Who did it?
Who did it?
A goofy Russia-fanboi with a rifle and some mental health issues.
Sometimes shit happens, and big events with big consequences do not always have a big interesting origin story.
a communist
Jackie was tired of being cucked and so fucked JFK's shit up.
The driver, following orders from LBJ
you know damn well who fucking did it you fucking cocksucker !
misfire from some Secret Service fucktard
How did he shoot the front of his head from behind?
Thats clearly a high velocity rifle round, not a pistol bullet
Ted Cruz's father
nice pic. HE'S ONE OF THEM
no shit sherlock. Some of the sercret service guys where using rifles that day. One fucked up and at the same time Oswald was trying to kill him, they found him yadda yadda the SS stopped shitting their pants and conveniently let Oswald die.
Weird coincidence, it happens all the time in real life, like that guy killed by a brick falling from a truck or a tractor wheel that fell off.
All the remaining documents are supposed to be released in October 2017...except the CIA files.
This is retarded
Jim Garrison
Are you retarded?
A dumb commie. Then a secret service agent accidentally landed the killing blow and the resulting coverup resulted in this huge mess.
Marking this post.
>still trying to force this meme
The most terrifying thing in life is realizing that shit happens randomly for no reason. It's more comforting to believe in shadowy figures conspiring in the dark control the world and that you are so smart, so intelligent to be able see through their lies. The truth is the world is rudderless. People die from freak accidents all the time. Important people too.
A perfect headshot from a few hundred yards is no freak accident
But you cannot deny that conspiracies exist, almost every era, century and year has had people conspiring, the assumption that JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy is viable, but not to the extent of the fanatics claims'.
I do suspect a lot of it was organized and committed by the enemies he made between 1961 to 63, he was definitely against the Military industrial complex of America, against the feds, against escalation of the cold war, against south Vietnamese intervention. It is safe to assume that a lot of things he was opposed to just suddenly happens the moment he died e.g Gulf of Tonkin incident, a literal lie that never happend starting the Vietnamese intervention by US.
Da jooos
>Pull out rifle
>Fire a few shots
>Get a lucky headshot
Wow, such an intricate plan. Clearly this could have only been done by a highly coordinated team of people working for some shady political objective. There is no way that a single person could have accomplished such a byzantine operation.
JFK admired the Nazis so fuck him
You admire the Jews so fuck you
Well that isnt a good enough retort, you might to unsmug it and make it sound a little less like you are trying to fit in to Veeky Forums.