What's the most aesthetic civilization to ever exist?
Mesoamerican civilizations
1700s-1900s West Europe
>didn't invent streets
Probably some east Asia culture, pre-westernization.
Close race between Mughal empire and Japan.
2010's USA
Gonna have to agree with this, but Angkor Wat was also pretty aesthetic.
Why do you defend this?
What's wrong with it
Surely this is shopped? No functioning architect, urban planner, or engineer could possibly think this totally unnecessary spiral to get home or visit those shops in the center was a good idea.
It's great architecture, no question, but OP was about civilizations as a whole. Not sure if the Khmer fit that.
What the actual fuck is wrong with American architects?
do you seriously have to drive the entire spiral road to get to the buildings at the centre?
Pretty sure it is. Look at the center circle then follow the road down. That road aligns perfectly with the road further down which ends for no real reason. Also look at the road out of that same one near the center which heads east at a ninety degree angle. That road would also allign but the street just ends without a sidewalk.
So yeah, while American suburbs are shit they aren't a labyrinth.
I wonder if future archeologists will think that the settlements were based around temples.
It's a shop. If any idiot presented this to any urban planner not drinking paint they would be fired.
t. Architect.
>it's real
That's a blatant fucking shop, look at the road leading into the centre that just suddenly dead ends into half of a house. This shit would never be approved.
the least aesthetic: German
t. German
well i've seen less aesthetic things
your pic looks pretty good
>American suburbia
There's nothing wrong with those streets, not with the roads intersecting them. That's not the spiral from before.
>owning your own small house is the same as renting a tiny flat in an ugly towerblock from Daddy State
>even mass-produced low price housing is better in a capitalist society than in a communist one
>butthurt /pol/tards can't handle a joke
Swiss take at Commie Blocks.
>HURR its just a joke lmao
Get fucked leftypol.
>Everyone that disagrees with my meme is /pol/
looks like a postmans nightmare
First thing that comes to my mind is safety. In the event of an evacuation due to natural disaster, that suburb would be a literal deathtrap.
so mad, wow
i can't believe how passionate you are about it
The fuck you're talking about?
>i was just pretending to be retarded!
Spanish Moors
Might as well say China at that point
>HURR lol dude just a joke lmao
>DURR i so funney lmao dude lmao dude lol
yeah post the Detroit of Germany self-hating idiot
For some reason I have always found the Babylonian buildings refreshing, mysterious and magnificent.
But I respect every cultures, may it be from past or present, architecture in its own way.
>Portuguese Manueline
It's Gothic, but less evil.
Venice is like a place you'd expect to find in GOT or some shit
I'd rather live in a commieblock than a suurb. Suurbs are literal trash
>Need a car
>Shit for the enviornment
>Full of mentally ill cockssuckers that shoot up with heroin or shoot up their workplaces
I can think of no other kind of environment more undesirable and bad for human psychology and society as a whole than a suburb
Great comeback
It looks like someone dropped their coffe on the building and instead of painting over the stain they decided to make the whole building look like it was evenly stained with coffee.
So cool
"Bye kids, I'm off to drive eight miles to the store that is half a mile away from here"
That's what it is in a sense.
this, mexica/aztecs especially
forgot to also quote
Nazi Germany.
Modern day.
>Never mind the horrifying blood stains on the stairs of the pyramids
Unironically this
Singapore now > Athens then
both are city states, and the former is more aesthetic
Traditional architecture in South East Asia and the Pacific bears resemblance to Japanese architecture, particularly the early Yayoi kind. Perhaps this is an indicator of some relation or connection in the distant past.
>no one mentioned Russia
>he doesn't think living in a wonderous city built on the middle of a lake is worth occasionally sacrificing some war prisoners to prevent the cosmic skeletal futa rattlesnake dick demons from eating the sun and ending reality
look at this pleb
>spaniards take years to defeat a tribe of jungle people and conquer their mud hut villages
>claim they were actually a hyper advanced civilization with incredible cities and technology
It clearly was a joke you autist
forgot the pic
you're getting your jungle people mixed up.
There's litterally as much arceholiogical evidence for tenochtitlan existing as ancient cairo, rome, or alexandria, the ruins are litterally all over mexico city and there are a multitude of native tax records and land surveys that match up with said ruins and spanish accounts.
Incas were superior to europeans though.
Only in terms of fiber technology
does anything else matter?
that's a palace not a city
Moorish and ottoman look pretty cool desu
Renaissance and enlightenment Europe.
In everything.
I cannot imagine how ignorant or in denial someone would have to be to make a statement like this with confidence.
There's an user I keep running into on 4+Veeky Forums's /v/ that insists every ruin or city behond muddhut tier in the americas was built by an independent population descended from the solutreans seperate from actual native americans/mesoamericans/andeans.
Christcucks are easily frighten
This "WE WUZ EVERYTHING N SHEEIT" attitude is obnoxious as fuck. Doubly so when you consider that these are the same types of people that would disparage native achievements in most other contexts.
actually white skinned bearded "gods" and their followers are said to have brought high civilization to mesoamerica (Quetzalcoatl) and the andes (Viracocha), erecting megalithic buildings, bringing agriculture, math astrology, teaching math, astronomy, geometry, medicine...
So who WUZ that?
Except civilization in mesoamerica predates quetzalcoatl as a god existing in that pantheon, and quetzalcoatl was green or blue skinned, not white
Either a greek or their imagination
This, but unironically
The images before that post are of cultures that didn't have the concept of streets, and built everything bundled together, and walked on roofs.
I seriously thought this was a screenshot of Cities Skylines.
Did you try not living in a shitty one
Germany, next question.
Why not? The Khmer empire was pretty cool.
Lol no
God I fucking hate suburbs. It just looks so fake and gross. I would literally rather live in a fucking Housing Block... by a landslide...
Not knowing Quetzalcoatl being white refers to his title the White Tezcatlipoca, refering to the color of his cardinal direction (Aztecs assigned colors to directions). I suppose theres blue people too since there is also a Blue Tezcatlipoca.
>implying there's no Housing Blocks in Western Europe
>implying there's not low-cost mass housing in the U.S.
They got topless qt's so good enough for me.
those male clothes look goofy as heck