Who else here /ACW/? Easily the most interesting and prophetic conflict of the 1800s, maybe falling just a bit short of the Napoleonic Wars, but still, interesting as fuck. Any Burgers live near any battlefields? Anyone a part of any reenactment groups?
Who else here /ACW/? Easily the most interesting and prophetic conflict of the 1800s...
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general threads are not allowed, read the sticky
Oh okay cool I'll just delete this thread and post another "is (insert ethnic group) evil" or "why is (ideology) so retarded" thread
You know, so as not to shit up the board
Unironically what did he mean by this? I'm intrigued.
those are not allowed as well, other people breaking the rules is not an excuse for you to break the rules
I don't understand this mentality. Why is people making a thread for the purpose of discussing a specific top such a problem?
because general threads invariably turn into circlejerks
It's not even supposed to be a general thread, just a thread about the American Civil War
Calm your autism champ
I went to Gettysburg with my friends once. They have a REALLY nice museum there now and the battlefield itself is very well-maintained.
I live in Richmond VA. It's awesome here to see the civil war stuff like the battlefields. Monument avenue has statues of some confederate folks too. I remember a few years ago on one of the statues, I can't remember who, someone protested and wrote black lives matter in huge letters on the base of it. It's real interesting stuff
Confederate Artillery reporting for duty.
Im moving to Lexington in the fall for school, where in VA would you say is a "must see" for people interested in the Civil War?
Cool user! How'd you get involved in reenactment? I really want to try it out, I just don't know where to start.
The Civil War Museum on Tredegar. It's also close to monument avenue so you get to see the statues too. I've visited a ton of battlefields because I took a class on the war, and it's probably just me but I didn't think they were too interesting. Tredegar offers a lot more imo. It's like an old factory or something they used to produce supplies for the war powered by the nearby river and all that's still there. There's some giant cannon in the front too it's awesome.
Fellow Sons of Confederate Veterans member was into it and gave me the email of an artillery unit.
You can probably find a unit by looking them up by region and state.
I'm trying to learn more about American accents in the 19th Century.
Are there any recordings of Union veterans?
I can only find Southerners.
How much did equipment (uniform, weapons, etc) run you?
Bleeding Kansan here remove border ruffians
My unit had loaner equipment (spare uniforms) that I used for a couple years until I was able to piece together my own uniform from here and there. Cost me around $150 for the kepi ($30), shell jacket ($40 from a friend who was retiring from reenacting), pants ($50), and canteen ($30). I still have to borrow boots and belts though.
Industrialized warfare, all metal warships, there was even a little action in the air
>there was even a little action in the air
Are we talking hot air balloons? That's cool as shit, got any details on it?
>In Lowe's first instance of demonstration at Bull Run, he made a free flight which caught him hovering over Union encampments who could not properly identify him. As a civilian he wore no uniform nor insignias. With each descent came the threat of being fired on, and to make each descent Lowe needed to release gas. In one instance Lowe was forced to land behind enemy lines and await being rescued overnight. After this incident he remained tethered to the ground by which he could be reeled in at a moment's notice. Besides, his use of the telegraph from the balloon car required a wire be run along the tether.[13]
>tryna this hard to stop quality posts
You're a cunt.
Just about every day, going to uni or church, I drive past Fort Donelson; major battle that doesn't get a lot of publicity; basically, US Grant took the last remaining fort on the Cumberland River, which caused such a panic in Nashville that the Union Army basically took the city without a fight.
When I visit my parents, I'm really close to the battlefield at Parker's Crossroads:
I live a few hours from Gettysburg, it's a really neat site to visit.
American Civil war being compared the Napoleonic war.
Haha no
The Franco-Prussian war influenced modern history more than the ACW, let alone the Napoleonic wars
I'm guessing you're another self dick sucking German
I wouldn't mind joining a reenactment group, but for the sake of keeping things historically accurate I'd have to find a black one.
Franco-Prussian war is only influential due to the politics and the outcome, all of the shit done in the F-P was already done in the Civil War
W&L? Congratulations. Good school, lot of out of state kids.
Do it again Quantrill!
>Unironically thinking a balkanized United States is less of an impact than the Franco-Prussian War
I live in Pittsylvania County Virginia
Lots Civil War battlefields and stuff in this state, all over the place.
Here's one that took place an hour from where I live
Pottawatomie massacre best thing to happen to them boarder ruffians
Thank you much, user! Hopefully once I get my degree I'll have the time and money to be able to reenact on a regular basis.
>Easily the most interesting and prophetic conflict of the 1800s
I went there years ago and some chucklefuck somehow built a car dealership in the middle of it. The fuck is wrong with some people?
Was he at least selling them in Blue and Gray and counting to see which color sold better?
I made a fairly close study of the Gettysburg Address about a year ago and produced pic related:
Around that time, I also finally watched The Civil War, which I remembered my parents doing comfily while I'd move through the rooms to get pop and play video games. Felt good to finally understand the basic dramatic positions of the various generals.
Nobody reads, remembers, abides by, or respects a board-specific sticky on a given board you fucking idiot-least of all the hot pocket men themselves. Often, such directly contravenes the general intent of a given board. When you actually read same in this board's case, it contains self-contradictory language which easily admits of discussing things less than 25 years old despite the warning not to do so. And this precisely because the board's name and topic cover more than just history.
Va fag here, make sure you come to Appomattox. They have a wonderful event every year on the anniversary of the surrender. Bit of a drive from Lexington but fully worth it I'd say
I didn't think they even had the internet in Pittsylvania County. Altavista fag here
Fort Monroe and the Mariners' Museum are worth a visit too if you're interested in the Civil War
>Civil War
>(noun) a war between citizens of the same country.
you mean the "War Between the States", friendo
Authentic Lincoln 1860 campaign flag on display in Sacramento, California.
You're a cunt
Don't forget trench warfare, repeating firearms, and de facto concentration camps (albeit neither side intended this, the sheer volume of prisoners taken simply overwhelmed their ability to house, cloth, feed, and care for them).
I'm late as fuck but thanks for the link, really interesting read about an obscure part of the war.
Look up the CSS Teaser, the world's first "aircraft carrier"
Ye W&L, Im psyched to be in the same town that Lee lived in and is buried in. I've been to Lee Chapel, it's a really cool place and they have a cool little 3 room museum dedicated to Washington and Lee
you lucky bastard. I'm from VA and got waitlisted there, UVA, and W&M. Going to my backup school now (roll tide).
damn I should join SCV
If you have your family line decently charted then they'll let you right in.
Just don't go to meeting saying any /pol/-tier racial stuff. They don't like that.
Auburnlad here, kys desu senpai
Faugh A Ballagh
South Carolina reporting in, sadly user I live near a revolutionary war battlefield, battle of cowpens. Atleast it is maintained in good condition and gives a fantastic history lesson as it really shows the differences between the red coats and revolutionaries in tactics and weaponry, as it was one of the first battles of the war.
Theres the technological aspect as mentioned already but in addition to that, the ACW really was a microchasm of all the cultural clashes the US has had and still has today. We tnink of America as one country but culturally its really like 20 countries all under one banner. The result is that even though we all identify as American, values on what it actually means to be American changes from region to region.
So in many ways the ACW never really ended. It just took a more insideous form.
Member of the SCV here. Live near two very minor battlefields. My great-great-great-grandfather was a quartermaster for a company of partisan rangers and a spy in Indian Territory. He never surrendered to the Yankees. His father was a hotelier who was ruined by the war.
>OP never says "Civil War", only "/ACV/"
But sick post anyways, friendo
Fucking remove ALL confederate statues.
You're probably the kind of faggot that complains about /pol/ in everyone's posts.
Go away /leftypol/
New York reporting in.
Would proudly supply the union once again.
Kill ALL Unionist Vermin
Rules are a spook
>the state that literally required Federal Military Intervention to put down due to draft riots
I'm posting from the Blue Grass Army Depot, which stands on the site of the Battle of Richmond, famalam.
Reminder that Johnny Reb deserved worse than what he caught.
Lincoln supposedly once called New York an "honorary rebel state" because of the sheer number of Confederate sympathizers that came from there.
Albeit New York also provided the Union Army with some of its best soldiers.
Daily reminder the main reason why US blacks are mostly marginalized lumpen proletariat right now is because the North was too soft on Southern landowners and didn't confiscate their estates to grant land to freedmen, despite many such proposals at the time. Otherwise, there would be a strong black middle class in the US right now.
>Northerners are this retarded
>if America had done something Unamerican some nebulous concept might have come true
Let's be glad they didn't then
>confiscating traitors' property
More like un-cuck.
The Dungan Revolt and the Taiping rebellion happened at the same time and had tens of millions of casualties each. The American civil war is a minor regional conflict at best.
trench warfare has existed since the advent of firearms.
And 99% of the dead were Chinks starving to death (which seems to happen on a regular basis). So it's hardly unique in Chinese history.
The Civil War on the other hand was the largest armed conflict ever fought in the Western Hemisphere. Not even the Conquest of the Americas comes close to comparison in scale of the fighting and the death toll.
>the largest armed conflict ever fought in the Western Hemisphere
That's like being the best basketball player in Iceland.
whatever side you sympathize with, you have to admit the stars and bars is the GOAT flag
It's just St. Andrew's cross after undergoing burgerization.
>stars and bars
Wrong flag buddy.
Have you seen CWC?
It's interesting that it's was designed this way literally because some Jew got offended by a straight cross: deadconfederates.com
> Charles Moise, a self-described “southerner of Jewish persuasion,” wrote Miles and other members of the South Carolina delegation asking that “the symbol of a particular religion” not be made the symbol of the nation. In adapting his flag to take these criticisms into account, Miles removed the palmetto tree and crescent and substituted a diagonal cross for the St. George’s cross.
Looks like Confederates were the original SJWs.
Confederate secretary of state was a kike and that entire country was anti-white to the core. I honestly can't fathom why Union supporters get branded as "leftists" on this board by Dixie trash, apparently their utopia constitutes living in a country full of niggers and ruled by jews.
Some of the more radical Christian denominations would have found it offensive as well. They would be of the opinion that the cross was sacred and not to be used on a national flag.
Frankly, I'm glad they went with the Saint Andrew's Cross instead of the more traditional cross. It gives the flag the flair of uniqueness that makes it so recognizable even in areas of the world where the Civil War had no impact whatsoever.
>failing at memeballs this badly
ACW is quite possibly the most boring conflict imaginable. That is probably exacerbated by the degree to which Americans jerk off about it.
Low tier Napoleonic War that took place entirely in a low tier theatre of battle. Honestly, I would happily destroy every record of the war in exchange for recovering a lost text regarding an interesting conflict in Europe or China.
Also the confederate flag is tacky and ugly.
Lincoln was never pro-deportation, he supported strictly voluntary colonization, which failed spectacularly by 1864 and since that time he just accepted the fact that blacks are there to stay.
In case anyone is interested, Ultimate General: Civil War has been released recently. I've finished the Confederate campaign and I liked it a lot, it feels somewhat like Empre: Total War, and they clearly spend a lot of time recreating all the major battlefields for the campaign.
What is it about Europeans that makes them so eager to try to shit on any and everything to do with America? Like, when we fuck with you guys it's just that: trolling. But your seething buttrage is totally real and to the point where you'll believe the most outlandish things. Sad desu.
>carrying a white flag into battle
I get the symbolism, but what the fuck were they thinking?
The new flag was kinda designed in a rush...
I'm not shitting on everything American, let's put the victimhood to one side.
Fundamentally speaking, ACW takes place in a shit tier region. Mid-19th century United States is about as shit tier as you can get; the only way you care about any of the locations or individuals is if you were born in that country or directly related to the combatants.
On a practical level, the ACW gets almost as much attention as WW2. People can accept WW2 being given the most attention, because at least it's a world war and it occurred in recent memory.
I could expand on this explanation, but I'll leave it at that. I have American friends so obviously I'm not prejudiced against yanks.
>On a practical level, the ACW gets almost as much attention as WW2.
Maybe if you only read English-language books published in the US. Other countries are more interested in their own internal conflicts.
Taiping Rebellion is a bigger, better conflict in the 1800s
t. American
To be fair, it gave Union patriots the excuse to execute any surrendering Confederate traitor.
>Sorry, General, I thought that was their battle flag! Didn't want to take any chances!