Let's say you have /some sort of time machine/. Who would you save first?
>Anne Frank
>Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
>Tanya Savicheva
>Joan of Arc
>Sophie Scholl
Let's say you have /some sort of time machine/. Who would you save first?
>Anne Frank
>Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
>Tanya Savicheva
>Joan of Arc
>Sophie Scholl
Other urls found in this thread:
Ted Bundy
Jan Hus
All of who you mentioned plus Anne's sister Margot, Rutka Laskier, and Helmuth Hübener because I hold immense respect for him.
pic related, what I'd be doing to all of them (minus Hübener).
I would save the inca empire
Oops, misread the question.
I guess Anne Frank first
>The silence of death: it lay across the terrible jumble of bodies and blood-spattered walls. But Anastasia was still alive, and Marie, too, for as their bodies were carried to a Fiat truck that stood waiting in the courtyard, first one, then the other, suddenly sat up, coughing blood, moaning, screaming. They were outside now, and the men couldn’t shoot them; the bayonets came out, slashing through the air, but the knives struck the hidden jewels. And so someone grabbed a rifle, turned it around, and hammered away at the barely conscious faces, driving the wooden stock down again and again and again. Battered into silence, choking on splintered bone and shattered teeth, drowning in her own blood - this was how Anastasia died
fuggin gommies
Nikky Romanov, without a doubt.
Cesare Borgia
Also be tempted to save Harold of England against old Willy the conquer but I like how things played out in the end
Some have suggested that we use pregnant Anne Frank to shame Holocaust denial threads. But I think it should be mandatory for all time machine threads instead.
How do you propose to do that?
Wow an incompetent douchebag and a corrupt douchebag.
>Save Joan and Sophie first
>Arm them with weapons
>Travel through time and save Anne, Anastasia and Tanya together by killing Nazis and commies
>Create harem
Tatiana Romanov actually kept a diary right up until she was taken prisoner by the Bolsheviks. Like Anne Frank and many Holocaust diarists two decades later, she was beginning to suspect her fate toward the end. Tragic indeed.
>Nikky Romanov
He would have demanded that you save one of his children instead
Not a bad idea
Fuck you lad, Borgia was a true man.
I'd love to save his entire line out of my raging hard on for Alexei the young monk and Peter the great.
I would legitimately beat this drawfag's personal enemies to death with a baseball bat if he agreed to mail me more pics like this while I was in prison.
Kill my parents
Caesarion, Britannicus and Caligula from Capri for good measure.
>Adolf Hitler
> Rockwell
>Jesu.. oh wait he ressurected HIMSELF motherfuckers!
>Joan kills Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler for invading her country
>Patton executes Rockwell for treason
Didn't work out as you planned didn't it?
Go back in time to save Skenderbeu from Malaria, so that Albanians can claim to have resisted a few more years then in this timeline.
>we use pregnant Anne Frank to shame Holocaust denial threads
I thought it did the opposite.
Nah, it was proposed in a Meta thread that all Holocaust denial macro-images be changed into pregnant Anne Frank art so we don't have to read them and to humiliate /pol/tards by showcasing how the murderous brutality of Nazism so cruelly robs the innocent of life. Same with pro-Communist images and the Romanov sisters
I would infiltrate the British high command and assign a group of black soldiers to the Dunkirk invasion. And a few Latinos. Maybe an Asian or two.
No reason, really. Just to piss off the "race realists" going to the Nolan movie.
Is there copypasta about Romanov sisters?
Sadly there is not (yet).
I'm sure you could give it a shot if you have decent literary skills. You could always ask /k/'s wfg to do it. They did a pregnant Anne Frank fanfic where she snipes Nazis from rooftops recently.
>Dunkirk invasion
They weren't going to France, they were LEAVING France you imbecile.
>tfw no drawfag to do pregnant Anne Frank, Anastasia Romanov, Tanya Savicheva, Joan of Arc, Sophie Scholl, and Rutka Laskier being protected from the evils of authoritarian central government by John C. Calhoun holding a shield marked "Nullification".
>Anne Frank
Rape and report to the authorities.
>Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
>Joan of Arc
Whiteknight/defend against trolls.
Don't know/care about the rest.
>Joan kills
>Killing anything
Literally just a flag bearer
>Rape and report
>not marrying her and producing a liter of children
/pol/ plz go
I'd gas the fuck out of Anne Frank just to spite you memeposting cuckolds. She was qt in real life but the Rule 34 pregnant Anne posted here is ugly.
>Literally just a flag bearer
Flag bearer was literally one of the most dangerous positions you could have on the battlefield. You're the one every sharpshooter is aiming at.
On top of that, she wore a suit of armor almost daily. Even unarmed, she'd be more than strong enough to overpower a manlet Bohemian artist, ratfaced clubfoot, and a fat chicken farmer.
And I would drive a a 12 inch steel blade right through your chest before you could do it just to spite you and the rest of /pol/.
I'm not even a /pol/lack I just think she looks kind of ugly.
I'm sure you thought this would sound witty when you typed it out.
>I'd gas someone for being ugly
>not /pol/
Yeah, you're /pol/
t. White knight permavirgin
I would rescue majorian and become his unswerving loyal palatina, and help usher in a glorious turn in the fortunes of the western Roman empire.
alright you got me I'm /pol/. but seriously can we at least make her look more like the actual Anne Frank?
Reddit pls go
>fucking with history using a meme machine
>accusing anti-/pol/ anons of being reddit
>implying /pol/ isn't basically an extension of /r/The_Donald now
Well, what would you suggest?
You'd probably be more likely to kill yourself by teleporting into a tree or building that was where you were standing X years ago than actually change history. There's also the whole "changing the future erases the chain of events that motivated you to go back in time in the first place and may even erase your very existence" thing.
Joan. Crazy religious tomboys are works of God.
Would Joan have ever settled down with a husband to raise more of God's little soldiers or would she have kept on fighting wars because she enjoyed it?
Have Sidney Shachnow train them in the ways of modern war so they may crush the Red and Brown hordes with the upmost efficiency.
Why only Anastasia? Ideally all of the Romanovs would survive.
Anastasia was the cutest. She's also the one everyone's obsessed about because it was suspected that she might have survived. Until they identified her body in 2007.
She would have gone to Bohemia to fight those filthy fucking Hussites. Once they were defeated, she'd probably retire to a nunnery because her husbando is God.
And what if Charles VII insists she take one of his relatives (I'd say sons, except they all would've been much too young for her) as a husband as a reward for her service?
I dunno. She'd probably say no as well. I think the guy closest to her in age who was of any noble status during her campaign was Alençon and he was already married, though his wife died soon after Joan died. Then again this is the middle ages, age differences that we today would be weirded out by wouldn't be that odd to them so she could have had some old grandpa as a noble husband
True. Although I imagine Charles would've wanted to keep her close, both as an asset (her skill as a warrior, the respect she commanded from her men etc.) and to prevent her from becoming a potential liability. He might have been appealed to the Pope to help convince her to marry and fufill God's command to "be fruitful and multiply".
Maybe. From what I read of Charles, he seemed to have used her more as a tool than be a genuine believer in her and what she stood for. She was a piece on the chess board and when she was captured he made no attempt to reclaim her.
Well Joan became a liability when she was captured. So course as a shrewd ruler, Charles was quick to realize she wasn't worth the trouble of getting back. He may even been gambling on her being martyred, knowing it would backfire and he could rally France to fight on in her name. Had she avoided capture or even escaped on her own, she would have remained an asset. And of course, the best means of keeping someone an asset in those times was with marriage.
Not necessarily. Charles didn't need to have her married to ensure her loyalty to the crown. Sure bloodties are nice but she had already proven herself to be a very loyal commander without being hitched to his third cousin twice removed or whatever
Quads demand that someone must draw this.
Van Gogh
You can't save a man from himself.
Joan could have been a little crazy but she was PURE, she never stopped believing in the Lord, even after Satan disciples raped her. She certainly didn't deserve to burn.
>Saving all these pasty white girls
>Not going to Western Hemisphere and vaccinating/nursing some native cuties so they don't die of smallpox
>Giving Sophie, a pacifist, a weapon
I don't think this is going to work how you envision it user
Show her a vision of Auschwitz, the Einatzgruppen, the villages being torched inhabitants slaughtered, and she'll turn into a Deus Vulter real quick.
Remember, Georg Elser was a pacifist too. And his hatred of military aggression is what motivated him to try and blow up Hitler. Kill him, you trade the lives of a handful of guilty men for millions of innocents.
>Saint Joan of Arc
>siding with Christ-killing kikes
Jesus. He would end up being some obscure preacher and Christianity would have never existed or Islam for that matter.
>Joan of Arc
>Siding with the eternal kraut who just invaded her country again
>thinking Joan of Arc would be any more inclined to side with a gang of mass murdering anti-Christian Pagan LARPers who are subjugating her country
How fucking retarded are you?
>siding with Christ-killing kikes
All a matter of perspective. The majority of Catholics don't hold retarded 2,000 year old grudges based on flimsy evidence so I'm gonna guess she would've been with the majority.
Hell, Joan had a fairly forgiving attitude to the English.
"Of the love or hatred God has for the English, I know nothing, but I do know that they will all be thrown out of France, except those who die there."
>the only force fighting against atheistic judeo-bolshevism in Europe
Good goy.
>anti-Christian Pagan LARPers
Nope. Nice try Schlomo.
>The majority of Catholics
Supported Hitler and Mussolini. The pope himself said Mussolini had been sent by God.
>muh atheistic judeo-bolshevism
Do I need to break out my copy of Hitler's Table Talk and the Goebbels Diaries to start quoting all of the Fedora Tipper-tier bullshit the Nazi leadership spouted on a regular basis?
>le "our movement is Christian"
Ever heard of lip service you dumbass?
You should know, Lugenberg.
Alright, I guess I do.
"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
"By virtue of an inherent law, these riches belong to him who conquers them. The great migrations set out from the East. With us begins the ebb, from West to East. That's in accordance with the laws of nature. By means of struggle, the élites are continually renewed. The law of selection justifies this incessant struggle, by allowing the survival of the fittest. Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure."
"It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund. At that period the ancient world was divided between the systems of philosophy and the worship of idols. It's not desirable that the whole of humanity should be stultified—and the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little."
"The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity. Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. Thus one understands that the healthy elements of the Roman world were proof against this doctrine. Yet Rome to-day allows itself to reproach Bolshevism with having destroyed the Christian churches! As if Christianity hadn't behaved in the same way towards the pagan temples."
Need I go on?
My dad
>table talk
>contested authenticity
>versus explicit and verified statements
Please don´t let me stop you JIDF, you gotta make a living after all and you get paid for post.
Oh of course everything negative about Hitler is of "contested authenticity" to you. You can't bear to have your beloved Fuhrer fallible in any way. Nevermind these were statements recorded by Martin Bormann, one of Hitler's most trusted lieutenants.
You stormniggers' denial of reality has no limits.
More like teleporting to the middle of space because the earth is rotating, orbiting, circling in the milky way, or hurtling away from the center of the Big bang and you still haven't figured out how to account for that.
I would immediately go back to the spring of 1993 armed to the fucking teeth and save Joe Vogler from being assassinated by the American federal government. Then it's time for the ALASKA WAR OF INDEPENDENCE BABY!
>actual speeches he delivered in public and the book he himself wrote are "lip service"
>supposed private talks annotated and translated by third parties are absolutely fact that override everything else
>u-u r biased, stormnigger
So this is the power of Jewish humour?
So THIS is the power of the stormweenie brain...my almond are activate!!!!!
To Schlmo Kikenblatt Lugenberg:
>accuses Jews/anyone who disagrees with National Socialism of being dishonest liars to no end
>"There's no way our beloved Fuhrer would say one thing in public but believe something different in private."
It's as if you morons forget Hitler was a politician and had to placate multiple competing factions during his reign.
You see you´re thinking like a Jew. You assume everyone is lying because that is the default way you behave. Stop projecting Schlomo.
I'm not assuming everyone is lying. I'm assuming that YOU are lying.
Except I didn´t claim anything of my own authorship dumbass.
>Jews are smart lol
>Table Talk
Literal forgery.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a FILTHY JEW
>n-no there is no way my mentally ill, drug addicted revolutionary could possibly have had ulterior motives
You're just another side of the commie coin. Why don't you come goose-step into my yard, comrade? I'll show you my Colt Single Action.
>Colt Single Action
My nigga
I'm more of a Colt Walkerfag myself but you gotta love the brilliant simplicity of the Single Action.
I knew this guy IRL, fuck knows if he's still alive.
Of course it's the Naziboo who dismisses what free men with the right tools can accomplish. A mistake that proved deadly for a great many men of the Wehrmacht.
Albert Sidney Johnston
Stonewall Jackson
Leonidas Polk
Patrick Cleburne
If I had a time machine I would go back and kill Muhammed and Martin Luther (also I would have saved no one to be honest, except Julius Caesar,Pompe and dare I say it Crassus)
Save Caesar's daughter Julia and you save both Caesar and Pompey at the same time.
>Let's say you have /some sort of time machine/
>Who would you save first?
Does it matter?
Also Jeanne because she is literally perfect
This, but save Anne and send her to sniper school and make that /k/ sharpshooter Anne Frank picking off Nazis from hillsides and rooftops fanfic real
She'd probably demand you put her right back into the fight.