This board is just a bunch of retards who know nothing about business and blindly invest in crypto currencies...

this board is just a bunch of retards who know nothing about business and blindly invest in crypto currencies, essentially just gambling.

>implying you need to know something to get rich
>implying stock markets aren't all speculation with a bit of insider trading

GTFO nocoiner

ugh, another nocoiner.

For the most part, this is true. I don't touch an investment I don't understand and believe will be profitable. Most of these clowns have never read a white paper


how do you read a white paper dumbass there is nothing on it... its just white paper

Go back to trumpcoin

Just wait till september. We will be full of gold, comedy gold...

why would i invest in that shit coin, trump is orange.



>this board is just a bunch of retards who know nothing about business and blindly invest in crypto currencies, essentially just gambling.

you just described every poor person. and it's why the market is so volatile and illogical. if everyone was smart, the most promising coins would have the highest price and the scam coins would be worth nothing.

the sooner you realize you're buying and selling hype instead of coins, the sooner you will begin to profit off of these idiots.

Stay poor nocoiner cuck.

>Implying stock markets are not just series of computer A.I with jewish code trading against other A.I while trading against other A.I

How does it look? I'm new into crypto and just bought some altcoins.

buy high sell low. never forget that.

you cucked yourself with that ripple friend

you can day trade stock without understanding the company, it's all patterns
why would it be any different for crypto?

Pls no bully

I guess. Should I sell it?

sell but keep something small, like 300-400, just as a reserve in case it would grow a bit higher

ripple moves too slowly to lock in such a large percentage of your capital into it