Does biz look at motivational pictures to help themselves work harder?
Does biz look at motivational pictures to help themselves work harder?
>no fast food, no cola
I wish it was that easy.
White tindr sluts don't motivate me at all, I just want a homely conservative asian gf to cuddle with and watch movies.
It's just a symbol you pedantic fag
not related to biz, delete, mods
trips confirm hapa masterrace will save the west
I've been training for 4 years now and have been using anabolic steroids for almost a year.
After the first 4 months you stop lifting for girls. If you want to focus on something to attract girls, make lots of money and be "toned".
If you're shredded to the bone but work a shitty minimum wage job, have no car, and live at home, don't even bother. It just looks like you're compensating.
I had to learn this the hard way. ;_;
Yes. Motivation is like food, you need it daily. That "if u need motivation ur not gun maek eet" is retarded. You constantly need to remind your consciousness until it becomes subconscious.
Great people make stuff that motivate them into huge pictures and hang them on their fucking bedroom walls
The question is: is that which motivates you good or not? If lambos motivate you kill yourself. If prosperity of the community and your loved ones motivates you, you are good
What are you running rn
this guy speaks the truth
Hard work is a scam, you can't change bones.
Cards dealt at birth.
>"working hard" meme
Dont fall for this
I have the HEIGHT, FRAME and most importantly, FACE though. Now I want my body to match my face and height.
This is what everyone says, then they post a pic.
If you had what you said, you wouldn't need to go to the gym beyond a normie machines-only workout.
>t. Uneducated and lazy loser
>he can't cope with bone law.
250 test 200 tren.
I was on 500 test 400 tren for 6 weeks but the sides were too much.
Reminder : if you have less than a 9" and intimidatingly thicc cock you might as well just become a woman unless you like being cheated on and used for your money
Oh. I bought some test, asin and nolva. Going to run 12 weeks 500mg
the pic seems more like sum cuckshit from reddit... are you a cuck?
I am assuming you are a NEET. I look similar to the guy on the pic except I am Nordic. I've had sex with a dozen girls or more, probably could have more but I am shy as fuck and mostly don't care about sex anymore, I want to better myself and become rich, etc. You are a stupid fucking retard if you think looks are everything. I was 120 pounds overweight before and still had a pretty girlfriend plus had sex before her. It's all about game, maybe if you went out of your basement and took off that fedora you could also get some girls.
tfw no VC gf
Are you guys seriously so indoctrinated that you think that being an 80s action hero makes you more inclined to get women? Deep down I hope everyone is trolling, if not thats literally pathetic.
Hard work in every field pays of, it requires systematic and educated approach fueled by extreme will and passion, it has no other way but to yield results. Like if you are aiming at a target, you cannot miss by 180 degree, you can in small degrees until you eventually hit it, where you are going is where you end up.
t. 185cm 27yo skinny guy whos dick spent more time in various pussy than yours will in the next 10 years probably by never giving a fuck about anything exept chasing dreams
Good first cycle.
You're gonna love every minute in the gym for the next 12 weeks, and will probably just say fuck it and cruise on 250 test like everyone else does.
>I am assuming you are a NEET. I look similar to the guy on the pic except I am Nordic
If you lift and/or make money for this shit, life is gonna ass rape you and leave you in a ditch.
Do it for yourself. Cunt is a bonus at most. Don't marry cunt.
>he thinks looks don't matter
>he thinks anecdotes are evidence
>his anecdotes are likely lies
He's right. Cunt is not worth that much effort as much as your test-addled brain tricks you into believing it is.
Hahahaha, thanks for the laugh. I won't post pics of myself, but I just wanted to write it out somewhere. I lost weight and life has made a complete 180 on me, I don't brag about it or really care what biz people think, but sometimes it feels good to write out the unbelievable shit that has been happening.
who the fuck are you to tell me what is good or bad?
fucking normie, get the fuck out of my fucking crypto board
Lol all that matters is your face, stupid gymcel
Maybe no one will see this, but there is an App in the AppStore called Streaks. This shit has really, really helped me with daily excercise (just pushups) and daily Keto (no carbs)
I used to go one week on and off, but I'm 5+ weeks now and its just a daily part of my routine - do the pushups and dont eat carbs, then add to the streak. Down from 220-200 just from this minor thing. Thought I'd pass it along
Yeah, I drew a picture of Orson Welles pointing at me saying
>Do you have the stomach for greatness!?
It's a great way of motivating a NEET like me to get out of bed because it's a reminder of how fucking pathetic I am.
>tfw fear of emabresment is the most powerful motivation I have
>would accomplish almost anything if I had a GF or a PA nagging me to do things
But it's not really aspirational like your poster, I might have to do that. Might have to print out a bunch of ladies looking hipster as fuck and other things I want...
...wait no that's it. And a vintage guitar.
Nice bought 100k
I've given up on using motivation as a way to get me to do things. I'm considering making self-hypnosis videos to trick me into doing shit. Lay down ground work and doing say, one hour a day's work on something rather than 'marathoning' tasks.
I'm really into Dante Nero's thing of "lay five bricks a day".
>the stream eventually wears away the stone
was in that thread too. Was that guy legit? He was like a white Elliott Roger. I don't think he was legit
Bump. Looking for some advice on making my own... or not
if she cheats I cheat too and end the relationship
easy peasy
So 99.99% of guys should kill themselves or become a woman.
Ok roastie.
There need be a new breed of memes. It's time to shame roasties for their blown out fish holes. If they need any dick above average, that means their pussy is below average and low quality.
Day of the rope is coming for roasties.
Cope. Chad makes 0 effort and enjoys it and isn't bitter calling girls "cunt" because girl love him.
>im a male model
>looks don't matter
Look at her BF. FACE.
Tranny cope.
Pic was just there to get bump. Lowest common denominator.
Men (and women) dont just want sex, sex might have been the ultimate form of intimacy between two people at some point, but at this point holding hands is probably more valuable than having sex. Getting pussy is fucking easier than ever, sluts throw their body around like it's nothing. Getting a genuine relationship is harder than ever.
Men want to have a relationship with a woman. Not just for sex, but for emotional compassion. If they just wanted for sex they could just hire hookers all day. Yet rich men go to ridicilous lenghts, wasting millions of dollars on women just so that these sluts would stay with them. And then they get dumped and divorce raped. They could hire hookers and get way better sex than just fucking the same pussy every day, yet they dont, why? It's because it's not just about sex.
Promiscuity doesn't give you shit. It just leads to complete moral and mental dissaray after a while.
Of course, marrying isint the option either, because modern women are complete cancer and unicorns dont exist.
This of course fucks up men and women. Ironically women stand to lose more than men. A single man in his 40s that works out and is rich can travel the world and slay pussy like a god. A single woman in her 40s is just a used up roastie that has completely fucked up hormone balance due to riding the cock carousel hard. Feminism is the greatest scam.
Modernity is killing us all.
>tfw you will never fall asleep at night next to a rifle-toting QT3.14 who farmed the food she cooked for your dinner
Why even live?
Truly a roissypilled gentleman here. Basically, western civilization is fucked.
no. also i dont want women, i want ether to be trading at fucking $1k+
I don't care about women, I hate them.
I want mony and knowledge plox.
just give up on white women and find muslim or latina catholic girls who recently gave up on their religion. It,s a happy medium.
Women are merely flesh fuck biobags to me. I don't like them, I don't like their instincts, I don't like their morals, I don't like their common traits. I only like their looks, fucking them and their voices. Women are trash by definition. Money on other hand, is great.
>loser effortless faggot bitch beta
Holy shit Veeky Forums is literally gay
>half of the image is pictures of a half naked guy
How is this not homo as fuck?
>calls others normies
>not knowing that good things are those thatyield favorable results that lay basis for any development in the future
stay pleb
Yeah, mostly NatSoc and Fascist / Fash-wave stuff. Their propaganda videos are very very good at motivation.
Even though I'm a libertarian.
Cut carbs and it is.
I laughed my ass off, thanks for posting this
no it's vain as fuck and kys
what an idiot kek
What I meant is that I've seen both sides of the coin. Right now my looks make it easier to approach girls, they mostly approach me, but I still got laid when I was a fat fuck.
>you will never be a girl and be a sex object just by existing
Being a woman has got to be the easiest fucking thing in the world
>lifting for thots
>you will never be chad and get paid to post instagram pics and fuck the hot girls
kys mong
>but at this point holding hands is probably more valuable than having sex
i've had 3 bitches on tinder want to fuck me in the past few days. I told them I don't want none of that, i want a relationship. They dont want nunnadat. They want to fuck and that's it. I just cannot find holes attractive, lads. I don't think i'm a fag or anything but just fucking a chick and nothing else seems gay as fuck. It's degenerated. I wanna fuck a chick who's going to bear my children and want to hang out with me later. Feels bad.
Stop coping you ignorant swine. Gymceling is cope. There is 0 point going to the gym if you dont have ideal bones and have a wide waist and narrow bideltoid width. Any genuine chad who is ottermode and goes running for sports will be infinitely more attractive than the ectomorph framecel gymcel who compensates for his inferior bones by going to the gym and muh building muscle for muh cardiovascular health. Lifting will ruin your life srs by highlighting the flaws in your BONES.
>enter the dating market too late
>when I finally get the gist of it, Chad pre-mined all girls
>get tricked into marring right after their All Time High and am now stuck with those saggy bags
watch out for anything that peaks that early
perfect irish beauty, i want to go there
Fuck off lookism fag.
pretty much this.
You literally have to work 100x harder to look half as good as somebody who's blessed with good genetics/bone structure. Yes, you can get in good shape with lifting/exercise.
....but you'll never be Chad with bulging wide shoulders and diamond cut jaw with visible ramus. That aint happening because you are a genetically inferior male (see egg man's black pill video).
You are a fucking idiot. Moderate lifting will increase your strength and help keep you healthy and free from stupid injuries. Weight bearing exercise also builds bone density and strength which is even more important as you age and T levels begin to decrease. You are such a lazy sack of shit, reevaluate your life.
There is no getting off this ride, user. Women of 2017 are addicted to the constant dopamine hits quick Tinder fucks can bring them.
>when I finally get the gist of it, Chad pre-mined all girls
Have you noticed Veeky Forums invading biz? Bc biz has money and success and confidence and all the things Veeky Forumsizens thought they would have once they made gains. You didn't make it because you didn't develop any real discipline to improve your life perminantly. You aren't alone though, many Veeky Forumsrielites will get rich and then poor again for the same reason.
This image doesn't motivate me, it puts me off women and makes me feel like the world is hopeless. If anything it's the opposite of motivational.
Turn to Christ brother
lol well said
Why? She will just say "ewww, go away creep!"
Alpha white guys with "Dad bods" get laid all the time. Meme.
mein negger
no, i don't care about self improvement i just want to get rich so i can quit wagecucking forever.
They both sit like betas
how dose one do this? will you also get a gf if you meet christ and do i have to stop masturbating for this to work?
We are alive in the best point of human history.
The internet has given so many benefits to us.
>tinder 0 effort to get laid
>crypto 0 effort to get paid
>Veeky Forums comfy shitposting and minimal normies
pic rel my tinder.
Nina called u gay lol
wew lad. ever used tinder? that arrow = a message I sent.
>ur gay
One of the best lines you can say to a girl ever.
Try bleeding out of your dick for 5 days every 4th week. All while it hurts so bad you can barely walk without painkillers.
Also spend 1 extra hour in the morning putting on makeup to be a sex object "just by existing".
Not to mention the amount of grooming bullshit women have to do to their hair and skin to look good.
Honestly being a dude is much simpler. Just make money, lift, eat, and get a haircut every now and then. You don't even have to dress fancy or shave these days
friendly reminder that if you spend even a single shekel on a woman you're a fucking goy
All I want in a woman is someone attractive and someone who could be a great business partner. Too bad most women, and men honestly, just want to spend money on stupid shit and have no goals of building a life in which they are financially independent.
>le feminine struggle
>looking pretty is HARD AF
lol, what a faggot
>trying to get rich for women
have you guys not seen the woman FUD threads or what?
Honestly being a woman is much easier. Just don't be fat (hell you can be chubby even) and dumb men will take care of you your entire life.
>putting on makeup and grooming is hard
You only proved the initial point. Women's lives are fucking easy. Just don't get fat and you'll never have to work 1/10th as hard as a man.
>that pic
How I Met Your Mother: The Lost Episodes
I'm a sex object for my girlfriend, which she tells me is just for existing.
Just wait untill they get old.
If still single at that point its just a long sad end.
Takes a damn long time, and they have plenty of time to make something of themselves in that easy mode period. Just look at someone like Ann Coulter, she's 55 now and still looks ok for the most part, while also being successful. If they can make it to 55 and be ok looking, it's pretty weird to claim there's a massive drop off in profitability of looks.
>good wife material looking for a man with solid ambition and finances to pledge her life with
>Veeky Forums tier autist who probably invests in crypto can't unsperg for 5 minutes and be truthful about finances
Never be like this Veeky Forums
Nice cope you autistic mouther breathing retard. There is no point lifting unless you are tall and already good looking. Gymceling can enhance genetic value but you cant polish shit. Im a gymcel and lifting has added no value to my life because im an ugly manlet with low androgen sensitivity. Girls want tall men with masculaine facial features instead of coping gymcels who compensate for their inferior genetics and manletism with lifting heavy objects.
>Tfw on medication that made me a fat fuck
>70 pounds in a year and a half
>Metabolism is fucked by medication so it's mega hard to lose weight
>CBD isn't covered by insurance
>Tfw at least I'm not an ugly fuck, 2 cute grills hit on me past two weeks on the street, but fat and NEET
>Just need money for CBD to get off this medication and start hitting the gym to change my life around
Whew lads, reccomend any jobs to wagecuck for? Thinking about Bestbuy/Target for now. Going to school soon for a medical billing certificate but I hear that field is hard to get into unless you have years of experience.
Is she wearing a tablecloth?
It's called a doily, and it's very feminine...
U wot
Whose male model pictures are you using?
>Women of any year are addicted to the constant dopamine hits quick Chad fucks can bring them.
No. I look at my bank account.
it is
>IF 7 days a week
>KETO 6 days a week
>carb backload once per week on heaviest lifting day
enjoy your fast food AND get shredded