Veeky Forums memes






























>shitty meme edit
The original is pure comedy

I swear it is 90% the exact same shit from last time in every single one of these, get more creative people.

If youre going to repost at least wait a few weeks so we forget about it.









>Viking of Standford Bridge

anglo paranoid delusions

Oh that's jolly.

socrates was long dead




Where is Marx?

Change Socrates to Plato

underrated, holy fuck

How the hell did that happen?

Why are most of these from the first few months of Veeky Forums?

>Pope fearful of Venice gaining to much power in Northern Italy, invites France and co. to join in league against them
>Pope and French king have falling out, Pope also fearful of France gaining too much power in Northern Italy, so Pope joins Venice to kick them out
>Venice thinks its getting a bad deal out of the alliance, so when French king dies they ally with the new one to bully the Pope
>In the end almost nothing changed, with most powers holding the same territory