Nazi Germany was evi

Nazi Germany was evi

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were girls really encouraged to wear outfits that skimpy in NS g*rmany? seems pretty degererate desu senpai

So you posted this picture to prove that Nazi Germany wasn't evil because they got to dance and have leisure time via the Strength through Joy program?

let's summarize all the things the bad guys(Nazis) didn't do, but the good guys did.

>LITERALLY assassinate an enemy Admiral
>use WMDs on civilian population centers
>seriously consider genocide with poison gas as an option
>kill your allies and sink their ships because the enemy could capture them
>abandon the one nation you started the war over to the communists

Great thread

Yes. It was an economic miracle.


/pol/... easy on the redpills



Removing all women from the workforce does reduce male unrmployment, doesn't make it a miricle

But unemployment fell.




There were women in Nazi Germany? Clearly a society that has women in it can't be evil.

Wasn't genocide with poison gas kinda the Nazis' main thing?

German women really are fucking ugly.


Better than Islamic women. German women didn't have to cover up or wear burkas.

This didn't stop the commies to rape them

This is now a Bomber Harris appreciation thread. We will kindly ask the Krisped Krauts in the thread to please leave without causing a commotion.

And even after the German army had displayed shining moral integrity whilst invading the Soviet Union!

>Krisped Krauts
I don't get it, no bombings ever happened

>They deserved


do it again papa harry

they full well knew what they were voting for senpai


>"democratic" elections
>they want a war with everyone.

Did Harris really say the last sentence? It sounds like something an anime character would say.

it's a proverb you dummy

>Strength through Joy
LOL. It even sounds evil. Trust me guys, if your government ever starts a program called "Strength through ...", you should probably start trying to get your passports in order.

The nazi "economic miracle" is a myth. The economy did improve, but only because of the massive militarization and redistributing the wealth of opressed groups. If Germany didn't start a major war, their economy would have collapsed, and if they did, they would lose, (just like they did) and the entire reich would be dismantled. If you think having an economic depression or having your entire country destroyed for a momentary economic gain is a "miracle" you're a fool.

So? Unemployment was nonexistence. That's based.

You must love socialist and social democrat policies then.

Are you a fucking retard?
>LITERALLY assassinate an enemy Admiral
The Nazis killed thousands of enemy political figures, both directly (Soviet commisars) and indirectly (by supporting pro-Nazi regimes in various small countries).
>use WMDs on civilian population centers
Do you seriously think the Nazis wouldn't have, if they had WMDs and weren't worried about consequences?
>seriously consider genocide with poison gas as an option
The Nazis literally gassed more than a million people to death.
>kill your allies and sink their ships because the enemy could capture them
Are you not aware of how Germans treated Italy after Italy left the war?
>abandon the one nation you started the war over to the communists
The Germans let the eastern half of the same exact nation get raped by the communists, all while they themselves were raping the western half.

Social democrats? Eww gross. But they were still based.

HITLER: "Vote for me and we'll wage war on everybody!"



GERMANS: "But how were we to know?!"



Haha bongcucks

>Do you seriously think the Nazis wouldn't have, if they had WMDs and weren't worried about consequences?
>if they had WMDs and weren't worried about consequences?
Not the guy you were replying to, but first of all the Nazis did have WMDs in the form of chemical and biological weapons and decided not to use them. Second, that's a really shitty hypothetical argument.

Nice argument Kraut

Only because Hitler had a bugaboo about chemical weapons.

Also chemical weapons aren't really effective in mobile warfare where people aren't just sitting in trenches.

Had they had a nuke they would have used them.

There is no support for a secession movement in Wales and that hag Sturgeon is losing more support every day.

Nice empire limey, oh wait...

why do you say "g*rmany"?

>"I ask you: Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even yet imagine?"

>"Now, people, rise up, and let the storm break loose!"
I wonder if the words of the total war speech echoed through this stupid bitch's mind as he watched the Russians rape his women and burn Berlin to the ground

The Nazis were worried about the consequences. That's why they didn't use the weapons.
"shitty hypothetical argument", my ass. Do you SERIOUSLY think the Nazis wouldn't have used those weapons if they hadn't feared consequences. Seriously? Please.

Anglo shills plz go

KIDF shill.

t. shill

To be fair Ulster should be on Englands side like the parasitic leech it is

t. scat lover

Nice Anglo propaganda Mr. AIDF

>The Nazis killed thousands of enemy political figures, both directly (Soviet commisars) and indirectly (by supporting pro-Nazi regimes in various small countries).
neither the nazis nor the japanese every launched a military operation to asassinate a military or political figure

The Amerixans purposfully set up and conducted the raid after learning of Yamamotos flight, with the intent of killing him. The British considered Assasination that distasteful of an act they even refused to orchestrate an Assasination of Hitler. But the eternal Yank has no qualms about things like murder, quite fittingly shown by their hero worship of a man who murdered other americans.

Everything else you bring up is nothing but "media told me the nazis were ebil so they certainly would have dun this" bullshit, whataboutism at it's finest.

>The British considered Assasination that distasteful of an act they even refused to orchestrate an Assasination of Hitler
Nah, they just didn't want to take a risk someone competent would take over

ITT: mad cucks

yeah looks like they deserved everything they got. fucking degenerates


Honestly, it's threads like this which is full of national shitposting that I wish Veeky Forums had flags. I bet that half of the shitposters here are from places like America or Algeria, nations that you either suspect or don't suspect.

didn't his originally have flags but it was basically /int/er/pol/?

I think having no flags is a good thing, because not every discussion immediately devolves into ad hominem name calling.

Don't post shitty threads and there will be no shitposting

I know what Veeky Forums was originally like with flags and honestly this isn't any better

Okay, tell that to the OP and shitposters in this thread

because he's a faggot

>Bombing civilians


>It's distasteful to murder the politicions who start the war but ok to murder 20 year old kids who were forced into the war by said politicians.


>Kill people in war? how dare them?