I need some help Veeky Forums. I have an extremely French last name, my ancestors came from a town in Alsace right on the border of Germany in 1870, our family has German features, and the family opinion is that we're German. So what am I? French or German?
I need some help Veeky Forums. I have an extremely French last name...
Probably an American "of Alsatian ancestry."
Anyway that's not enough info to properly judge desu.
you don't have to be a slave to the crumbling old world of the past, you can do anything you want and become anything you can dream of
>you can do anything you want and become anything you can dream of
this man is trying to sell you something
Track your ancestry.
Everyone in the famiky has your French surname? You're probably French.
Adopting your oppressors surnames is actually pretty common, you're german.
A tedious septic cunt
You're probably a fat yank, having german or french ancestry won't change that
>our family has German features
What does this mean? French and Germans don't look especially different.
We both knwo that you aren't Alsatians, Hans
>German features
Alsatians are genetically French(R1b) they have nothing to do with Germans (I1 and I2)
Sorry I'm not an autistic sperg and actually want to know more about my ancestors
There are a few traits that are seperate from each other
T. yuropoor descended from dirt peasants who lived in the same fashion from the year 100 to 1900
>extremely French last name
there's your answer
You're French Pierre
Actually American 'muh heritage' shit is the most autistic thing from that autistic nation
Such as?
This. While most Americans can list off their ancestry like the pedigree of a mongrel only autists obsess over their ancestry to the point of becoming foreign nationalists.
It could either be an frenchified alsatian name (like mine), or maybe a lorrain name, from a lorrain family installed in Alsace perhaps?
At this point it's pretty random if you have no informations.
Like many alsatians, you probably have one or two germans in your family.
You should know that alsatians are pretty much just frenchified germans.
Also you should say "germanic features".
From a french point of view, germans have lighter hair, larger jaws, their faces are larger and a bit more squarish.
t. Herman Rodriguez
>I have an extremely French last name
Do post it.
People tell me MY surname sounds extremely french all the fucking time, yet it isn't at all. I wouldn't be so adamant if I were you.
Learn German and return to your homeland. It really needs you.
This, swedish americans should do the same.
posting on Veeky Forums won't solve your problem
And who cares about ancestry nowadays?
The only thing that matters is your passport