Just opened a short position on BCH, breakout of symmetric triangle to the downside. Would like to have seen a uptick in volume for confirmation so may have jumped the gun slightly but its only a small position to start off with. Interested to hear your guys thoughts.
Just Shorted BCH
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Which exchange?
youre going to get wrecked playing with fire like that
Shorting crypto ends well most of the time, right?
Slow and steady wins the race
I think it's a pretty stupid idea. It's a pretty damn solid coin, you seriously risk getting squeezed.
I shorted at 569 pounds on coinfloor and it's gone down to 523 now
Depends on how long he's planning on keeping his position open.
lmao enjoy your Tether bubble
holy fuck you know they gox gox'd last year and aren't solvent, right? and have been manipulating prices with fake tether to recover losses? when word got around about the fake tether they stopped allowing american customers lol
Fucking normies thinking they Veeky Forumsnessmen now
Selling =/= shorting you faggot
What platform would you recommend using instead?
>tfw to intelligent to know the meaning of the word
Get out of Coinfloor, user, it's a scam. Sure, Coinbase isn't good, and as Brit, I'd rather use a UK company, but these guys are a fucking joke. Move your shit from them when you're able to.
Meant for this guy....
Do you have any evidence to support it being a scam? I'll at least admit its got a pretty interface.
Pretty SHIT interface rather.
Only using them for the occasional swing trade. Obviously not storing, I'm too libertarian for that shit.
Using them for nearly a year now without issues, what's your story?
Aaaaah, goddamn phone posting!!!!
Get off that sack of shit Coinfloor, for your own good, user.
G-good luck, user (you'll need it)
What's the issue? I don't store my bitcoins on there long term...
OP is engaging in a more advanced trading tactic than the standard Veeky Forums method. Instead of buying high, selling low, he's selling low, then buying high.
Grats OP you got a great entry point! Be sure to post a lot of funny wojacks when your position gets liquidated!
>shorting the coin that's now over 150% more profitable to mine than bitcoin
Nice TA bro
You are going to end up like guys who shorted ethereum after it pumped to $50 and then corrected to $40
>friday the low for BCC was about ~.14
>yesterday the low for BCC about ~.16
>today the low for BCC is about ~.176
Increased mining would lead to lower prices for Bcash, since there are now about 3x as many coins being created as they spam the empty blocks at 7% difficulty.
Cashlets can't think that far in the future. They believe that since it's more profitable for miners it should be profitable for traders too.
Hmm so my thoughts are that if the breakout was in fact just noise, ill exit (and possibly reverse) my position at a loss if the move reverses breaks out to the upside of the triangle, after seeing some decent volume. I'm still pretty confident that we are going to see a downward move though, I'm really waiting to see some decent volume for confirmation. If that happens, I might increase my position.
>Increased mining would lead to lower prices for Bcash,
12.5BCC * 2048 (entire difficulty adjustment period) = 25 600 BCC = $18M
Not a concern.
you're right, but it still matters because BCH has fast difficulty adjustment, something that BTC doesn't have.
so miners will jump to BCH when it's profitable and jump back often, as the difficulty adjusts quickly.
but any significant hashpower lost by BTC will have immense consequences to block times because the difficulty won't be able to adjust down in time, so miners jumping ship could send BTC to the grave.
also, as the final nail in the coffin, BCC mining is controlled by the chinese cartel, so they won't be dumping that 3x amount of coins into the open market like you say they most generously will, they will hold them and until BTC falls.
>because BCH has fast difficulty adjustment
No, BCH has fast _emergency_ adjustment. It's activated when there are less than 6 blocks in 12 hours.
Other than that, it's exactly like BTC.
They both adjust after 2048 blocks, and BCC mines quicker