Which of them is right Veeky Forums?
Which of them is right Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the anglos pay their money for this
>Britain is not cucked
>Roman Britain
>ethnically diverse
the slaves maybe
Roman Britain was diverse, anyone who thinks it was just white is WEWUZZING. Pic related is a facial reconstruction of the richest woman of York, England during Roman times.
>One of the richest inhabitants of fourth century Roman York, buried in a stone sarcophagus with luxury imports including jewellery made of elephant ivory, a mirror and a blue glass perfume jar, was a woman of black African ancestry, a re-examination of her skeleton has shown.
Cant doubt that the Romans were diverse but seeing their potrayal as ancient romans in brittania is hilarious
>dailymail as a factual source
politics is plague Veeky Forums its rather sad
Diversity does not equal one rich black lady. Diversity means that africans would be commonplace in britain. For example, there were roman embassies in china too, that doesn't mean whitey was common.
Yeah i agree
While blacks might exist in Roman Briton we can clearly see their potrayal here as an agenda
>It seems likely that she is of North African descent
if England was full of blacks, Spaniard's, what have you , then that means the Germanic tribes aka the Saxons genocided them all
Ah which is why everyone always gets mad when there are token white ambassador type background characters in tons of depictions of the Imperial Court in films and TV
Even ROME had a random chink in a crowd in an episode
Look at me. I´m the Briton nao.
Clearly the romans brought in people from all over the empire and possibly beyond, but overall it had a negligible impact on the larger gene pool. The amount of people moving around due to work or government then was minuscule compared to now.
>one (1) example of a black in rome (one of the biggest empires on earth at the time)
Really pickles my pigs feet
>North African
That roman can still pass as a south Italian or Sicilian, easily.
I don't buy that facial reconstruction for a second, she doesn't look remotely North African. I guarantee they played up the recognizeablly black traits for political reasons. Facial reconstruction is highly subjective and reliant on the vision of the artist filling in the missing information.
Pic related, a facial reconstruction of a victim of the Green River killer. Soft tissue like lips and the nose leave no trace and the actual thickness of the facial tissue can vary wildly depending on all manner of factors so the artist has to guess what they think is most appropriate. In this case the artist thought a young attractive black woman that would look at home as a Doctor Who companion was most appropriate for the reconstruction....
I wonder why anyone in multicultural modern britain would do that.
Why do people think ancient North Africans were black
Because of western blacks massive inferiority complex which gives them a knee jerk reaction that says African=black. Whites go along with it due to a knee jerk reaction that agrees with black in all things regarding race.
Wow so niggers were performing armed robberies to get rich even back then? Incredible
Blacks think all Africans are black, even though modern African proves them wrong.
Bro... Did you just use the Independent as a source? They're like a left wing British Breitbart.
Ok so no one´s saying it?
Whites go along with it because majority of Americans are retarded when it comes to geography and it's histories
I'm going to throw my hat into Stuchbery's ring only because late era Romans loved themselves some diversity. If this were around the time of Augustus or earlier then likely not.
I think he has something mentally wrong with him but is also acting a part for his mouth-breather followers. There is no way his grating accent comes from Sheffield by the way, he sounds and speaks like a Brummie.
Also Roman Britain was not ethnically diverse but there were likely enough black people to justify included one for the purposes of a children's cartoon.
>but there were likely
Except there weren´t and this has been debunked in this thread and many others. One (1) indivial North Africa has been advanced so far. Read the thread nigger.
>niggers reading
Thread pretty much ended here.
The upper levels of Roman society were predominately Italian in origin, but they did include people of various other races
The BBC thing is misleading, but not inaccurate.
>I stopped reading the thread after here while it still supported my worldview
K thanks for sharing.
>artistic reconstructions of ancient skeletons
>North Africans
WOW its nothing
>Isotope evidence suggests that up to 20% were probably long distance migrants. Some were African or had African ancestors, including the woman dubbed "the ivory bangle lady", whose bone analysis shows she was brought up in a warmer climate, and whose skull shape suggests mixed ancestry including black features.
So no it wasn't one woman and no her race was established by physical evidence.
>Some were African or had African ancestors, including the woman dubbed "the ivory bangle lady", whose bone analysis shows she was brought up in a warmer climate, and whose skull shape suggests mixed ancestry including black features.
>skull shape suggest mixed ancestry
Which means what exactly?
Did you know that it's impossible to accurately reconstruct soft-tissue features from bare bone?
Did you know that there are "warm climates" in places other black africa?
Ok so hear me out.
Why does it matter who made up the civilization?
The Romans have been gone for thousands of years, same as the Egyptians. The race of the civilization shouldn't matter over their accomplishments.
People who think that just because this long dead empire was comprised of people of their race that they hold the title to it. You didn't make those accomplishments, they did.
The fact is both civilizations were based in the Mediterranean so they would have had some black people scattered in there somehow
>saying rational things on a Mongolian horse-archery forum
yeah its this ancestry collectivizing self jerking behavior that is happening now is a sign of how little self esteem people have nowadays
mindless historical revionism and agenda driven narrative by BBC Is dumb,but you cant claim a moral high ground when your argument is based on your feelings too
>People who think that just because this long dead empire was comprised of people of their race that they hold the title to it. You didn't make those accomplishments, they did.
Fuck off you rootless cosmopolitan culture thief.
Go back to your hut your tribal fuck.
Insisting that it was your ancestors that did something and not someone else's is not an "argument based on feelings". Fuck off with your "none of this matters, chill out bro why should you even care" faggotry.
My ancestors didn't live in huts, that's why we don't have to steal the cultures of others to pretend we have a place in Western civilization.
Yes they did at some point you retarded faggot.
>i-i need to validate myself by knowing that my 'ancestors' are people of value rather than my own worth
quit lying to yourself,i already explained myself that stealing culture is immoral but being butthurt about the status of your ancestor achievement to the point of sperging out is dumb
Sure, until they built the civilization you're trying to steal from them.
Sure, because those niggers aren't also part of that civilization.
Yeah that "individualism" meme shit doesn't fly anymore. Humans are not islands, we are products of history. When you steal a person's history, you steal their sense of identity and no amount "I'm my own man" will replace it.
>stealing culture is immoral but don't complain about it when people do because that's dumb
fuck off
>you steal their sense of identity
Are you gonna keep using arguments based on your feelings to defend a "rational" position?
It matters more who you are than who your ancestors were. Your ancestors could have been the richest of Kings or the poorest of farmers, either way it doesn't matter. Live your life instead of obsessing over someone else's.
The fact that a random nigger may or may not have occasionally found their way to Rome does not justify the claim that niggers are part of Roman civilization anymore than the presence of shipwrecked Spaniards as slaves among the Mayans justify the claim that Spaniards are part of Mayan civilization.
Imagine being this desperate for meaning in your life that you argue with strangers on a cantonese sand-painting board over what your perception of ancient people looked like.
I feel kind of bad for you, honestly. Hollywood has put out so much historical fiction where everybody is white it's infected your brain to the point that you think people lived in neat little national/tribal/imperial lines.
1/10000 doesn't mean diverse. Most blacks in Britain we see today are descendants of black slaves back in 17th~18th century or the immigrants of modern times, a bit similar to America and France. There really were not so many blacks in Roman Britain.
No. Sorry, I'm not going to surrender my sense of history and culture just because they are inconvenient obstacles to global homogenization.
>when you substitute ideology for accuracy
It's a sad kind of feel
>Imagine being this desperate for meaning in your life that you argue with strangers on a cantonese sand-painting board over what your perception of ancient people looked like.
He says as he argues with strangers on a cantonese sand-painting board over what your perception of ancient people look like.
m8, some people are not arguing, some of them are just trying to let you know you're kinda full of shit (i.e. You're just trying to justify your irrational hate for something, not unlike people with OCD who have to obey they're irrational obsessions. You're just a different kind of crazy).
Imagine being a nigger and having no history. Now that's sad.
And yet all these threads are about people spazzing out about one rich black family...
>I identify with ancient people whose accomplishments I have nothing to do with and have done nothing to earn other than fall out of my mother's gaping vagina
>I'm not arguing, I'm just arguing.
You're also retarded.
It was a proper and insightful conversation about the (non)presence of africans in roman briton and there were plenty of criticism for the BBC.Only when a butthurt fag started to get pissy about muh ancestors did thread turned to shit
Yes and there is literally nothing wrong with that as that has been the norm for all of human history up until perhaps the last twenty years at most.
Nice samefag, faggot
Funny how you claim you don't care but desperately try to find/place non white individuals in white civilizations and then claim non whites were also part/"built" those same civilization.
>north african
not a nigger, case closed
but user they "reconstructed" the skeleton's face so it looks like a nigger so your argument is invalid /pol/ btfo!
>there were roman embassies in China
Rome was aware of the existence of another civilization beyond India but had never been there and knew nothing about it
>/pol/ boogeyman
No, you're just an insecure nigger
North Africans were black before the Arab invasion. That's why.
>Roman is portrayed as Black
>Italians rush in to say Rome was multicultural and multiracial
>Roman is portrayed as Nordic
>Italians go on a rant about snowniggers stealing their glorious heritage
They never were black. They looked just as they look today, probably even more white.
>it's still 12,000 views on a youtube channel nobody in Britain has ever heard of
Who fucking cares
Roman Britain was ethnically diverse.
For one, there were britons, and romans, who were different people.
Also there were other roman subjects who served there, from around Europe.
>Sarmatians (as cav units serving for the Empire),Celts,Romans maybe some germans
Here is your diversity xir
Guys knock it off with the race baiting yes?
You people complain about pol but this thread is clearly meant to provoke pol.
A greater percentage of Egypt is in Asia than Turkey in Europe, and yet you'd think it was in the heart of the Congo Basin.
The skeleton of the 'North African' was found in York, and the actual description is that she is 'of at least partial North African descent'. In other words, she may have been Egyptian, Algerian, etc, or have had a parent from one of those regions and another who was European. She is known to have been born in North Africa.
If you want to know why the BBC made their Roman soldier what appears to be a West African, and feel it is perfectly innocent, check out their other kids' video about the Iron Age. A metalworking genius, who appears to be from The Gambia, teaches the ignorant natives his craft.
There may have been a few sub-Saharans wandering around the Roman Empire, but there sure as shit weren't any in Britain in 800 BC.
They were a tad more than simply "aware"
The aethiopian in that video is at least slightly plausible.
The african smith in the Iron age Britain video is not however, and is the proof, not of an Agenda, bur rather than the BBC complies with the diversity in media rules of the UK, historical accuracy be damned.
This really did end the thread. Lmaoing at the racists in denial
>polfags 99% of the time, Race is genetic! Blacks have lower IQs its in their DNA! Can't you tell their skulls look like Apes. The shapes of mummy skulls proves dey wuz white!!1!
>the other 1% of the time, I'm sorry but I'm just not convinced, even though it has been determined by professional archeologists and anthropologists it goes against my narrative so sorry sweetie
The darker you were the lower in the hierachy. Its actually that simple.
And that women was a north african slave turned wife btw.
And that video in ops pic is a fucking joke. And you know it. Of course rome was "diverse" it was a giant empire but that video is absolutely revisionist bullshit.
When did people become so easily triggered?
Blacks do have inherently lower IQ. Thats a fact.
Its also not racist, if you either live in the jungle or some kinda desert steppe without much developing you tend to stay dumb as shit. If colonial forces dont actually teach you how ot maintain and run shit everything falls apart and the blacks are back to spear chucking antilopes, just gotta cross a broken down railroad track to get to said antilope. simple
Black men, black GODS built the Roman Empire and the white cave people planted Christianity to rot it in time for the cave people from the north to destroy Black Rome out of pure envy and steal the wealth that was MADE by the black man.
The Flynn effect has made African-Americans a lot smarter the last 80 years compared to Africans in Africa though, so you're not entirely right.
lmao is that Sam Hyde with a mustache attacking some roman soldiers
It just makes me laugh that few people are creationists, and yet somehow intelligence has no evolutionary basis
The average black person is less intelligent than the average white. Pointing that out is not the same as saying they are totally inept or unworthy of respect, and only the least intelligent of whites believe as much.
> you're not entirely right.
What? Of course the blacks got smarter once they reached developed land. What you said perfectly aligns with what I wrote.
Somewhere around 2014 when people decided political correctness was the most important thing in their life and nobody could take a joke anymore. Everyones to busy to feel attacked and oppressed now instead of laughing. Its fucked up.
>It just makes me laugh that few people are creationists, and yet somehow intelligence has no evolutionary basis
Well it shouldn't surprise you. Racism is the devil in the current Zeitgeist.
>Racism is the devil in the current Zeitgeist
No, selfishness is.
What do you mean by that?
Not being a team player and shrugging your shoulders and getting on with for everyone else's sake is seen as a lot worse than racism, which, let's face it, is casually accepted by Western society.
would europe be more ethnically diverse and have more mixed race people if the romans had blacks and whites together for awhile?
That graph shows that on average blacks have lower IQ than whites and not that every single black has low IQ
>Somewhere around 2014 when people decided political correctness was the most important thing in their life and nobody could take a joke anymore. Everyones to busy to feel attacked and oppressed now instead of laughing. Its fucked up.
Exactly. I really wonder who's behind all these shits.