People have survived without social security or government handouts for 1000s of years

>people have survived without social security or government handouts for 1000s of years
>implement 1% cuts to government spending
>"capitalists are heartless greedy scumbags and hate poor people!"

Was the New Deal implemented during the 1930s by Roosevelt the greatest blunder of all time?

It effectively conditioned millions of people to think that government handouts was their birth right.

Other urls found in this thread:

industrialization changed a lot of things. the whole structre of society has had to adjust to these new conditions

OP have you ever tried reading a nonfiction book about history? How can you be so utterly clueless? Are you literally 15 years old?

>people have survived 300 000 years without gouvernment

Go live in a cave then dumbass

>people have survived without social security or government handouts for 1000s of years
No, they didn't?

>Educate OP
>Laugh at his post
Pick one

quads confirm, anarcho primitivism is the answer

>lmao go reed a buk
top tier argument lads

It goes deeper than that, bro.
>eat meat
>now i've lost it, i know i can kill

Veeky Forums isn't a substitute for schooling. some effort has to be made on the part of the posters to educate themselves. OP is posting from such a pitiful dearth of knowledge that it's a waste to try and educate him in the limited medium of a Veeky Forums post.

people aren't willing to engage your post seriously because you made it quite clear that you're an idiot who isn't worth the effort.

when you are so uneducated and stupid and lack very basic information theres nothing to talk about, you have your retarded view and you wont understand anything why its retarded

>asking an anti-socialist question on Veeky Forums
enjoy the butthurt that will ensue

>people have survived without the artificial production of gross inequality and poverty caused by industrial capitalism for 1000s of years
>implement welfare state to ameliorate these conditions by 1%
>"Was the New Deal implemented during the 1930s by Roosevelt the greatest blunder of all time?!"

>inequality is so much worse under capitalism
this is your brain on socialism

>it's so easy to debunk that I won't
really boils the old noodle

Do you seriously believe the new deal is to blame for this? This wasn't the first time any government gave out handouts or anything. Idiots energized by populist politicians will always fail the need for budget cuts and think the government is an unlimited money supply, and if the ministers would just lower their salaries everyone could have free acces to the most expensive healthcare. The new deal is not to blame for people being selfish idiots.

Will my post be this good when I go to grad school?

>what are historical economic trends

this is your brain on no books


not an argument.jpg

>The poor, unable to support themselves, are maintained by an assessment on the tithable persons in their parish. This assessment is levied and administered by twelve persons in each parish, called vestrymen, originally chosen by the housekeepers of the parish…. These are usually the most discreet farmers, so distributed through their parish, that every part of it may be under the immediate eye of some one of them. They are well acquainted with the details and economy of private life, and they find sufficient inducements to execute their charge well, in their philanthropy, in the approbation of their neighbors, and the distinction which that gives them. The poor who have neither property, friends, nor strength to labor, are boarded in the houses of good farmers, to whom a stipulated sum is annually paid. To those who are able to help themselves a little, or have friends from whom they derive some succors, inadequate however to their full maintenance, supplementary aids are given, which enable them to live comfortably in their own houses, or in the houses of their friends. Vagabonds, without visible property or vocation, are placed in workhouses, where they are well clothed, fed, lodged, and made to labor. Nearly the same method of providing for the poor prevails through all our states; and from Savannah to Portsmouth you will seldom meet a beggar.

Thomas Jefferson.

>inequality is so much worse under capitalism
It really is though. Everyone is wealthier overall, but the richest are richer than the poorest by a much bigger margin

Personally I'm ok with that because even the poorest in the west have it pretty good by the standards of all of history

>Do you seriously believe the new deal is to blame for this? This wasn't the first time any government gave out handouts or anything. Idiots energized by populist politicians will always fail the need for budget cuts and think the government is an unlimited money supply, and if the ministers would just lower their salaries everyone could have free acces to the most expensiv
22 posts and still no argument.

Veeky Forums sure has dropped in quality.


I provided a primary source showing that government assistance for the poor existed at the founding of the US. I'm not sure what more you could possibly want.

That assistance was charity, not government assistance, you stupid nigger

I see, you can't even fucking read.


B*smarck was the one who started the welfare state

Fine, have this intro from babbys first website, wikipedia.

All the civs we consider civilised had some form of welfare implemented, and in it's modern form, welfare dates to the 19th century(when it actually took the name welfare).


>Thank God I live in a feudal society rather than a slave society
>Things are so much better now than they were before

>>people have survived without social security or government handouts for 1000s of years

What kind of dishonest bullshit is this? Are you implying the quality of life for the working class during the Industrial revolution was anywhere near acceptable?

... and yet OP is the one claiming the quality of posts on Veeky Forums has worsened

There's different definitions of "surviving", obviously.

I'm not even going to make any moral appeals because I know you're an edgy cunt. A society that ignores it's poor will eventually crumble. You are just wasting potential and creating social unrest at the same time.

When the socialists instituted the welfare state in our country, the rich people and the Catholic Church were up in arms. Like, how dare you try to take care of the poor! A mere three decades later, lots of my colleagues at university come from the poorest family backgrounds. I'm a mathematician in training, for the record.


people have survived WITH social security for 1000s of years. your clan was your social security.

people have survived for 1000s of years by attacking those robber barons/pirates/plunderers that tried to exploit and enslave them and remove social security from them

you see, they used weapons and mob justice back then and the robber barons were less motivated due to the risks involved

The solution is not to help the poor, the solution is to import millions of violent illiterate third worlders and pay them to exist at the expense of the poor.

this is the only correct response

why hasnt this been posted this earlier?

from time immemorial, humans had all their needs provided for by their clan.

>Welfare entitlement is Roosevelt's fault

Can /pol/ leave already?

Kinda this, but you paint an adversarial relationship between peasant and King that really wasn't always there in the way it came to be after the big revolution