Christianity: love and forgiveness.
Islam: devotion and jihad.
Taoism: flow and harmony.
Buddhism: zen and nirvana.
Confucianism: hierarchy and obedience.
What would be the values of Judaism, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism? I can't really understand the essence of Jewish, Hindu and Zoroastrian thinking. I can warp my mind on the ones I mentioned - Christian to Confucian - but not those three. What does Veeky Forums think are the values that make the core of Judaism, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism? Please explain in detail.
Religions and their values
Other urls found in this thread:
Dumb Akagi-poster
Christianity: love and purity
Islam: knowledge and submission
Judaism: study and tradition
Buddhism: discipline and perseverance
Hinuduism: poo and loo
Zoroastrianism: muh sacred fire
Confucianism: obey your tiger mom
Being G-d'a partner in sanctifying the world
Overcoming evil and dispelling lies with truth
>Being G-d'a partner in sanctifying the world
chabadnik heretic detected
It's a Kaga with untied hair dummy.
Ritual purification, maintaining the link between the past & present
Zoroastrianism started the whole duality between good vs evil, so something to do with that and fire shit and marring your family members
Is 'bout worshiping the sun
Fuck off layman
chabad is christianity, keep worshipping your rebbe heretic
>Implying respect = worship
M-Muh heresy mufugga!
This indicates the layman's confusion and lack of understanding
they worship him
We don't fucking worship him anymore than you worship Moshe
Ok. Zoroastrianism is about good and bad and while that doesn't exactly answer the question it still leaves Judaism. What is Judaism in terms of values? To me it just seems a bunch of very Orthodox people and their 7 (or was it 9?) candles praying and eating dinner with their families, very segregated from outer society. It's the image I have of followers of Judaism in my mind. Unlike say, Christianity, Islam and Taoism, Judaism doesn't appear to be connected to a particular psychological view of the world. In other words, there is no thinking, behaviour, etc, nature to Judaism. Am I incorrect?
so you are chabad? opinion discarded. you know no one else in the orthodox community consider you real jews right? also everyone jokes about you all the time.
I mean, Christians are all about love, forgiveness and all that. Muslims are all about being highly devoted to Allah. Taoists are all about going with the flow. What I am trying to ask is what are followers of Judaism all about? Same for Hinduism.
your rebbe just santified dem trips chabadcuck
advaita, nondualisn, the eternal metaphysical unity of poo and loo
"Hear O Israel, G‑d is our L‑rd, G‑d is One"
"This is my Soul in the innermost heart, greater than the earth, greater than the aerial space, greater than these worlds. This Soul, this Self of mine is that Brahman."
Would it be a major leap to say Judaism is about learning? Not studying just the Torah but gaining knowledge in general. Reading books, resesrching, doing science etc.
Also rocks
no it's about torah study, secular jews take that obsession with study and turn it toward other things
Ever met an Eastern Orthodox bloke? They are more like struggle, suffer, forgiveness, repent and shit like that. Pretty based aswell, suppose that's why they been dubbed Orthobros.
>nobody mentioned good thoughts, good acts, good words
C'mon Zoroastrian values are easy they're in the motto.
Humility might be a better one for christianity, and submission for islam.
You are thinking of Sol Invictus THE UNCONQUERED SUN!
No he's talking about amaterasu and her family
tribe and commandments
they are about following their ancient teachings and comandments, and about tribalism(they are gods chosen tribe)
Zoroastrianism would be honesty and integrity, if its to be so far reduced.
The principle maxim is 'good thoughts, good words, good deeds', in an integrated way, as in 'say what you think and walk your talk'.
>Islam: devotion and jihad.
if you don't know a slight hint about a religion outside what Veeky Forums tells you you should abstain the fuck out from talking about it
>Confucianism: hierarchy and obedience.
It's social contract, dummy.
he's not wrong
jihad is a sacred duty in islam
It's not in the five tenants
the five tenants are charity, fasting, praying, pilgrimage and belief
yes but those only apply to muslims, non-muslims must be destroyed or converted, so it plays a big role
Jews are all about working and being guilty about everything in a way that makes even Catholics look impious.
>non-muslims must be destroyed or converted, so it plays a big role
Like i said, if you know jack and shit about a religion, stop talking about it
>knows nothing about Islam
>defends Islam anyway
Hmmm... really makes u think...
>does not present any arguments on why islam just vague shit with specifying how or why
>no citation
>"lel ur the one who doesn't know anything"
fuck off will ya
>Hmmm... really makes u think...
you reek of /pol/ and facebook
go back there
Rituals and ancestors spirits
Here you go it seems like you want to learn.
Judaism - Money and wisdom
Hinduism - Dharma
Zoroastrianism - JUSTICE!!!!!!
Judaism: Study and Ritual
Hinduism: Duty and Compassion
Zoroastrianism: Zeal and Righteousness