Get ready
Get ready
The fuck is this
how do i get this shit
Lol i found it. Cryptopia shitcoin. Looks like whales have already accumulated it
What's this coin called?
Haha the bitcoin talk thread is hilarious it's literally a shitcoin op is a pajeet
i think you got the wrong one mane, its not on any exchanges yet let alone (((cryptopia)))
its avalon and its gonna fuckin skyrocket
How do I get this shill coin?
its an ICO
all the info is here
they're already pumping out kino
what did i just watch?
kino cant you read
that shit looks expensive tho these people have (((backing)))
its an onchain group buy platform, it's good but no money printer.
when its got the kinda businesses affiliated that are being rumored and dudes like mcafee interested im guaranteed a profit on ICO price
Aww you're right mah bad, imma buy the fuck out of this
so it's just groupon
good thinking my man
lambos thots and jetskis
not quite but similar concept
its a dope bridge for consumers/businesses (normies) with cryptos
Thanks just bought 100k
no worries chief
just surged 100 followers on tokenmarket in like 8 hours
get in this shit boys when it hits 400 it gets an elevated ranking on the listing and the secret is out
not quite champion
9~ million hard cap ICO.
Is this just going to sell out instantly?
No shit.
looking at how quickly 100 million dollar ICOs are selling in a day id say its possible
jus makin sure bud
their site is dogshit, been navigating for 5 mins and cant find out how to purchase the fucking coins
links through the 'get AVA' portion of the Token page on, you cant purchase it yet because the sale isnt until the 25th
Anyone have any idea what time of the day it's going to release on the 25th? Have they said anything? I don't have any ETH on me at the moment so it would be nice to know.
Can burgers participate?
theres a running countdown here its not a security so i cant see why not
Video looks cool AFK tbqhf
the only thing i'm weary about is how they say the tokens are a "thank you gift" for your "donations"
is this just to cover their own ass? will there be an ETH smart contract or what
as i understand it the distribution will be through a smart contract
Yes. It's the kickstarter/crowdfund rule. You new to crypto brah?
My body is ready. I didn't even know about this one, I gotta step my tokenmarket game up. good looking out OP
>tfw I'm all in on the obsidian ICO and it ends in 5 days
I hope I'll make it in time for this one...
no worries my man
good luck and god speed
Holy shit where the fuck did this project come from?
The video has better graphics than Marvel movies HAHAHAHA
their promo trailer i think he means
which businesses are associated?
Holy shit lol. What the fuck did that cost to make
(((why))) do you think they're hardcapped at 9 million
Holy fuck.
I don't give a fuck about the white paper, investing for the trailer alone.
They didn't fucking make this. I call bullshit
evidently they did
i thought it was pretty neat, little bit vague but shows theyve got some backing
i...i'm not r-ready
hype is strong with dis
get ready
noobie here,
can anyone emerald pill me on the chinese and ICOs?
inb4 it sells out before normies get a chance. Hey just like real ((IPOS))
Seems like a bunch of bullshit. kys shill