Yalah everyone talks about US military, Russia troops, what about Indian Army? We have been proud soldiers for thousands of years and we won every single war since our independence. We fucked Pakistan and China hard but no one is talking about it. Sad how Indian army is never treated as he should be
Yalah everyone talks about US military, Russia troops, what about Indian Army...
I heard you guys still use biplanes and shoot handguns at each other as dog fights
Here is declaration of Sex VVarfare from boys and girl to of India to boy and girl of Paqistan vvho vvere wery happy to asee it
No we have LCA tejas, Su-30mkii and T50, and soon we will have F16 and Rafael. Compared to our neighbors we definitely have air superiority
You neighbors include China so I don't think that's accurate
INSAS rifle is garbage
We beat china badly in 1967, soon we will beat them again, what does China have?
>We beat China badly
Check Wikipedia and see what happens in 1967!
1962 we got betrayed and was stabbed in the back. 1967 we fought face to face and slaughtered them.
I'm guessing OP is Pakistani LARPing as an Indian
Good try
Lol indians are so delusional
>INASS Rifle
Indians are capable soldiers, but their officer's are incompetent. They only reach their potential when led by British officers, or Indian officers who have gained their commission from Sandhurst.
Bose and his boys fighting for the Japs prove this, when Indians are left to their own devices, they fuck up consistently.
>slaughtered them.
i saw you posted this on /k/ and /pol/ as well.
but i'll give it to you 100%: india has a very competent and well trained military, and does not fall short when it comes to equipment and technology.
i wish i could operate with punjab bros
>Fucked China
Yeah, is that why Aksai China is under exclusive Chinese control?
I see that you beat a small PLA force in one border post...
>indian """sources"""
Literally who?
Ishapore 2A1 as well
indians are basically a slave race don't kid yourself, for most of history indians were slaves to iranics, turkics and euros
Swaroop is that you?
You only won the 71 war against us, that too with the help of the mukti bahini. Rest wars/skirmishes were stalemates.
And China kicked your asses back in your shitting streets in 62.
What's so bad about the 2a1?
I own one and it shoots pretty good.
and in just 5 years we won in the 1967 wars with China
We killed hundreds of Chinese
Thats weird, i didnt post n /pol/
This is a joke thread right?
I have a more interesting thread topic. How did Indian "free press" become so nationalistic?
Because we love India, our country
>We have been proud soldiers for thousands of years and we won every single war since our independence. We fucked Pakistan and China hard but no one is talking about it.
My understanding is that you lost that war.
What does Veeky Forums think of the now-open Indo-Israeli alliance? Modi has declared it a strategic alliance of the only 2 democratic nations from the Himalayas to the Mediterranean.
They look like such jolly men.
i know im using /pol/ tier banter but Indians do really slap me on the knee
Exactly what I was gonna say, it's like if they were old friends
even lmaostan can copy and rebuild chinese equipment.
Why does Veeky Forums fall for such blatant LARPing
well they are both happy merchants.
Because nationalism sells the most.
t. Actual indian living in india.
>unacclimatized troops loose to acclimatized troops.
big shocker.
We had a few skirmishes with the chinese in 1967, came out on the right side.
The indian military can be frightening. I visited the country last year and I never saw soldiers reacting so hostile to tourists. I guess they were just bored.
Also you people really are obsessed with white people, never had so much folks randomly honking at me with their cars
>walks to chennai and hyberabad
>get invited to weddings,birthdays,baby showers and burials
I aint even white
stop walking in the middle of the street.
Nah, I didn't, but they just honked and waved at me saying stuff like 'hello white man'
>doesn't fall short when it comes to equipment and technology
Indian army has outdated weapons and only have ammo for 10 days of fighting, just ask /k/ or google it.
the political parties in India are very rich and they inflate their coffers more when they come in power, so they buy the media and force them to change agenda that suits the ruling party.
Lol you Indian bois must be delusional if you think you can break a sweat for Chinese military
Modi's a big goy.
for poo
>Indians are capable soldiers, but their officer's are incompetent.
I am not sure If I am supposed to be personally offended or disregard my personal interest and agree with you objectively.
>They only reach their potential when led by British officers,or Indian officers who have gained their commission from Sandhurst.
Yeah and if you are going to present anecdotal evidence like that than let me cite the afghan wars? they prove that British Officers are incompetent?
Bose didn't lead a strong enough force to win.
Someone post the list of Poo Naval accidents. Good for a laugh
That is because your country is literally a joke. Your military is a joke by association.
Why the fuck do you have so many types of planes
Hindu cowfuckers are delusional
Modi himself claimed that India performed the first successful brain surgery in the 500's.
>fucked China hard
I don't seem to recall that that one went your way, Pajeet.
Winning against shitskins isn't much of an accomplishement, if you call that a win.
Get back to us when you have a real war. I mean you don't seem to be lacking in warm bodies over there.
>ok rape u next week
Gott in himmel
>chinese """"sources"""
See I can play that game too.
Forgetting Kashmir in 1999 I see.
>We fucked china hard
haha oh wow
>I mean you don't seem to be lacking in warm bodies over there.
Well they do kill a lot of maoists and pakis.
At least China can clone a fucking AK. When Indians try they get the INSAS designated shitting rifle.
China controlled ALL disputed territory by the end of 1962 and only withdrew from the Eastern Front due to winter's approach. The purpose of the war was to secure Aksai Chin. Zhou Enai even proposed to Nehru that he recognize the PRC's claim to Aksai Chin in exchange for Arunachal Pradesh. All subsequent conflicts have been skirmishes.
Pakistan, on the other hand, lost half its population and half its navy after 13 days of war with India...almost as impressive as the Six Day War. Bangladesh and the Pakistani nuclear program exist because of the war in 1971.
India does not fool around when it comes to sovereignty though--Sikkim, Goa, Hyderabad, Kashmir.
>we have been proud soldiers for thousands of years
You should have ended your post here. Next time, don't derail your own thread.
Military of history is underrated but interesting: I hope that India, Pakistani, and foreign scholars will continue to decipher and compile the military history of the Indian subcontinent.
>Certain branches of the Chinese martial arts certainly have India roots---Bodhidharma was born in India
>Chandragupta, the Indian Cyrus, saw Alexander as a youth and later drove the Greeks out of India and established an Empire
>Three Kingdoms of India-->withstanding the initial Muslim invasions
>Chola Empire, preeminent naval power of the 9th century. Made southern Burma, Southern India, Sri Lanka, and Srivijaya vassals
>Mughal Unification of India--after getting his ass kicked in Central Asia, Babur tried his fortunes in India. His son, Humayun, lived as in exile after being deposed, but his grandson Akbar returned to India to finish what Babur had started
>Collapse of the Mughal Empire--the Sikh Confederacy in Northern India, the rise of the Marathas in the south
>Maratha-British Wars
Indian military history begins in 1900 BC, not 1900 AD.
When did European military history begin?
you shut your whore mouth about Goa, you here me!
You could go back a great deal farther if you prefer but traditionally the Greco-Persian wars is thought to be the beginning of European military history
Other way around
Parts of their country are controlled by pakis and maoists 70 years after independence. Lmao pathetic
>we fucked up China hard
hahahagahahahahagahahahahahaha go shit in the street pajeet. your military and nation are the literal shit stain of the planet
What a depressing country India is
We can drop the casualty counting and simply say that China met its strategic goals to a greater degree than India. That's winning.
You scums
Yeah but I mean beating down paki's well
that's not an achievement
>Chinks and Pajeets fighting
This is a new experience for me.
Pajeets and Chinks: What do you think about Tibet?
>fucked Pakistan
Still whine about Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
Still smaller than what the British managed to put together :^)