when she dies, will the united kingdom and the common wealth dissolve along with the monarchy?
When she dies, will the united kingdom and the common wealth dissolve along with the monarchy?
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We can only hope.
how the fuck is she still alive
in fact britain will sink into the atlantic ocean
She has like 60 generations worth of successors you danm nigger.
blood of babies
she's going to die next year
she'll probably outlive all of them lmao
so for all of ya'll people who have experienced mandela effect―how many times has she died already?
No? Her heir will immediately become monarch and everything will carry on as before
she will become the god empress of mankind
screencap this
More realistically, what's the chance of Charles saying 'fuck this shit' and immediately passing the crown to William?
Her mom lived to be 102, so she either won the genetic lottery or blood magic is a family tradition.
Wasn't there a interview with Prince Harry recently which talked about how no one really wanted the crown after Elizabeth passes away?
Good old Harry delivering the bantz again
zero you fucking autist
there's enough rabid nutters to keep the monarchy alive permenantly in britain, but it's likely australia will leave the commonwealth along with new zealand
I certainly wouldnt want to see it go, that would really fucking piss me off, like a fucking lot
Being so brainswashed by america's culture that its former coloniser voluntarily becomes a republic
and it only takes one of them to disband the whole thing. I honestly find it hard to believe the next monarch will give a shit and do anything to reverse the decline in stature of the monarchy. Entire generations have grown up with a do nothing monarch, the politicians have grown too used to doing as they please with no regard for the crown.
No, England is still very attached to the crown and so is Scotland. If god forbid the monarchy ends in Britain the UK will split to just being England and Wales I reckon.
If the government pushed for the abolishment of monarchy I'd fucking riot.
It's a little more complicated than that--it will take a change in several countries' constitutions first, and expect those talks/debates/bills to go on for years.
>poo peeland
kek no, they're easily the most pro-Britain Commonwealth country.
Or maybe they just have the best possible healthcare and food available, have never done a days physical labour in their lives and live in a developed country where living into your nineties or hundreds is not particularly unusual anymore.
Well no shit, it's the only reason they're a functional society
I've got a brother in New Zealand, is new zealand particularly unstable?
"Gin and tonic without the tonic." - the queen's own words
Australia and New Zealand are actually more pro-monarchy now than they were a decade or two ago.
> have never done a days physical labour in their lives
Elizabeth worked in the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service during WW2, including repairing trucks
her husband, Phillip, served onboard ships during WW2, including stoking boilers at one point.
of her children, charles is a twat, but Andrew fought in the falklands war, as a Sea King pilot, a role that on occasion involved being used as a radar target against incoming exocet missiles. Thatcher attempted to have him removed, and the queen pretty much insisted that he would fight.
of her grandchildren, Harry had served in Aghanistan on the ground, with his identity being kept confidential, until an idiot newspaper did an "exclusive", and put his regiment at risk, at which point he transferred to training for and later serving as an apache pilot.
They might well be a bunch of cunts in many ways, but "never done a days physical labour" is untrue.
>until an idiot newspaper did an "exclusive", and put his regiment at risk, at which point he transferred to training for and later serving as an apache pilot.
Freedom of the press was a mistake, holy shit.
So is the UK. Two decades ago is when the Royal Family were at their lowest ebb with endless scandals about their personal lives and their treatment of Princess Diana making them look bad.
There's no particular reason to think once Lizzie goes NZ and Australia won't turn republican again, especially if Prince Charles has a long run as monarch.
Yeah, okay mate, but a short time doing promo work for the military isn't life shortening, like 40 years spent doing night shifts in a factory for example, which was the point I was making to a guy suggesting their longevity was due to blood magic.
Probably not. Even if the various princes don't want the crown they'll probably end up holding onto it out of a sense of duty. I reckon if the monarchy survives Charles as king it'll be fine
Feels good man
No, and this is coming from a Brit. A lot of people like the monarchy in Britain and those that don't like it, tolerate it. It's inevitable that she'll die but the crown will just pass to someone else and we'll all be as stoked about that monarch as we were about Lisbet
they have a line of succession