it out.
If you want well rounded it would be asians.
oh look its the scared jew whos about to lose his grip on the peoples money. You hire the nigs and buy their tokens. biz is about going UP not supporting your faggot love of africans
Tezos. Bunch of french cucks.
I'm white and I agree with this. The stupidest and most intelligent people you will ever meet will probably both be white.
This desu.Whites have more inventors,yet Asians have more rich people
how delusional can you possibly be? i dont give a flying fuck about whatever bullshit pol has to say. keep your propaganda contained in your board, this board is about business, and with your attitude, you will never make it.
pol owns Veeky Forums and by extension this board. Do you even know where the fuck you are, faggot?
>owns Veeky Forums
>can't mute/kick/ban
>can't do anything other than splurge
>top kek
We are anunymoose
We are leegon
We forgive
We forget
No step on snek,thanks
>i dont give a flying fuck
The greatest tell of someone who gives a fuck is the phrase "I don't give a fuck". People who actually don't give a fuck don't need to say it, because they're busy with things they do give a fuck about. Just thought I should let you know, because you're showing your cards to the whole world. All you did was confirm to him that you were triggered.
Everyone who posted itt without saging got trolled
Bitcoin cash and eth are scamcoins. Fuck off
This is often true but not 100% of the time. I have definitely said "I don't give a fuck" when I honestly did not give a fuck.
You obviously have no idea what selection bias is and how it applies to immigration to the west.
Not really,I live in Asia as an English Teacher teaching Chinese
wtf are you talking about? you dont know anything about me. I never posted in pol ever not once. you dont even know what made it means. where did all these lbgt reddit faggots come from?
Are you unironically putting your political agenda over money?
Good luck with that, see you on Neetland.
Are you unironically putting your political agenda over money?
Good luck with that, I'll tell my business partner Mohammed to give you some change.
Oh good, an english teaching expat, aka the scum of the expats.
We go out of our way with Ohni to have only whites.
post on pol not biz
Pic related checking in. See you lads on the 25th
Hitler considered Chinese and Japanese honorary Aryans. Get your facts straight.