OMG started mooning and you are not in


this is my ticket to financial independence...lets go!

435 OMG bags reporting in. Wish I had more

please send some, I'm really short on everything
I don't want to miss this again

4117 OMG reporting in.

here i am with 113 OMG... better than nothing i guess

Why the fuck are these whales suppressing the price?????

Happy I held.

NICE. Only 1550 here.

They are neo chinks from China who are trying to kill the competition.

140 omg for a poorfag

They are Jews trying to collect as much as possible before the break out. They are trying to trick you into selling out of fear.

600 reporting in

You suppress price when there isn't enough support at the higher end of the bid margin. You do so to build more resistance so that the price doesn't go up and dump quickly.

Fake Bid Market:
>Price :: Shares
> $1.50 :: 1
> $1.40 :: 1
> $1.29 :: 10
> $1.28 :: 100
> $1.27 :: 1000
I'd set a huge sell wall to get the price back down to $1.30 or so so people put in more resistance bids. Decreases price volatility in the long run.

it's really not mooning though, it always just reached .002 and then falls back down.

Thanks, never thought about it like that.

Interesting. Makes sense it gonna hit $15 today or what?

I only have 35 because I'm too much of a faggot to just go ALL IN on shit

Ignore the Veeky Forumstards who think that sell walls are always some evil whale trying to suppress price for accumulation. I have more issues with the buy wall spoof where you try to inflate the price artificially which will always lead to a dump situation. It's usually done by somebody with stop-limit sells over a range of prices. You spoof the bid so small-fish think there's a run, bid up the price and trigger all your sell orders. You then remove the buy wall which crashes the price back down and leaves you with all your profit. It's my main gripe with crypto. The whales can literally control everything.

102 OMG... Am i going to make it?

OMG is making a triple top. should I sell and buy back later?

2100 standing by.

MAKE IT STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no, it looks like it is pushing over the resistance of the triple top. We could soon see a new high.

eh i wouldn't call it a triple top

dubs say yes.

It's being botted to fuck nigr. Your TA tricks don't work here.



Easy short here

I was in it

Sell order triggered last night at 195k (I set it to the peak of the last three days to accumulate)

Didn't expect it to keep rising though and now it's too late to jump back in. I fucking jewwed myself hard.

hax? shit. i want to HODL guys but if I can make some easy money...

holding IS the easy money

>Want to get in
>Its at ATH

sold mine at 21

Get in if it breaks 215.

if dubs again then hodl


don't be greedy. lock in your gains and buy again at the next dip. crypto trading 101.

>Get in
>Drops to 5 $

yeah, its gonna dip 100% now as long as no news get realeased, keep a sharp eye on the twitter and buy in as soon as you see them

But I am


It's not a triple top when support levels increase each time user. Better buckle up fast

65 OMG here (rest of money is in 14.7 NEO)

Its about to dip hard im out

not the dubs I deserve, but the dubs I need.

Newfag here. I only have 12 OMG, what should be my next move lads?



Literally just broke the 213 wall


IMHO anything under $10 for this coin is a steal in the long run.

Just buy in and don't focus on immediate profits right now, you will thank yourself in the next 6 -12 months.

I'm hodl til 800

hodl to 500$

they said news are coming next week

its gonna drop time to sell and buy back in at 170k

What do you mean by a 213 wall? Genuine question

some dude putting big sell orders at 213k satoshis on an exchange site.

18 here, we're gonna make it.

you guys are all pretty loaded right?

I joined crypto this week and saw OMG as a good place to start. Am I going to make it lads?

Yes if it keeps raising I'm holding it untill the end of the year if it goes below 160 buy more