*murders millions of people because of inferiority complex*
nothing personal kid
*murders millions of people because of inferiority complex*
Nazi Germany was the actual beta uprising.
He defected to Yugoslavia
>do something great like get a job and become manager
>you did that because you have a subconcious inferiority complex! you are compensating!
>dont get a job or do anything noteworthy
>lazy bastard!! get a job!
psychoanalytical thought is such bullshit
Himmler was such a fucking coward. He only witnessed 1 execution (carrying out none himself of course) and fainted when he saw the blood.
The Soviets were asshats but at least Beria killed people personally
t. Psychology student who just finished psych 101.
Goring was a fat cuck.
>felt the need to post because his dick is small
not really arguing against himmler being a delusional psycho but Freudian pop psychology is just cancer
Old guy is fat, is this the best allied propagandists can come up with?
>Goebbels is some club footed midget
>Hitler is a syphilis-ridden, weak stomached OCD-fag with Parkinson's
>Goering is a fatty drug addict
>Hess is a Neanderthal
>Himmler is a chinlet who looks like he has Down's syndrome
>"We are the master race"
Bannon would have fit right in with the pack.
pic related
Heydrich looks like a literal Jew
>that giant schnoz
is this a Jew?
All that against them and it still took the rest of the civilized world to stop them.
I remember reading the SS once investigated whether Heydrich had Jewish ancestors.
>to stop them
To stop the German soldier led by the likes of Manstein, Guderian, and the like. Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, and Goering all took the coward's way out.
Based Tito
>War was lost, it was more honorable to kill oneself than be paraded around and tortured by the soviets.
>letting your people be slaughtered en masse instead of surrendering
>claiming Germans are cowards because they're losing
>end up killing yourself in your bunker like a little bitch boy
Face it, it was cowardice.
>implying based nazi germany was anything less than ebin groBisches aryan bruderhood and the most efficient and honorable society in history
please refer agian to the picture of a mentally ill communist
German Drill Instructor: "What's your name scumbag?"
"Private Goldberg sir."
I would pay to see what happened in the room next. Must've been pure comedy gold.
I should have known I was talking to an American brainlet.
>be linched by red savages
>what a glorious death.
>not putting on a uniform and dying in battle
Keep rationalising cowardice.
this is the only picture where he has actually struck me as handsome
that said nazi germany truly was the closest thing to the beta uprising
you know it's true, that's why you wave around your golden exception who was still a fat addict anyway
>Germany Took on the world alone meme
Only ones of note are Japan and Germany.
seriuosly, why are communist like this? Is is part of Marxist philosophy to be a self hating white person?
cue Curb Your Enthusiasm tune
If they lied about Hitler, what makes you think they didn't lie about Himmler?
It was a rumor that they constantly held over him to ensure his loyalty, the implication being that he had a boxcar waiting for him if he screwed up.
To be fair, using your retarded populace as human shields like that isn't inherently a bad idea but he really shouldn't have declared war on so many nations.
Goldberg is a German surname, not a Jewish one
>During the 1930s and 1940s, Heinrich Himmler organised a branch of the SS to undertake the largest survey of witch-hunt trial records in Europe ever taken, with the dual aim of using it as anti-Christian propaganda, to claim that the inquisition had been a repression of an indigenous Völkisch Norse-Germanic nature religion, and as evidence for reconstructing that religion
If you're going to count Thailand and Bulgaria you might as well throw in the Serbian and Burmese meme governments
>getting upset because someone made fun of himmler
the guy was a fucking nerd, just look at him
Germans and Jews are the same people.
>he thinks the holocaust happened