All aboard to the moon

Youre about to see some crazy shit.
Get in while you still can and the climb is young.

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good luck with that

just got in

looking for 50% but i think it can do twice that i'm just chickenshit

Hope I wasn't too late. Bought in at 10500. Think this could go high.

here's a chart

lots of twitter hype

Seems good, stupid bots wash trading as always though.

Thanks! Should be good then.

2 high now, i'll get in at low 30s.

too late now. i warned you fucker.

your next chance is coming up soon. this is a triple-peak climb.
predicting 0.03 or so over the next week.

Fuck you PnDs go fuck yourself and shit up another coin.

Totally not a pump guys, lmao ;) good buy ;) ;) ;)

Hope you guys get fucking thrown in jail by the SEC

Not here to PnD shithead.
Do your research or just stay poor like you deserve.
This deserves to succeed and I want Veeky Forumsbros with me, dont want to be all alone at the top.

Thx. NMR is long overdue.

Scamcoin. It's already been debunked. They asked for investor's private keys.

NMR seriously undervalued, buying back in now.

Umm, no I've never been asked for anything. What are you talking about

got a source? cant seem to find anything and I legit dont want people on scam-shit

That was a scam. Never give private keys to anyone. Same happens with other coins like OMG airdrop.

I have been bagholding this piece of shit for 3 fucking months now. The last thing I need is a bunch of shitheads like you to come in to create more fucking bagholders. I'm fucking tired of waiting and PnD's only make shit worse.

kys you humongous piece of shit

>doesnt know when to invest
>has no patience
>blames everyone else for not knowing how to trade
you lucked out getting in on NMR. Enjoy losing your gains here to every other shit investment you made and blamed on everyone else.

Lol, you fool, I'd you dont understand the investment, don't buy. NMR is a medium term hold.

All my other investments got me returns EXCEPT NMR. It's some piece of shit.

Totally not a pump goys ;) ;) ;)

kys pajeets


peak 1 complete, testing for new floor.
Feel free to wrap those fud lips around my dick and start sucking before you kys.

Nigga this ain't fud. I sold this total shitcoin at a loss and made 20k off zrx doing so.

This coin is truly shit. Truly a huge pile of steaming shit. I will sell the moment I have the chance. Fuck this coin and fuck

>Every time I bet on red I win but the one time I bet on black I lost badly

Wow....this is what happens when 19 year olds "invest" in a can't lose market and think they know what they're doing. Never change.

Sure thing bud, why don't you post your huge GIANZ

>Sure thing bud, why don't you post your huge GIANZ

only a cunt would do so, and only a worthless cunt like you keeps whining about your shitty decisions.

My decisions are my own damn business. And I do not need shit from a bunch of LARP's who talk big but have nothing to show.

Listen here you fucking pajeets this coin is absolute dogshit because it offers absolutely NOTHING to the people who buy it.

What is doing is getting cheap labor to produce data sets for them so they can train an AI that can predict the market. To achieve that goal they are giving out shit payments to some data scientists screwing around with data.

Owning NMR gets you nothing. keeps all the profits it makes and gives around 1% in payouts to the data scientists so they can make them more money.

Unless you have 1,000,000$ to invest to get some shares there is no fucking point in holding this.

I bought this under false assumptions and realized I was wrong. Having a bunch of pajeets shill this shit now just makes it worse.

NEO and OmiseGo actually offer something compared to this piece of shit. And thankfully I recovered most of my money because of it.

But yes, this coin is fuckall. You can only use it to gamble with it if you are a data scientists on your model. Apart from that it offers you nothing.

>I bought this under false assumptions and realized I was wrong.

Yeah, we're the dumbasses. You're the highly skilled trader who buys coins he doesn't understand at insanely high prices then sells when they plummet. Our mistake.

I made 10x on this coin, I'm from Europe. You're a fucking idiot.

You invested in something with no understanding of what it is, and are complaining here, about your own idiocy.

you clueless cunt

>You invested in something with no understanding of what it is,

please explain what we are invested in, explain it as if we don't come from europe.

these fuckers do not know this, futher more, if you explain it in a logical manner they will spaz out and tell you that you just never researched.. the fuck has happened to biz?
it reeks of summer here now.

we invested in a reboot of 'howards way' the TV show, that nice enough for you? cunt?

not investing in the Brookside reboot.
stay poor then cunt

>I made 10x on this coin
also you are a liar.
Joe Mangle is coming for you, cunt