Do you think my sixth grade teacher was racist?
I remember in that social studies class we were studying late 19th/early 20th century American history and ofc the yuge emigration influx. So she makes us look up our ancestors from Ellis Island on some website as a homework assignment. I know for fact I have literally zero ancestors that went through Ellis Island, though, and I wasn't the only first generation citizen kid in the class either. She didn't want to hear it, though. She made a class that was over half Latin or Carribean immigrant kids to look up their ancestors from Ellis Island.
Was she trying to tell us we're not real Americans or something?
Racist 6th grade teacher
No one gives a shit abut your 6th grade teacher. Keep posting more pictures like this.
Here's a girl from my school volleyball team.
Well, to be honest, if you're a 1st generation immigrant you're not a real anything but a native of your country of origin.
I was born in the United States, moron.
than your second generation....
Even if my parents weren't legal until very recently after I turned 21?
Poster got 1st generation citizen/migrant confused..
And no, your teacher is not racist.
No, OP is right. He is a 1st generation citizen, parents are 1st generation migrants. OP is a 2nd generation migrant..
Also, when trying to correct people, use proper grammar. 'Then you are 2nd generation' is correct, not than.
Public school employees are secret shills trying to scare parents into sending their children to for-profit schools.
Then literally what was the point of the assignment?
The assignment was literally pass or fail you had to show her your ancestor from the website. I had to bs it and she knew it whereas all the white kids got to draw a family tree for extra credit to back it up.
Well your teacher sounds like a moron now.
>didn't make clear that if you had no family from Ellis Island you would fail.
>my family didn't come through Ellis either, but came earlier..
>can't be racist if all the WASP were here on the Mayflower, pre-dating Ellies island
I think your teacher is mentally handicap.
Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you. A lot of Americans got their citizenship by going through Ellis Island and she wanted them to get the chance to study their cultural heritage. I know that must be insulting to you people from the Caribbean and LA, as you're probably used to seeing liberals tell us white folk we don't have any ethnic backgrounds to be proud of while they tell you to march through the streets in pride. But guess what. Everyone deserves to be proud of where they come from. You probably already know where you come from, but some third and fourth generation immigrants may not have a single idea of their ancestry. Is it so damn painful for her to allow them to look that up and maybe get a little info on who they are, or is that just too much for your sensitive little feelings to sit through because they're not catering to you specifically?
I'm in college now btw kek
Dude my school was 70% Hispanic, though. I wasn't the only Mexican kid at all.
>move to America
>get butthurt when asked to do American things
Fuck off back to Mexico then. And no, I don't give a shit where you were born.
Are you fucking dense?
>"American things"
Then I was right. She was racist.
Yeah, no. This is bullshit. Back to the drawing board OP. No teacher in their right mind would do that in 2017. Not only are they 80% liberal, but if word of this got to the principal or super attendant, that teacher would be blacklisted from ever stepping foot in a classroom again. That especially goes if your class was half Latin and Caribbean. Someone would've bitched, someone would've heard, and she'd be gone in an instant.
To imply that you're any less American for not emigrating here like some white people did hundreds of years ago is fucking racist.
Let alone indoctrine it with a fucking sixth grade social studies assignment. Talk about power shilling. And you people WONDER why immigrant kids won't act American.
>in 2017
OP is still in sixth grade?
Probably more dumb than racist.
Ellis Island was in operation for 60 years - plenty of white people immigrated before and after that.
>people who came here during and after the Cold War are just as American as the descendants of the people who came in the 1600s
Are you fucking retarded?
I was twelve. I'm 21 now.
You don't think there were any public school teachers sick with all these damn spic kids in 2009? :^)
Why would you lie on an anonymous image board
Some Vietnamese immigrant's grandson is probably in the Air Force or some shit rn.
I've never seen an Asian person begging on the side of the road. They're always white. And they always know exactly how French, Irish, German, Scottish, and Cherokee they are.
Wait. Okay, I think I may see where the discrepancy is. Let's think about this. What profession in America consists of the biggest group of retards with a college education? That's right, public school teachers. So what if Miss Tardo thought that EVERY immigrant was going to be on the Ellis Island registry, whether they went through Ellis Island or not? I mean, it seems like a very easy mistake to make if you're not vetted on the subject. It's pretty pathetic, but it doesn't seem racist.
You people are dillusional. Do you actually think she's that retarded not to know where all these Hispanic immigrant kids are coming from? Because she didn't learn about it in college?
My bad.
Honestly? Not really. I come from a pretty conservative part of the country, and my high school teachers were all pretty much liberal. I just think you're misinterpreting your teacher being an utter retard with racism.
Public school teachers can be really fucking dumb, but it's also hard to believe she'd be that naive.
Idk, OP. Weird situation.
Yes, I do. I don't think you quite get what kind of profession teaching, even 10 years ago, is in America. It is pretty much that profession where people who spent the first 2 years of college getting drunk say "fuck it, I'm getting into this because it is easy." Becoming a teacher is one of the easiest things to get into in the US. I graduated high school and college with so many of these retards who are now in charge of their own classroom full of students.
It was p weird.
Look up Pinnacle Charter School in Colorado if you ever get the chance. Wild little place. They've even made the news a few times for gun chases and teachers selling marijuana to students and shit like that.
My high school gym teacher, who was also the superintendent's daughter, was caught selling heroin.
Name's Siri fyi
You're giving your teacher far too much credit. It sounds like she just cobbled together a lesson plan without putting much thought into it. Rather than being a calculating racist, she was probably just lazy as shit and unwilling to adapt her lesson plan as soon as its inherent flaws were pointed out to her. As people have mentioned, 6th grade public school teachers are hardly the brightest or hardest working people out there.
And for what it's worth, there are plenty of white immigrants who wouldn't appear on Ellis Island records either. Ellis Island got the dregs of Europe during the very late 19th and early 20th centuries. We're talking predominantly southern and eastern European immigrants; the kind of people barely deemed to be white by WASP elites.
>Was my teacher racist, Veeky Forums
>"nah OP they're actually that retarded"
Is that what I'm getting here
Are you triggered? Unironically?
Mexican is not a race, neither is immigrant.
My ancestors came in 1750s and 1850s from Euro. They would not be on manifests from Ellis Island. 100% white though.
I agree, teacher is dumb.
How painful. I think I might like to be a teacher if I "retire" from paleontology, maybe.
You yanks use this terminology? The generation of "citizenship" instead if immigration? Weird as fuck, this is worst than using imperial.
Doesnt matter if you were born here.
Maybe not racist, but if it wasn't done out of racism she was still being ignorant and unreasonable. If she took points off for failing to do your assignment when you literally couldn't do it because of your ancestry, then she was definitely being ridiculous. Sounds like she was the kind of "by the book" type, incapable or unwilling of making independent judgements, that really shouldn't be considered qualified for anything but temporary substitute teaching positions.
>Mexican is not a race
So I guess putting up a sign that says "Europeans Only" wouldn't be racist either?
You still need to go back
How can they "go back" to somewhere they've never been?
Yes. From talking to public school teachers, yes.
I don't think anyone would mind if you kept posting pictures of your school's volleyball players...
Probably not, although she should have. Most American women are massive whores who hate Whites. Fuck off Paco, this kind of whining is why people want to send you back
>t. OP's 6th grade teacher
did u fucdc her?
You sound autistic. I bet you are one of those neckbeards who always say that Islam is not a race whenever Islamophobes are accused of racism.
Almost as bad as pronouncing the letter z as zed. But who would do that amiright?
the people who invented english?