Who is Amanitore, and why is /pol/ getting triggered that she is in Civ VI?
Who is Amanitore, and why is /pol/ getting triggered that she is in Civ VI?
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>Who is Amanitore,
Looks like some Nubian black lady.
>and why is /pol/ getting triggered
Because getting triggered is the only reason they get up in the morning.
Wasn't she the monster in the labyrinth at Minos?
because she's a literal who, like the austrialians and brazillians
one of many nubian queens amd may have been in the bible
Excuse me, John Curtin was like FDR but better because he wasn't a tyrant and actually had legs. Plus he wasn't a poof.
>why is /pol/ getting triggered
That's like asking why SJW's get triggered over the most benign stuff. They're have the same mental illness, just different political and social affiliations.
Because its more "diversity" inclusion.
/pol/ isn't triggered they are calling out left wing lunacy.
The difference between the two being that we both know who FDR was but only aussies know john showercurtain
I think you know the reason, implying you have a knowledge of history
>getting irrationally mad because of a video game
>calling lunacy on anybody else
Nah. If you don't like it, don't buy the game and move on with your day.
What are they complaining about her breasts not being shown?
>gets pissy on certain subject
>cant use certain words in front of them
>have their own stupid buzzwords that is used for people not being as dumb as them
>try to censor certain stuff because it doesnt fit their narrative
Face it,even if /pol/ is the lesser if two evils you guys are just the same shade as the sjw
She's literally the only female Nubian known. The obvious choice for a leader of Nubia is Piye, but of course they have to pack as many cunts as possible into their game, because we all know cunts play video games and need to be (massively over-) represented.
Numales got mad at Firaxis for (correctly) having Egypt represented by a white female, so they included this literal who for pc points. They have done this many times before and will continue to do so.
>Kandake, kadake or kentake, often Latinised as Candace, was the Meroitic language term for "queen" or possibly "royal woman".
What point did you think you were making? Kandake is a TITLE, not a name.
knowing that humans are gullible creatures , any lie that is perpetuated as historical fact must be frustrated at all costs .
If you were a true history lover you would defend its legitimacy from the left and the right
It's a video game.
She actually existed.
/pol/ is that way
just because it is a video doesn't mean it shouldn't strive to be accurate
would it be okay to for a British publisher to sell children's books on Hindu mythology in India with all the characters resembling white Europeans?
Several are listed at the bottom of the article.
Shanakdakhete (177 BCE–155 BCE) (earliest known ruling queen)
Amanirenas (40 BCE–10 BCE)
Amanishakheto (c. 10 BCE–1 CE)
Amanitore (1–20 CE)
Amantitere (22–41 CE)
Amanikhatashan (62–85 CE)
Maleqorobar (266–283 CE)
Lahideamani (306–314 CE)
What is so inaccurate about the existence of a Nubian Kingdom?
>just because it is a video doesn't mean it shouldn't strive to be accurate
Once again, it IS accurate. This woman existed, as did Nubia. What part do you imagine is ahistorical?
>would it be okay to for a British publisher to sell children's books on Hindu mythology in India with all the characters resembling white Europeans?
Please explain how portraying a black woman as black is the same as what you describe.
Also, once again, it's a video game, NOT a teaching document or a scholarly thesis.
i'm not saying that it's inaccurate
i'm saying the argument "it's a video game, they can be inaccurate/show bad history" doesn't hold water
If anything Cleopatra was represented too dark. The way they did represent her was accurate for what a typical ancient Egyptian looked like.
What he said was correct.
>muh pol
>i'm saying the argument "it's a video game, they can be inaccurate/show bad history" doesn't hold water
Yes it does you DENSE faggot. "It's a video game" is all the "excuse" they need, only mentally retarded faggots like you lack the ability to understand that fiction is FICTIONAL.
If what he said was related to this thread then no, it was not accurate, because nothing about this is unhistorical.
pol are worse, at least sjw's embrace what they are. polniggers live in denial
Nubia just conquered Egypt at it's weakest point and claimed it as their own. That is their contribution.
wait so now you're implying that Nubia and that women didn't exist?
They existed but portraying them as something they were not (a great cultured civilization) is un historical.
You truly are a moron.
>Nubia just conquered Egypt at it's weakest point and claimed it as their own.
So, basically black Mongols?
Gee, it's almost as if the game is about ALTERNATE history, and isn't intended to be a perfect simulation of actual history!
Dopey faggot.
Gtfo, pol is a board on Veeky Forums and basically is Veeky Forums. You can't use those kinds of straw-men arguments here. This isn't neogaf.
feel free to provide a coherent argument any time
this guy conquered Egypt , fucking pussy quota system cost this man his spotlight
>and basically is Veeky Forums
how to spot a redditer 101
The civs are intended to be accurate.
>They existed but portraying them as something they were not (a great cultured civilization) is un historical.
Except they were?
Living near Egypt got them tremendously influenced by them so they stopped living like shit tribes and aped their Egyptian neighbors. Even invaded and conquered them at one point.
Did this actually happen?
>The civs are intended to be accurate.
>Everyone has European Style units.
They stole the Egyptian culture and made it their own.
the modders will pick up the slack , for free of course
You are the redditard. Veeky Forums has always been polish. Maybe more libertarian but you can thank the sjw post-modernist movement for pushing Veeky Forums into being more radical.
Nubia should be nothing but spear throwers.
youre so fucking retarded i dont even know what point youre making
Why does she look like that? Nubians look like pic related; barely distguishable Upper Egyptians. Although South Nubia was more populated by Nilotic types who look more negroid; similar to today's South Sudanese. Although Egyptian and Nubian art shows the two types, it's pretty clear that the majority would be the type of pic related as the Nubian art shows. I remember one inscription of a Nubian royal member who was notes for being very black. TAhe fact that this was notable shows you what the norm was.
oh yeah man i remember back in 2006 posting on /pol/ all day good times
forgive phonepost errors
Nubians were memed by Egypt as great archers m8.
In addition they were also hired in the boatload as infantry mercenaries considering the average Egyptian conscript folds up in battle.
So did Germanics with Romans and Mongs with Chinese.
Yet they're considered great.
You're just being a child.
So the we wuz crowd has someone to relate to I guess.
You just cherry picked a photo from google.
Actually the influence went both ways. The two have shared ties from prehistoric times most likely; plenty of archeological evidence shows that. (nabta playa among others). There is a reason why northern Nubians and southern Egyptians literally look like the same people.
Yes but they learned and built on that. They didn't destroy everything they copied.
How did they destroy everything they copied?
>Feminists aren't triggered, they're pointing out patriarchal lunacy
This is what you sound like
Op is right. The pic they used for this woman looks nothing like what someone from that part of the world looks like. They made her look like some overweight burger.
we pharaoh now
Never progressed.
No this is what they look like, it's not cherry picked. Nubia was roughly analogous to today's North and South Sudan. South Nubia were dark nilotes (negroid), Northern Nubia was similar to today's North Sudanese/Upper Egyptians.
>he was like FDR except completely different
Sassy black Matriarch who don't need no trade bonuses
Not even most Australians know who John Curtin was
I too play video games
*declares war*
Haven't been visiting /pol/ very much recently, but I would guess because Nubia is not really important as a civilization and that nigress is a literal nobody.
Fuck I hate the shitty art style they chose for this game
>They didn't destroy everything they copied.
You're right, the Nubians didn't. The 25th Dynasty brought about a restoration of Egyptian culture and "rescued" Egypt from Libyan domination. They had their quirks, namely their obsession with horses and their decision to keep the capital in Nubia rather than Egypt proper, but they went out of their way to revive and preserve Egyptian culture. You had the largest wave of pyramid building since the Old Kingdom, and the Nubians resumed the policy of projecting power into the Near East - something that hadn't been done since the 20th Dynasty (of Ramses) over 300 years earlier.
How? I've heard Nubia referred to as Egypt's competitors and they eventually developed two written languages. Meroitic and Old Nubian.
People who played the game wouldnt play her
And the people theyre targeting to play her arent going to play
Its all going to crash down soon
>Nubians resumed the policy of projecting power into the Near East - something that hadn't been done since the 20th Dynasty (of Ramses) over 300 years earlier.
Yeah, they did that so well so much that they pissed the Assyrians to BTFO them out of existence along with Egyptian culture itself. The Nubians were pretty much the reason why Egypt was continuously occupied after their reign.
Just playing devil's advocate here - the Egyptians tended to throw colonists down into Nubia every time they conquered it, so that could just be the result of millenia of blending with the locals. Heiroglyphic depictions like pic related seem to show Nubians as highly stylized sub-saharan africans - very dark skin, flat noses, etc. Although pic related also shows more Egyptian-looking people among the Nubians, it dates from around 1200 BC, centuries after the policy of invading and settling Nubia had begun.
It's not entirely unrealistic to believe that Nubian kings were as dark as Egyptian depictions of them seem to show.
Because they're histories oldest uncle Toms that's all. First they adopt Egyptian culture, then the become Christianized and finally Islamized. Unlike Egyptian which is an independent branch the Nilo-Saharan languages are affirmably associable exclusively with black people.
Nubians were black so i dont see why getting triggered other than she looking like your stronk independant womyn
Now if that was Egypt it'd be another story
I think you are vastly overstating the number of people that actually give a shit when there's women or niggers in their computer games.
Don't bother, he's just butthurt at he idea of dark skinned people accomplishing anything. Never mind that plenty of Egyptians and Nubians looked more or less interchangeable.
Before today I didn't even think anyone above the age of 17 played Civ 6, learn something new everyday
I remember one inscription of a Nubian royal member who was notes for being very black. TAhe fact that this was notable shows you what the norm was.
Sudanese people have been observed exhibiting delusional concepts of identity such as the case of a Black Arab Sudanese soldier telling his South Sudanese rape victim that he's going to give her a light skinned baby.
its not like they purposely make her the main face or shit
nubia was a civilization and they had a fat darkie queen as their ruler,now you might say they're irrelevant but that doesn't really matter
theyre just following the same shit as sjw now,crying out for things they dont like
Nubia was probably filled with both types. I theorize that the Egyptians depicted the negroid ones in their art to separate themselves from their enemy by depicting their negroids. Art and reality are two different things, and in practice, the two types probably existed prominently. And there wasn't some kind of wall between north and South Sudan so I'm sure there were plenty of individuals of both negroid and red/brown type throughout.
Quite the opposite actually. The Libyan dynasties that had ruled the three centuries leading up to it - the 22nd to 24th - were destroying Egyptian culture from the ground up. Unlike pretty much every invader up to Rome, where the rulers attempted to co-op pieces of Egyptian culture to create an air of legitimacy, the Libyan dynasties were content to ignore all of that. Pretty much everything integral to Egyptian culture, from temples to hieroglyphics to burial practices to even the basic governing principles were ignored by the Libyan dynasties. Had they been allowed to continue, Egyptian culture would have died off like so many others and Egypt would have ended up a weakened irrelevant backwater.
The Nubian Dynasty's renaissance - while it probably was done to make the dynasty legitimate in the eyes of the locals - preserved Egyptian culture and allowed it to survive successive waves of foreign rule. They did eventually succumb to the Assyrians, but they managed several victories over them first, which is more than many victims of the Assyrians could say.
And the Assyrian occupation was far from the end of Egyptian culture itself. Assyria appointed locals - the 26th Dynasty - to rule, and they were perfectly content to let Egypt keep its national character and culture as long as they kept up the tribute. The Persian invasion was similar. Egypt kept its culture in return for tribute and allegiance to the Achemenids. Only the Ptolemies really started to change that, and even then they worked hard to work Greek culture into Egyptian in hopes of giving themselves legitimacy.
It really wasn't until Rome took over that ancient Egyptian culture really started to disappear, and even then from what I've read things like their ancient religion lasted until Rome had become Christian. Without the renaissance brought about by the Nubians, however, Egypt could have just been another genocided conquest of the Assyrians.
Submit to the power of a superior black goddess.
Modern Sudanese culture or behavior is irrelevant desu.
whoops forgot pic
Is that Ana Foxxx?
Your lack of substantiation is irrelevant.
>wasting effort on stormfags
Who the fuck is John Curtin?
Good one.
Australian PM during WW2
Some faggot taking the place of what should be the Ottoman Empire