
Daily reminder that Christianity is a clerical and monastic tradition. If you are a layman you aren't a real Christian.

priests/monks = real Christians
laymen = people watching Christianity happen from the sidelines

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good thread
all christians should become real christians so they'll be extinct withing a generation desu

Christianity is not Gnosticism dumbass. Paul says that there are different vocations for different persons. God's kingdom is composed of husbands, wives, farmers, craftsmen, and even kings and rulers, not just monks and clergymen, although the later are to be regarded as guides and teachers.

>he thinks gnosticism is monastic
Gnosis means knowledge. From the standpoint of pure knowledge it's completely irrelevant what your vocation is. "Gnosticism" is not a religion.

t. guy who doesn't know what priests or monks think about the faith

Priests serve the Eucharist and other sacraments while bishops preserve the doctrine and traditions of the Church. Monastics seek to live in asceticism to become more in-tune to divine nature, as well as praying for those who do not take up such a vocation.

That an ideological or religious group has a caste within it that is devoted to esotericism within that ideological or religious group doesn't mean that those outside of that caste aren't real practitioners of that ideology or religion. Seriously, this is as dumb as saying that people who didn't pass the Imperial examinations weren't real Confucians. I suggest you actually interact with monastics, because they will actually tell you that not everyone is cut out to be one.

t. LARPER reading Crowley crossdressing while masturbating to Japanese cartoons

So what do Orthobro monks do all day? Pray? Sounds boring desu. Are there monastic orders dedicated to studying all day? I want an excuse to do that

Depends on the monastery, they do different things. I know on some Athonite monasteries, they do services eight hours a day, but they still fit in time to work on their vocations. They do do a lot of studying, mostly into theology, and most of the esoteric works of Orthodoxy were written by monks, for monks. Most monasteries have huge libraries. They also make icons.

But, like I said, some monasteries are more strict, others are less so. The Athonite monasteries have been compared to Harvard University in terms of their exclusiveness, and for good reason, only the most ascetic people can manage being in one.

There's a good Sixty Minutes special on Mount Athos that you can find on youtube, and some more documentaries about it and other monasteries.

not sure about present day but monasteries used to be learning and manufacture centers

>only the most ascetic people can manage being in one
what makes them so difficult?

Basically just a high degree of self-denial, I mean, it's basically traveling somewhere, staying with a bunch of guys, doing church services and manual labor all day every day, and only getting 5 hours of sleep a night. The amazing thing is that there are people cut out for it, Athonite monks are famous for being extremely happy with their lives. Have a friend who went to pilgrimage at one and conversed with the monks there.

>The amazing thing is that there are people cut out for it
doesn't sound that bad desu, ive been homeless and in really difficult life circumstances so i dont really care for i wish i was an orthobro

Indulging the flesh, or restricting the flesh, is living in the flesh.

Those who live in the flesh cannot please God.

Well, while it's tough to get into Mount Athos, there are plenty of Orthodox monasteries throughout the world, and last I checked, they are obligated to take visitors for at least three days unless their guest rooms are full.

You do have to be Orthodox to be a monk, but monks will talk to just about anyone. One of my Uni professors actually just sort of stumbled on an Orthodox monastery while hiking in Alaska, but you might have better luck googling them.

Pic related is a bishop during a celebration ordaining priests at a monastery/seminary combo in Jordanville, NY.

>that people who didn't pass the Imperial examinations weren't real Confucians.
they weren't, though :^)

Why only five hours of sleep every night?

>only five
lmao, that's a lot of sleep if anything pussy

It's not a requirement, it's just that they have so much to do.

Medical science disagrees.

Why do they have so much to do? Basic maintenance of a monastery can't be that much labour, can it?

>implying selflessly accumulating capital in a disciplined manner isn't the logical conclusion of the monastic tradition
t. puritan

They have to grow their own food.

>Medical science disagrees.
lol as if medical science is qualified to give an opinion on that. the only thing they can tell you as that STATISTICALLY contemporary worker-drones tend to suffer mental and emotional break downs when they dont buffer their unnatural lifestyle with a good dose of beauty sleep.

>selflessly accumulating capital in a disciplined manner isn't the logical conclusion of the monastic tradition
t. karma yogi

>Have a friend who went to pilgrimage at one and conversed with the monks there.
Cine, Becali?

Well yeah, but so do farmers, and they manage decent amounts of sleep.

Hunter-gatherers sleep about the same as we do, marginally less.

Hunter-gathers are not "natural", they are the degenerate remains of former civilizations. Not to mention we have to differentiate between optimal human beings and average ones. Not everyone is going to optimal.

Monasticism isnt even biblical user

oh ok, so we should all be sheep herders and bronze age warriors, anything else is just unbiblical

Most modern farmers don't also conduct Church services for 8 hours a day, and have to do various other things to go along with it.

>they are the degenerate remains of former civilizations
>t. Pre-diluvian Babylon

Forgot pic.

Any good books on their order as well as monastic life/ history by chance?

What professor?

aren't monks celibate? good luck to the 'real christians' not dying out in a generation

real christians bring life into the world


He's not calling Gnosticism monastic. His point was the Gnostics stay celibate.

It's not an order, Athonite monks are the monks who live in the Monastic Republic of Mount Athos. Just google "Mount Athos", there are lots of Orthodox books, videos, and articles about it. It's sort of a micronation founded in the 10th century for monastics. Currently has like 2000 people living in it, which is down from it's height during the Russian Empire, but up from Soviet times.

One of my philosophy professors, he mentioned it in a philosophy of religions class.