give me a tl;dr on the history of this region
Give me a tl;dr on the history of this region
The natural borders of greater albania
Special snowflake syndrome taken to genocidal proportions. They're all basically the same people.
thracians and illyrians->romans->slavs->bulgarian empire->byzantines->bulgarian empire->feudal anarchy->turks->nationalism->wars->communism->wars->today
>the Ottoman Empire and the Austrian Empire used to own all of this
>few conflicts happened
>balkanite start WWI
>get free
>shit keeps happening
>21st century
>shit keeps happening
>there are fucking trains in Bosnia that are divided in three sections: Bosniaks, Serbs and Herzegovinans or Serbian Bosniaks, whatever they are called
Yugoslavia was the solution but not even those retards can control themselves.
On the opposite, a lot of the balkan problems came from trying to unite them.
Pan-slavism/union is a myth. It's a made up concept created as a political tool by Russia during the 19th century, and Serbia took the meme too far with autism.
Bulgarians and Croats have barely anything in common for example.
>so I heard you like unrest
>well this is A D V A N C E D U N R E S T
Simple summary:
Brothel for Turks
It worked during the ottoman empire.
You might say the balkan slavs were at ther most powerful as subjects of the empire.
The "solution" was to draw the country borders properly on ethnic and cultural basis after ottoman occupation. Which the west didn't want as to fragment them and keep them weak. Meanwhile Russia on the other hand trying to project power under hilarious pretext "muh pan slavism", "muh orthodoxy".
The entire region is "everyone literally leave us the fuck alone already."
>being second class citizens on a Muslim empire
>at their most powerful
The slavs that became muslim ruled one of the most powerful empires of the 16th century and unlike many places in europe they were freemen with land instead of serfs of some lord.
>40% of albanians live in that province
>another one has 30% of croats
>all for serbia
>40% of serbs live in a province
>lmao give it to Bosnia
Fuck stupid micronationalism. Yugoslavia was the solution and you know it. They went full retard since they wanted everyone to be a serb (not that it isn't true but they no longer consider themselves serbs).
>everyone literally leave us the fuck alone already
Kek. Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia tried to expand whenever was possible.
Imagine Hotel Rwanda, but with whites
So you think instances of converts who gained prominence in the empire(most were albanian by the way) represent the overall status, power and prestige of the balkan subjects?
Because that's totally untrue.
Christians were second class citizens with higher taxes and humiliating restrictions. Ottomans could barely even control their own janisaries and local lords of the provinces, which resulted in constant rape, massacre and exploitation. The balkans by 19th century were a borderline anarchy with bandit/rape highway gangs roaming.
The (literally anything) that become muslim ruled one of the most powerful empires of the 16th century and unlike many places in europe they were free men with land instead of serfs of some lord.
violent thugs and brutal despots
>Fuck stupid micronationalism.
No, fuck oversimplified federalization.
>not that it isn't true
Couldn't be further than the truth.
Uniting south slavs is literally a 1800s meme started by Russian imperialists.
Check out some Medieval history, they've been at a war with each other for 1400 years and always subject to whatever conquered forcibly. (East Romans, Bulgars, Serbs, Turks)
...not very different from the Balkans before Ottomans
Way before Bosnia and Montenegro were a thing everyone there was either serb, croatian or illyrian. Then shit happened.
>oversimplified federalization
Then making shitloads of elections asking "Would you be part of Serbia or Croatia?" in each province is the solution? You know the serbs love to boycott elections. The croats are a bunch of fuckers too.
Yugoslavia was the solution, they should have divided their provinces properly and not doing shit like "special status territory". It's a meme but the only solution.
That might have been true in the last 2 centuries but before that the empire was pretty safe and organized. Also christians weren't conscripted and they didn't pay some taxes the muslims did, so yes they did pay more but it wasn't as if they payed the double of what a muslim payed or something.
>Yugoslavia's official language
Lmao. It's like a failed Germany.
>ITT t*rks and their brainwashed sympathizers in the west trying to convince the gullible that the backward, savage drain of human culture and civilization that was the ottoman empire was in any way shape or form good or that it had any positive contributions to mankind or it's enslaved subjects
Bulgarian Empire saved Europe during the early middle ages
I'd take a reformed Yugoslavia over being swallowed up and at the whims of Merkel and the Islamic eu at this point too...
My dad who is full blown "SRBE NA vrbe" is starting to echo this sentiment
Therr is no real connection besides remembering that mountains make for some wacky demographic shit.
Yugoslavian official languages were serbo-croatian, slovenian, and macedonian.
Serbian and croatian languages are literally the same, just different dialects. Montenegrin and Bosniak don't exist. Saying that they are separate languages is like saying that Cockney accent [jsut the accent though, not the slang] is a different language.
Hungary isn't a Balkan country.
The future site of the Great Croatian Empire
b-but muh ekavian
I'm speaking ekavian dialect, but it literally just a dialect, just like the others.
The Ottoman Empire's rule over the Balkans led to incredible (not in a good way) stagnation among the Slavs inside the empire and horrible attrocities among those living on the Turkish warpath. It led to the Serbian migrations to the north and to the west which drastically changed the population in Croat-inhabited lands.
Neither are Slovenia and Romania.
Not just stagnation, but collapse. Balkans lost 2/3rds of it's population during Ottoman rule. Few regions experienced such a catastrophe.
>According to Halil İnalcık, "The population of the Balkans, according to one estimate, fell from a high of 8 million in the late 16th-century to only 3 million by the mid-eighteenth. This estimate is in harmony with the first findings based on Ottoman documentary evidence."[83]
>Croatian intellectuals are Russian imperialists
I thought this was a board for history.
b-but muh forced reintroduction of ancient slavic months, muh infinitives, muh arbitrarily chosen archaic words, and muh different spelling of foreign names