Is Islam pretty much just arab supremacy?
Arab supremacy?
When the Umayyads were in control it pretty much was.
It hasn't been about that since the turks took over. Also islam isn't uniform every people under it have their own version by now which is mixed with the local culture.
"Only our language is the language of Allah!"
"Everyone with blue eyes is a criminal/sinner!"
basically yes
for the blue eyes bit, look up Zurq and Zurqan
Lmfao. Islam is Jewish WEWUZ fanfic created by power-hungry pedophile warlords. Obviously it is supremacist, dumb shit.
>"Everyone with blue eyes is a criminal/sinner!"
who says this?
Originally. But the Arabs were driven out of most of their conquered territories by either new Invaders or the locals, leaving only their religion, Islam.
Pretty much though historically you had Hellenic and Latin supremacy with Catholic and Orthodox churches and Anglo supremacy with protestant missions. Islam is just a century or two behind Christianity in it's adoption of vernaculars which even some Christians are against. The retention of a single liturgical tongue is beneficial for the preservation of the authentic and original cultures of religions. Heck even Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, and Judaism could also be considered forms of supremacy.
>"Everyone with blue eyes is a criminal/sinner!"
basically yes
Just because the Nation of Islam promotes this doesn't mean it is true. The Nation of Islam are apostates and kafir and Elijah Muhammad is in the hell fire right now.
Many of the most famous Kalifs and Imams including Imam Malik were white men with blue eyes. Nation of Islam is not orthodox Sunni Islam, they are all apostates.
>Must learn Arabic to understand holy text
>Must travel to Arabia at least once in your life
>Must pray towards Arabia five times a day
Another cooky cult generated in America. Freedumb of religion might need to be repealed or reinterpreted.
Pretty much. They used islam instead of culture because in the middle-east islam is their culture.
And how does that imply that ethnically Arab people are superior to non Arabs? It's not as though being Arab automatically makes you have more virtue than non Arabs. Arabia is simply the region where the final messenger (PBUH) happened to be. So naturally Arabs were the first to adopt Islam, the same way Jews were the first to follow Jesus (PBUH).
Yeah all the fuss about being descended from the prophet is nothing then.
Except actually that isn't true, the most vicious enemies of the Prophet (SAW) were his own tribe the Quraish, he was going completely against the Arab society in every way shape and form, he denied their gods, he denied their sins (intoxication, killing female children, cuckoldry, adultery, abuse towards slaves, divination, tribalism, and on and on the list goes), and the prophet (SAW) completely rejected racism or tribalism in any way shape or form.
If he (SAW) had just conformed to Arab norms why they have beaten him, spit on him, cursed him, plotted to kill him, tried to assassinate him many many times (and failed every time), and waged war against him? That makes no sense.
It isn't that big of a deal. Many people are descended from him (SAW) it doesn't imply they have some virtue or are greater than someone who isn't descended from him(SAW). Sometimes a crazy guy claims he is Imam al Mahdi because he is a descendant but other than that it isn't tremendously important to be a descendant of rasulallah(SAW).
>(PBUH) for Jesus as well as Muhammed
I find this really interesting, care to elucidate? Not trolling just have never heard Praise Be Unto Him aimed towards Jesus in that sense before.
Jesus (PBUH) is the messiah. To be a Muslim you have to believe in all the prophets from Adam (PBUH) to Muhammad (PBUH) which includes the Messiah Jesus (PBUH). According to the Quran and Sunnah Jesus (AS) did not die on the cross but was taken to heaven and will be shortly returning to kill and defeat the false messiah, Messiah al Dajjal. If a Muslim for whatever reason declares that this is not true and don't believe that Jesus (PBUH) is returning this is an action that invalidates his status as a Muslim and he is no longer a believer. Some "Muslims" make this false claim like the Ahmadiyya and the Quranists.
As far as offering Salam or "peace" it is obligatory to offer peace unto all the messengers when their names are mentioned.
So the angel also "happened" to bring the revelation in arab?
>be arab supremacist
>rely on persians and berbers to do all the thinking for you
really boils the old noodle
Mohammed was an Irish man with delirium tremens.
Well Gabriel(AS) was speaking to an Arab messenger(SAW) so yes it was in Arabic. Some very weak narrations indicated that Arabic perhaps is the language of the people of paradise, but they are weak and thus not accepted as a fact.
Messengers have been sent to all nations, and they thus spoke different languages. Jesus (AS) received the gospels in his language Aramaic, he did not speak Greek. The reason recitations are done in Arabic is to ensure that the meaning is not unintentionally changed from translation, but reading the Quran in any language is permissible.
Considering the majority of Muslims are not even Arab but East Asian? Yeah no. Judaism on the other hand is Jewish supremacy.
At the beginning arabs didn't want others to convert to islam because they viewed it as exclusive to themselves. Didn't last long because people didn't want to pay the conquered bitch tax.