This is no joke, don't miss out on this opportunity, it's about to break the previous record of 1350$ koreans are gearing up for a big pump in a few minutes

see for yourself at fork.lol/

the profitability of BCH right now is at 120% and way higher than BTC

Other urls found in this thread:


if you don't believe me go to www.fork.lol/

im not making this up, i just checked now serendipitously and saw this


I'm all in BCH now, check my comfort level already

reee fuck this coin

>already more profitable
>down from earlier
>aTH of 1090
>been floating around 790-830
>currently at the lower end of the floating value

It was good if you rode it up, now it's like holding NEO.
You're basically gambling for a climb

which is by the way controlled entirely by Korea...

yesss lets gooo bud we're going sky high in a big kaboom

Any idea why the koreans are all so hot for BCH all of a sudden?

yes we're aware of this thats' why I mentioned that, but the efficiency just recently (An hour ago) rised hardcore, it's going to skyrocket

it's easier and more profitable to mine than Bitcoin
Koreans are strong in BCH because they know it's going to fly up

because they are smarter than us, do as they do and you will be rich

But that literally goes against supply/demand user, unless there's a crypto equivalent in the past to reference.

It makes more sense that Koreans pumped it and are now going to sell into retards who think it's actually worth that much

Jihan bots


>it's easier and more profitable to mine than Bitcoin

Does it stay that way as more people jump in on mining?

Because Koreans are a high IQ race on par with the Japs

yeah just like satoshi's vision to have an unknown miner scoop up 20 blocks per hour on an artificially lowered difficulty chain!

No. but it won't take much to cripple bitcoin.
BTC is already at 50% efficiency.
I love BCC moons, just when corecucks finally feel safe enough to make smug gloating threads BCC rises from the ashes and into the stratosphere.

it will be a dampening oscillation between bch btc, but this first swing will be bigly in bch's favor

you fuckin moron i really hope this is somehow shopped

as real as Asian exchange volumes

hasnt this been going on the past few days? ie the pump

>artificially lowered difficulty chain!

Salty? Not a good look, corecuck

how do people still not see what is going to play out?

I think that it will eventually crash in the long run so the more people who mine it the quicker it'll reach its peak and then crash but now is the time for a huge fucking spike up


>I love BCC moons

This has happened literally once though. The first time was due to a supply vs demand situation on Bittrex. They credited everyone BCH who held BTC, but nobody could move BCH into the exchange. People could move BTC onto Bittrex to buy BCH, but couldn't move BCH there to sell for BTC

Beginning stages of a big dump occurring right now

Shhhhh someone has/had to buy at the top

just don't miss out on investing into BCH before the skyrocketing and you'll end up like this

Last two days don't count because?
I don't try to time the market but an experienced trader could have gotten mad gains from the predictable swings.

Buy now

That is the once I'm talking about. The first time it happened when BCH first hit the market I consider an exception for the above reason

in just a few days coinmarketcap.com posted BTC Dominance at 53%

after a bit of pumping into BCH from koreans putting 5bil into BCH, BTC dominance fell a good 5% (which is HUGE).

this is only the beginning.

pic related: it's me after the BCH domination

That's great. I still have a few BCCs left and I'm not satisfied with yesterday's pump.

Why is this thing dumping


I'm gonna go to sleep now, hope I don't miss out on anything

but the koreans didn't really pump shit yesterday, is it over?
I hope not but I am not sure.

Down she goes!

they pumped it from 700 to 1100 yesterday

ppl panic because they're pussies, it's normal if you have ever actually looked

but the koreans were asleep while that happened.
When do they usually start?

2am-3am pst.

around 5-6am EST
also it was koreans, to find out you go to coinmarketcap.com and press bitcoin, go to markets, and you can see which markets have their exchanges

right now bithumb is the highest at 36.19%, which is immense, and is a korean site, along with coinone and korbit, which are korean, 11.69 and 8.84% respectively

it's the koreans

pic related: it's me after BCH sky rockets and i buy my brand new rolex

what do you think it will get to tonight?

Yep Good time to open longs once the anti-bcc threads show up.

Moon where?

true, their volume is ridiculous.
I'll hold on to my bcc for a few more hours, I want them at .25

im gonna assume 1300-1400usd from korean pump

im positive it will reach .25 in the next 3-4 hours

Best Korea will swoop in to save the day


>"Unknown miner" is literally Based Kim
>BCC replaced Bitcoin and moons to 100K over the next 10 years
>NK takes over the world with genetically engineered cyber-warriors
Im ok with this

sweet baby jesus.

I don't think we're going to see much movement unless miners start leaving in significant numbers.

>Price making a slow dip
>Volume dropping


okay I just checked, last night it was at 7am est that they pumped, so wait for about that time for a pump, it pumped HARD at that time, around 3-4 billion USD was put in in a few minutes

fork.lol/ BCH efficiency is at an alltime high 140%
when i started the thread it was at 120%

before I started the thread at 12am EST it was at 60%

I think we're seeing some anticipation buildup right now.
I don't think we'll see sub .2 prices after tomorrow.

Who is injecting these billions of dollars in?

I like this pepe, can i save it

Koreans and people who would prefer Bitcoin stay mostly the same (Ie no SegWit, no focus on sidechains)
I agree that alts basically make sidechains redundant.
I think bigger blocks is just the best compromise between all current solutions.

I don't believe you. I don't believe your interpretation of any of this.

im providing sources and citations as i talk about what im talking about, i don't think ive said a single thing without backing it up with an actaul source

BCH just gone from $755 to $795 in less than 30 mins, don't let me down boys

yeah I just saw on coinmarketcap it went from marketcap 12.8b to 13b
root for the fucking koreans to shoot that shit to the fuck moon let's go

yeah I don't trust you. I don't know you, or what your motives are. But it's probably to take my money if you can, which is why I don't take anything I read here at face value. Your citations mean fuck all for predicting anything.

you can make your own judgement and make your own decisions, im not here to tell you what to do, i just came on to provide advices

the reason why i give citations is for people not to listen to me but to listen to themselves and use the material i hand to them as an aid to such decision.

Well, I decided not to do anything you say. Good decision I think.

We're going to .3 btc.... r...right guys?

go invest in dogecoin

bitcoin blocks about to takea as long as 2 hours

>volume is dropping
>price is stabilizing
Yea user, its about to go up to mirrion dorrrah as soon as Korea wakes up...

I mean you might not be malicious. You might just not really know what the fuck you're talking about. You're just acting like you do. Or maybe you know just enough to be completely wrong because of some detail you missed.

8 Mb blocks is insane and will never allow to have decentralisation. One thing that this scammers never tell is that miners are only a part of an ecosystem surely not the ones in charge. If only a few people can download the insane chain size it is still centralised. And also a very stupid and inefficient way of managing such system compared to the banking industry. Guess why they pretend to be using a fair system? To steal bitcoin brand

do you know how many 8mb blocks fit into a 1tb hard drive?

yes only a few people have fast internet lol
i saw the bitcoin talk video with these disgusting fucking retards
holy shit kys

Claudio Levrini:
Since we have segwit locked all further talks of block size increase are just nonsense. It was nonsense from the beginning to be honest, a fake need fueled by FUD that slowed down development of important privacy features and solutions issues like malleability. These actors should be seen for what they are, attackers with a lot of hashing power. That said if bitcoin can't stand an attack like this we all better go back to shells and rocks based economy.

A post I got from telegram

The moon already happened

Buy the rumor sell the news, enjoy your bags.


also read up on segwit
a lightnintg network is NOT what the origianal bitcoin creators wanted and its not something anyone that wants decentralization wants

go back to your muh harddrives cant save muh 8mb block

what is this 2000? read up on this shit before posting some no name italian retards opinion

Who the fuck cares what you do, the world doesn't revolve around you you little solipsistic shit

Claudio Levini is a well known and high ranking Satanist. You shouldn't just dismiss his opinions like that, worm.

Half these morons crying about BCC don't get that 8MB blocks are only 8MB when they are filled completely, it is future proofing Bitcoin not jacking up its data usage overnight.

I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to that guy. Who the fuck are you?

bought $20 in btc and bought as much bch as i could with that hope i can make back this $2 that i lost from transferring


>"Is this a trap?"
Anyone who's ever researched LTC knows that this is a trap

For reference
>50% of the market during moonings is ALWAYS CHINA
>always gets dumped back onto people

Anyone who trusts an Asian for ANYTHING is retarded.
Asians are literally raised to believe that screwing over others is success and being screwed over means you're weak. This is different from the Jews which only believe in gathering wealth to themselves. The difference is that an Asian will stop to think "What is weakness" and potentially sympathize with them on a primordial level. The JEW will not show sympathy and will BURN everything to get more GOLD. But jews are nasty clever kobolds.

BCH is a trap like no other at this point.
If you made money on the rise, Congratulations, get the fuck out

you lied to me you asshole

also the small blockers don't realize that the lightning network needs 100mb blocks to get 7 billion transactions per day.

i recommend reading the conversation vitalik had with corecusk yesterday

they are literally brainless paid children where the only argument they can come up with is "muh 8mb is too big for people to up/d load" and "muh harddrivespace"

check the twitter for their posts i just made this collage ;-)

Perhaps .25 is reached somewhere around Tuesday.

How did I lie to you?
Because your crypto moved 2-3 % every few minutes?

BCC finally pumping up, phew




Why are BCC block so small?
Because NOBODY is gonna sell this MOON MISSION!

>dumped some of my LTC into BCC right before it started to rise
am i a pro crypto trader now

let's fucking go pump that fucking BCH to the fucking heavens