Reminder that Veeky Forums is the only truly diverse Veeky Forums board.
Money unites different ethnic groups in a common goal. Racism is bad for businesses and increases transaction costs.
/Pol/: you have to go back.
Reminder that Veeky Forums is the only truly diverse Veeky Forums board.
Money unites different ethnic groups in a common goal. Racism is bad for businesses and increases transaction costs.
/Pol/: you have to go back.
Shut up, nigger.
fuck off something nigger
waste your life arguing about race or just make money, the choice is pretty obvious
kys faggot
Veeky Forums belongs completely to /pol/ you dumb nigger
So you buy black dev coins and hire niggers and see how that works out.... If you cant figure out cultural differences in your economics you are fucked. You need to watch your game shows and post that shit on reddit
>all these brainwashed NEET /pol/ faggots
lmao you all are absolute garbage humans
/pol/ turned to shit when these redditfaggots came.
>le braise kek xDDD meme war xDDDDD
fucking off yourselves
fuck off niggers, talk about business not your political agendas
I think ill take the money.
Pointless arguing about muh whiteness muh privilege muh hissstory. Im betta than yooooou! When you're a poor brokefag.
this. the gevalt right is straight reddit
Doesn't really bother me. Racists are gonna be racist, you can't change the bitterness they have from getting raped by some other race (literally or metaphorically). If they need to voice their racism in every post then at least you have an easy way to disregard their opinion.
you ok mate?
Watch how the same people that hate SJWs get triggered in the same thread
yeah, just made $250 in about 3 hours swing trading civic
Hey, who made the thread dummy?
reminder that Veeky Forums literally comes from the loins of /pol/ and /g/
I don't mind racists. People make way to big of a deal of it because they are over sensitive faggots.
Having a taste in preference in people and culture is no difference in have a particular taste in music, weather or food.
I don't like violence but that's completely seperate
Oh boy the niggers and jews are gonna be sour when affirmative action is shut down and people dont use dollars anymore
And the counter argument to your post OP is that is one race or culture is so shitty that it pisses of others, it would be bad for business to include them.
Remember, not a war for peace but peace for war.
Not tanks for money but money for tanks.
believe it or not /pol/ is the most diverse board
> /pol/ turned to shit when
> turned
u mad whiteboi
attention /pol/ fags: gtfo
here at Veeky Forums, diversity IS our strength.
>Racism is bad for businesses and increases transaction costs.
maybe, but investing based on race is extremely important. You should never invest in non-white people. These are just facts based on data, Im not trying to be mean.
You should invest in whoever the fuck you want.
Now if you run a business are you going to sell your products to writes only and exclude half of your clientele? Of course not. Racism inhibits exchange between groups and hampers economic growth.
There's no data. Can you cite any studies?
Lol. If this idiot bought Stratis (Black CEO), or Antshares (Chinese CEO) at the ICO price you'd be a millioniare. GTFO
Yet majority of the top cryptos are created by asians. Hell even a black man has a top 10 coin.
Fuck off nigger, /pol/ has flags, prove Veeky Forums is more diverse, protip, you can't, also you are a nigger
>complaining about the divide & conquer falseflag operations themselves have created
You are not fooling anyone, Shariablue. Go back to your cuck shed while Soros' bull fucks your wife.
A successful WN is a rich WN.
Once I'm rich I can be as racist and politically incorrect as I want and there are no fat, tattooed leftist cunt piece of trash that can ostracize me for my opinions.
In fact I could even pay people to harass them in return.
Remember, not a war for peace but peace for war.
Not tanks for money but money for tanks.
War is inevitable, almost all (beggars) will die.
Good post. 14/88 brother.
1st international empire was Rome
2nd England than USA
3nd USSR
>Once I'm rich I can be as racist
Once you're rich you will stop caring about race you retard. When you're not a miserable piece of shit you tend to hate others less, especially people of different races.
These /pol/ fucks shit up every board on this site
Dang that hits right in the heart
When you actually made it.
You will tend to be nicer to everyone else around you. No needing to prove yourself to others, hate on others, belittle others.. Thus you have acsended into alpha hood.
Trust fund baby here.... Nope i still hate muslims
It's majority whites/jews/asians (males) the rest generally lack intelligence/drive to be successful.
Keep deluding yourself with the diversity meme though, does wonders for the stock price of every company that goes that route.
that's usually not how it works. if you become rich you start looking down on others more, not identifying with the plebs, etc etc. reflection is not humans strongsuit.
Tell that to my blockfolio
Money aside. I really do hate smelly dumb pajeets.
>He doesn't know about atlantis
the term racist is the saddest failure of language and brings out so much stupid in people that it fuels my hate more and more 99% of the time people use that word. There are different races with different means for certain attributes, including brain size, blood pressure, size, temperament and much much more. Just fuck off if you're so braindead that you don't understand that
Says the guy posting from a white country and a white neighborhood using a white invention
Agreed, I left /pol/ because it became filled with shills and larping niggers nazis from stormfront.
Best decision I ever made, now I make money and don't even give a shit about politics.
agreed if ur born rich.
someone whos actually worked for it tends to think differently.
Diversity is our strength right?
That's why you should stay in your fucking country and we can make business.
>the rest generally lack intelligence/drive to be successful.
i'm here to laugh at memes and you're here thinking you're actually going to get some good advice from people who are just as stupid as you are, who is delusional here? lets here all about your success story.
/pol/fags like to roleplay, its best to just make containment threads for them to play in, thats what other boards do.
Do you really believe that the majority of successful people aren't white/jewish/asian males?
By all means prove me wrong, or stay deluded and take advice from people who ignore basic facts for their feelings. That works really well in this industry.
*hear. Dumb fgt.
Ftfy. Now it's all chink shills and edgy redditors.
>Money unites different ethnic groups in a common goal
Well, while this is true, since there is intrinsic genetic differences between ethnicity, there will be a hierarchy anyway.
This is why the Jews are all up there in a free market situation, and the asians/whites are battling for the second place.
And the rest, well, because of their IQ, they are faaaar behind.
Business is racist. Because it's a meritocracy.
Also, if I weren't racist and accepted anyone in my AirBnB and not only white/asians, the place would be thrashed and I would make a far lower gain.
Remember that economics is science, and ethnic differences are scientific facts too.