I'm looking for a lewd picture of an American GI getting a blowjob from a french(?) woman, there's a crowd of american soldiers surrounding them and the back of the women's head is facing the camera. It's black and white. I have been searching for this for years, it used to be posted on /pol/ a few times.
Rare historical photographs
Other urls found in this thread:
First photograph taken of a battle: Franco-Prussian War of 1870
I found that place on Google Street Map. It's neat when you can ID places like that. Thanks Google, Thoogle.
Care to share it with us?
what about crimean war?
Pretty sure that was in the 1850s
I'm on my phone, which predates the Franco-Prussian war, so it's too much of a pain in the arse. It's on a road called Route MacMahon, there are more trees now, and that big Chateau in the top right is gone.
Nice photo and nice trips
>Banana, 1876, colourized
Last picture taken on the Moon.
Last one ever to be taken the way things are going ;__;
>Humans are just going to die on earth instead of leaving the solar system
>I'm looking for a lewd picture of an American GI getting a blowjob from a french(?) woman, there's a crowd of american soldiers surrounding them and the back of the women's head is facing the camera
It's a German woman though; and she sucks for cigarette
That pic is often posted on /pol/ to anger naziboos
someone must've put their fingerprint on the negative.
That person has been dead for over 100 years.
Why the fuck would you ever want to leave solar syastem or earth. What the fuck are you even going to do out there ffs, there is no reason to leave, fuck space
lel fake
We are going to need more resources and space to continue the growth of our species. Also why wouldn't you want to explore the unknown?
>Why de fukc whitey wants to go to space when we need money fo dem pro grams
Found the nigger.
> Tens of millions of habitable satellites in our own galactic spiral neighborhood
> No muslims or urban youth
> No jews
> No feminists
> No gays
> No DLC
> No pitbulls
> Harems of virgin alien lolis awaiting any white man willing to risk it all on the final frontier
Hmm, yes; why would anyone want to fuck off this garbage dwarf-tier planet that we aren't even native to? It's soooo great here.
I just searched the entire internets for it now including the terms 'german' and 'cigarette', for the last half hour! Can't find it anywhere.
Praise kek amirite xDD
I have the photo but I'm not going to post it since it's just going to wind up contributing to leftypol cancerposting.
>i can fly but i won't show you
the post
Sorry bro, that was the picture that gave me troll's remorse and made me reexamine my life priorities after I saved it as "flower of Germany" it to "trigger" Nazis.
solid argument, reddit
Well, shit
user is pleb, delivering atm
don't care enough to find non-watermarked version
how the fuck does getty images own that?
that's it? that's the image everyone was making such a big deal over? wow
Portuguese soldiers during WW1
do not underestimate the gettyjew
Who in the hell takes a photo like that?
Even if you don't care for the fact it's vulgar and in public, you could get the guys in the photo in trouble because their unit patches are clearly visible. This is literally a court-martial waiting to happen.
I want to leave so I don't have to be in the same solar system as retards like you.
I could honestly imagine Robert Capa seeing that and thinking 'neat'. Depending on where they were they sometimes had access to their own darkrooms so they could develop the pictures themselves.
the only thing he said that was remotely memey was the virgin alien loli part.
OP here, I fucking swear those helmets are photoshopped in to block the image, it just doesn't look right and it's not what I remember. Does anyone have the original????
I think it's safe to say that everyone is quite thoroughly disappointed...
it's part of a series
That's the original , it's by Tony Vaccaro
I would absolutely kill to get my hands on that series, I've searched everywhere like a madman. Just wasted another hour of my life searching the getty images website
I wonder who could be behind this post.
The biggest fraud in history.
i'm not him but i'm just curious, can you post it on pol perhaps?
ah nevermind
Resources, my nigga
What's happening? Is that a WW2 rape?
its more like "suck my dick for a pack of cigs frenchie"
Most of these dudes got real shit from the army higher ups when shit like that became known.
The only real rapey incident was the soviet first army arriving in berlin, which was made up of steppe niggers and cannon fodder form anything out of the russian outskirts. those guys raped their way through the whole city.
this same French broad spent the Nazi occupation blowing every German soldier so why not a GI
There were tons of cases of rapes by GI's in France, especially Black ones, because to boost morale higher ups told soldiers that French women were whores waiting for them spread open.
This is a German woman from Passau, Germany.
It's a German woman, tards
And she was probably happy to be sucking a tiny American dick rather than being raped to death by Russians
The more you read about FDR and Churchill, and the more you learn about Hitler's attempts to pacify both of them, the more you start to sympathize with the Reich.