Antpool, one of the most important mining sources ever started to shill bitcoin cash non-stop mode:
wtf? is this really happening?
>mfw when I didn't believe BCC stuff and could have bought at 300
I'm still on time r...right?
Antpool, one of the most important mining sources ever started to shill bitcoin cash non-stop mode:
wtf? is this really happening?
>mfw when I didn't believe BCC stuff and could have bought at 300
I'm still on time r...right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm still on time r...right?
Actually yes.
BTC might actually die if enough pools convert to BCC. And they will convert to BCC because it's just many times more profitable.
Unless BTC rises now to $10k, and BCC goes down to half
BTC failed to kill off BCC on the first day and they're now facing the consequences
you cant be this stupid? you either troll cause you are a retard and we are on Veeky Forums or shilling like a mofo for that shit coin.. either way you ll be gone next week dipshit
This scenario is actually very likely.
However, all you said was ad-hominem bullshit because you don't have any arguments.
I feel like my arguments are even stronger now. Going to buy some more BCH now.
Just come on over user. This time 4 days ago I was almost all in on BTC and not keen on BCC, but I did my own research and came to the conclusion that BTC is fucked. My personal belief is that BCC is going to become the king of crypto. Here are the main sources of information that converted me (sorry for linking to reddit but this is actually a great post, especially the top comment):
I was converted recently too.
I only checked r/bitcoin because it seemed like they were right about the scaling solutions.
I don't think segwit is bad, and I don't think 8 MB limit is bad either. But there are bad players on both sides.
Blockstream is sort of evil, like your first post says, but Jihan and company are also going to profit a lot from 8MB blocks because their machines are better equipped to handle it.
So they will REALLY benefit economically, and fuck over some miners.
In the end it doesn't matter what I want, or who I want to be victorious. All that matters is that now I have 6 BCC, and 1 BTC in cold storage.
BTW one question, the new fork will come out of BTC right? not BCC?
so I should try to have some BTC back in time for that fork.
The new fork segwitx2 will come out of BTC, IF, and its a big IF, the chain doesn't die before then
Why wouldn't I just choose something solid like ethereum instead of gambling on some "philanthropic" chinese guy?
for some reason I don't see it happening.
I mean, I know there is a possible situation in which it can happen, but for some reason I don't think it will.
It's not good for the miners if BTC dies, so even if they lose money in the short term, it's better for them to keep mining it and save BTC.
They probably have a lot of BTC stored too, not just selling directly what they make
I never said the chinese guys are "philantropic"
I even said that they will benefit greatly from mining the new coin because their hardware has an advantage of over hardware for mining it.
Both groups are in this for the money.
One censors and controls the discourse, the other one has a lot of hashpower, specially in the BCC chain.
I don't care if you chose to buy BCC or BTC. In fact, Ethereum is a great conservative choice for these turbulent times.
But for some reason I hate ETH (not saying you can't make money from it though).
The devs have a ton of ETH, and they caused the flash-crash the other day. This just doesn't seem so likely with BTC or BCC.
But still, a good conservative choice.
Maybe even better, put it all on USDT?
But then if you don't have BTC and there is another fork, you miss on having more coins. If you had BTC before august 1st and held now, you'd have $5000 for the combo.
Put it this way, you will see the catalog filled up with pink wojaks like you have never seen before
I don't believe you.
I'm ok with that.
>I even said that they will benefit greatly from mining the new coin because their hardware has an advantage
I know, that's why I put philanthropic between quotation marks, it was intended as sarcasm. In this situation I think it's best just to hold your BTC tight, or like you said, exchange for fiat.
Imagine a squabble like this in a major company like Mercedes. One guy thinks the company is headed in the wrong direction because they want to keep diesel engines, while he wants to implement electric motors. Instead of working it out internally he decides to create his own startup called "Mercedes ELECTRIC". Would you buy a car from that guy? I wouldn't.
sorry for not getting the sarcasm.
The problem is not if I trust that guy or not, I trust their motivation though. Money.
So I know that he will pump this up as far as he can to get miners to switch and destroy BTC.
The question is not if I agree with it, but if I think he can do it.
And maybe he can do it.
To be honest guys. There is a shitload of shilling going on Veeky Forums. But I tried to make a post on /r/bitcoin and I immediately saw the censorship about Bitcoin Cash even though I didn't post anything concerning. Just some questions. Then I went on to read some posts from theymos, and I am now convinced BTC is fucked.
Nice fucking link faggot now my twitter swapped languages
"Sarcasm doesn't read well" -Steve Carell
That's exactly why I'm not switching to BCC. They're trying everything they can to destroy BTC, and don't give a single shit if countless people lose all their money in the process. That is pure evil in my opinion. I agree that the centralisation of bitcoin is far from ideal, and goes against all its principles, but these hostile takeover attempts are not the solution.
again, I'm not agreeing with them, or with anybody. I'm just trying to take profit from it.
Which in this case, at least for a while, means hoarding BCC.
holy shit, you are trading coins and actually think that you have something to say about morals? This is still money we are talking about, don't act like you have something to say about morality when you are basically playing with money.
fuck off back to lebbit
To me the bcc guys are playing the game according to the rules of free market. They chose what they think was a better solution, which btw ia closest to the original bitcoin, and chose to mine it, that's fine. But the btc guys, with cencoeship and personal attacks and all that, are not fair at all.
By getting into this game you know exactly where the money comes from and where it goes. Don't play stupid and be a moralfag.
There is nothing morally wrong with trading. If I believe an asset will gain in value I buy, when I make profit that's my reward for the risk I took. What is happening now is market manipulation, and that is morally wrong.
I wonder if in psychology there's a term for behavior like yours. You are getting angry at people making moves because you fear making the moves yourself.
So is funding and supporting all criminal acts known to man, but here we are discussing morality.
>So is funding and supporting all criminal acts known to man,
What do you mean?
yeah, I am holding eth and have no skin in the game, but nothing would make me happier than seeing BTC crushed. blockstream needs to die.
What do you think these coins are primarily used for?
Making money?
Money laundering and purchasing illegal things/actions
>There is a shitload of shilling going on Veeky Forums.
Get a load of this faggot!
Cute. Do you also think knive and gun manufacturers and sellers are responsible for homicides?
The only people losing money are the greedy bastards who sold their hedges, and those same greedy bastards refused to do their own research and blindly instead followed blockstream's propaganda.
As they say, fools and their money are easily parted.
blindly followed*
Yeah, fuck those people who bought bitcoin after august 1.
if everyone outside of websites controlled by core is saying the same thing, and websites that are controlled by core are heavily censored, what does that mean?
its not even like some weird rumor. its a very straight forward, logical, simple thing to say "if miners mine the more profitable chain then bitcoin will die."
this ia different from the miners switching to eth because of application specific hardware... so this is a legitimate concern and a textbook black swan event
you do realize that segwit2x is not supported by core and heavily shilled against on r/Bitcoin right? if it happens, core loses control of bitcoin, because an "alt coin" called segwit2x just jacked 90% of the hash rate.
We arent arguing with you because we don't have answers, but because your statements were totally stupid
Oh, ledgerX is going to work with bch? No? Then fuck off, nobody cares about mining power, that race ended years ago.
The actual race that bch isn't even trying to compete is about regulation, user and merchant adoption and brand
Keep telling lies but nobody is going to buy a bch for 750$
my statements? i made one statement, a matter of fact, so what are you going on about?
yes, hashrate matters because of the full btc blocks. a small dip in hashrate causes an exponential network slowdown because of full blocks. it's called a death spiral attack and is a new attack vector created by the 1 mb limit.
also most people here are into alts and really, really want btc gone because its toxic maximalism. so its not a bunch of paid shills but rather every single alt coin holder fapping to the idea of btc dying
It's the same /r/btc nutjob/Roger Ver shill spamming all over Veeky Forums
He thinks we give a fuck about any reddit here.
As long as 80% of the hash power stands firm with BTC, Jihan can go mine whatever he wants.
well well well
seems like the flippening is on its way
Im pretty sure it's called projecting
Whats a pink wojak
Hi new friend
>Antpool started to shill
>started to
Antpool belongs to Jihan Wu you fucking subhuman pajeet shill
they all come back eventually... to their daddy.
at least fucking drop the fucking reddit spacing you goddamned pajeet shill, this is so fucking cringeworthy
>I'm still on time r...right?
You missed the smart money phase, but now we are in the crypto version of 'institutional money' phase.
(public money is when your idiot coworker starts to buy after he reads about it on facebook)
great comeback there
you must be proud
are you
I dont know on normal sites it is pretty much split down the middle, on sites controlled by core it is censored and on sites controlled by Jihan (like Veeky Forums) it is extremely against BTC.
been watching
pretty nuts to see BCC vs BTC hashpower switch over like that
How come everyone thinks that the flippening will happen only because miners don't want BTC anymore?
What about the normies that just buy BTC and don't keep up with tech news? BTC isn't going anywhere any time soon, because the currency that normies have literally flipping to another one with their current one becoming worthless, is the biggest sure-fire way to ensure that crypto is held back another decade.
Anyone with btc from before the fork can generate their bcc wallet with the exact same number of coins in, so no.