Waco Horror
Land of the free.
Raped and murdered a white woman. Convicted in court and sentenced to death and the people administered the punishment immediately.
Tree of liberty gotta be litterd with the blood of negroes.
It is not the role of the crowd to administer justice, friend-o.
Unless you're from some bumblefuck village in Central Asia, and you think it's cool to act like a caveman.
So what was with the guy who stole his dick then? Did he buy the BBC meme and want one for himself?
>Convicted in court and sentenced to death and the people administered the punishment immediately.
They publicly castrated him with a pocket knife, cut off his toes and fingers, all while he was screaming and everyone around him laughing and taking pictures.
They set a big fire, tied him with a rope over it, and lowered and raised him such that he doesn't die quickly, and burned him into char. Children from the school were watching and enjoying themselves at the festivities, it was a cultural event and celebration.
When he finally died, they cut him into peaces, and sold them to people around the crowd as an auction, and the pictures taken became post cards, again sold and sent around the world, to other hobbyist lynchers and collectors of lynching cards.
This happened in 20th century USA. No, its nor normal administration of justice.
So they were mexican cartel tier back in the day?
Worse even, at least mexican cartels don't have the children watch and learn.
Another thing that makes it worse is cartels are formed by psychos and criminals of society. This was "regular" people.
Yes they do
wh*tes are subhumans what else is new
>Vigilante justice is acting like a caveman
Souvenir, momento mori, paper-weight, piece of history, who knows.
Honestly... so what?
The only reason lynchings get posted so often is because this really is a a leftist board and an enormous percentage of the posters love nothing more than to share horror stories about the evil whites.
Blacks really are more than an order of magnitude more likely to rape and murder a White woman than the same crime with the races reversed (Bureau of Justice Statistics).
If explain this away economically (which most people try to do) then consider that that apologism can be applied universally.
Rural whites, a hundred years ago, lived a lot harder lives than contemporary blacks. Many of the participants would have been numbed to the gore that upsets soft-handed liberal sensibilities today because they would have personally hunted and slaughtered animals out of necessity.
How many blacks in the entirety of US history have been lynched do you think? 5000? How many of them do you honestly think were innocent?
Compare that to the number of white victims of heinous fatal black crimes in any given decade of the last 100 years - and remember the populations involved.
I'm sorry whites aren't perfect, I'm sorry they didn't conduct the execution of a brutal rapist murderer with the magnanimity of an angel.
These images, while they are obscene aren't an indictment on a race, and you will find no shortage of scenes just like this all over the world, where whites don't have hegemony.
>celebration of sadistic public torture
>"so what, are you a leftist?"
What the actual fuck.
Not him, but if that's all you took away from his entire post then I am compelled to conclude that you're just a faggot, nigger loving cuck. Or an actual nigger. Nobody with a brain feels bad for the evil coon in the OP. Statistics and history have proven these people right. You have to keep niggers in line with brute force and fear or they run wild, because they're primitive beings.
You are obviously him, and still... what the actual fuck. Those two posts are so inhuman, I have to conclude you are writing a fantasy novel and practicing the big bad overlord speeches.
I conceded it's obscene, you're not contextualizing it though, if you were in their shoes do you honestly think you'd behave any differently?
People enjoy revenge, and it's not a white or right wing thing.
I am certain that if someone raped a woman who lives in the same city as me, I wouldn't cut them alive, burn them alive, and spend money buying pieces of their corpse to show to my friends. So yes, I'd act differently.
wasn't me, i'm and I would not go as far as to say
>You have to keep niggers in line with brute force and fear or they run wild, because they're primitive beings.
I just wish liberals (and it is liberals) were half as offended by the atrocities that lead to these reprisals, if they were, they'd release a lot of the hysteria that leads to questionable convictions and public displays of sadism.
>two wrongs make a right
Lefty fags are so easy to bait lol
>act like a fag
>get called a fag
>"lol i tricked you :D"
Yes I would act differently. Their reaction was subhuman tier.
>a woman who lives in the same city as me
Exactly, you can't contextualize
Try to imagine you're a white Texan from the outskirts of Waco (a town of about 30,000 people) in 1916. It's not beyond the bounds of reason that you know this women.
I don't know why i'm trying to convince you, I've been in threads like this before where the people demanding I go back to /pol/ aren't very interested in history, and have even less interest in understanding other people and other times, let alone humanizing them.
If you're going to just get off on this notion that whites are manifestly evil then fine.
Except anti-/pol/fags are the obnoxious ones, and would be the furfags in your example.
>not even left
b a c k
t. tricked fag
Murder and rape is bad, so is cutting a man into chunks and burning him alive, bothy are against the law, both of the land and of common human decency.
>Waaaaah! That rapist was a person!!! They shouldn't have killed him!
>common human decency
nice spook
I live in a town smaller than 30000 people already, I don't need you to tell me a fairy tale. I would not celebrate and partake in the sadistic public torture of a human and take body parts as souvenirs.
And I don't even get why you are spinning this revenge thing, they were CELEBRATING, they weren't mourning, they weren't reluctantly administering punishment, they were celebrating public torture, partaking, loving it. Selling photo cards of lynching was such a popular hobby, the USA had to ban them because they looked like savages to any other state. People traveled from one town to another to witness lynching, because they loved to see humans burned alive and to buy a toe to keep on their fucking desk. This isn't a sob story, isn't a great tragedy and a sad conclusion, this is sadism. I would not act like that, never, most people wouldn't, and you have to understand you are a sick man who isn't compatible with the rest of humanity.
Fine then, the standards that most people would be consider to be just, outside the realm of enforced law.
Mob mentality makes you do some crazy, crazy things. Like go full mexican cartel on a guy. Granted he was a rapist and a murderer but I'd be happy with cutting off his dick and then killing him. Just desserts.
No, you are wrong. People on a slow board enjoying informative, factual discussion and interesting opinions do not constantly go around calling other people out on being brainlet dipshits who wouldn't know the proper historiography of current events if it took a shit on them and define anything outside of a narrow-minded set of viewpoints as a machination of a mysterious 'other'.
I don't know how to explain it to you better than the image I posted my dude, if you can't work out you are probably one of them
He deserved it
>the standards that most people would be consider to be just, outside the realm of enforced law.
still a spook
>deserved it
So, judging by the threads, is it settled that normies pities blacks more than women then?
Either that, or being cut into pieces alive, burned alive until you die, while people take pictures and laugh, and then having your corpse be cut into pieces to be sold, is worse than being raped.
also a spook if ya catch my drift ;)
Poor rapist ;_;
>your drift
Spook, if you catch my cock.
Now if you are done memeing, make an argument or go get lynched, nigger.
>I don't know how to explain it to you better than the image I posted my dude, if you can't work out you are probably one of them
Yeah, I'm one of those evil polacks!
Go neck yourself you snowflake faggot redditor.
>non white people do some nasty stuff
>/pol/ goes on about them being barbaric savages who shouldn't exist
>white people do the exact same thing
>dude fuck niggers lmao
what did thy mean by this
White rapists deserve this too 2bh
Public executions and torture for criminals have been the norm almost everywhere throughout pretty much all of human history. It's not something I would truly advocate but you choosing this specific case of it to shed you crocodile tears over makes it pretty apparent what your agenda is.
And they did suffer the same fate. Plenty of white people got lynched.
They think white people are special but they are just as savage as any other race. They just pretend they are unique.
This isn't 2000 BC Assyria, its fucking 1916, in the USA.
>I live in a small town! I know what it was like to live a century ago.
>Revenge has to be mournful
>Goes on Veeky Forums thread to indict American whites as being awful
>Thinks he's above everyone
>Not agreeing means " you are a sick man who isn't compatible with the rest of humanity."
Don't forget that this was a married women, loved by the community who wasn't only raped, but bludgeoned to death.
That most of you are more offended by what happened to the perpetrator is ridiculous.
The image is pretty straightforward, it calls people like you obnoxious, and states that you can't enter into anything without infecting it with your bullshit, even when it doesn't call for it, which is correct
>nuh-uh it's the OTHER guys that are the furfags
I sure as shit don't remember the last time I had to tell someone to fuck off for being a sjw tumblarina cunt grenade on this board who shits it up with continual threads/posts about how awful (SUBSECTION OF PEOPLE) is
Your analogy, while it makes sense in your head, is just as fucking retarded
t. assblasted stormfag
I have literally never heard of this case before this thread, i'm not even an American, all i know is that the acts were illegal under the consitution and morally fucking bankrupt, there's a fundamental difference between hanging or the guillotine, both methods that are designed to give a relatively short death, and cutting a man into chunks while he is still alive and then burning him, still alive.
Any attack on the ingroup (rape and murder of a white woman) by a member of an outgroup (a nigger) must be met with disproportionate retribution to prevent further attacks. Its basic group dynamics. Unfortunately modern whites have been brainwashed out of this sort of collective self-interest.
nice strawman buddy. What, just because we object to a man being hung, burnt and having his body defiled after death means we're ostensibly sympathetic for everything he did?
by all means kill the bastard, but what the fuck are you letting someone mess with his body for, he's dead, stop chimping out like he did and be bigger about it you subhuman
>unfortunately we no longer cut people alive, burn them to death, dance while doing it, and auction their corpse
>but what the fuck are you letting someone mess with his body for, he's dead
He was alive while they did that.
>so what
people post gruesome stuff done by psychos to "prove" that nonwhites are barbaric when normal wh*tes were doing the same or worse. Mexican cartel tier.
>letting someone mess with his body for, he's dead
I don't get why this revolts you sho much?
"muh corpse"
I'm not him, because i'm a fucking christian, No matter how sinful, no matter how terrible, every man deserves a proper fucking burial.
>Muh context
Fuck you even since the fucking egyptian we know that justice must not be an act of revenge or without mesure you fucking uncivilized half nigger southerner.
And? Most people's sensibilities toward crime and punishment didn't change that much from ancient times until modern mass media came about.
If it makes you feel better I would have just shot him dead, but why it ruffles your feathers so much is beyond me. It was 100 years ago and many, many people throughout history who weren't rapists and murderers have suffered similarly gruesome fates. If you want to make us feel bad at least post like, Emmitt Till, or something.
woah no need for the insults buddy
that's even worse. hope he actually was a rapist and not wrong place wrong time.
I think most people are generally not okay with defiling bodies. And again, what are you, a bunch of fucking savages? Kill him and be done with it, you can't get any more satisfaction then that, it's basically all a spook
prolonging suffering is pointless, and it's no longer justice when you do it. they execute fucking war criminals through a firing squad/hanging because it's quick, painless and unceremonious. Cutting off his prick (particularly while alive, jfc) is truly chimp knuckle dragging tier behaviour
Well, that's about the only reason I'll let pass for being disturbed by mangling a corpse, but these are """""""""Christian"""""""" hillbilly hicks in '16s america. Do you expect somebody to practice something they gave no sign of believing in?
youre not wrong, but that doesnt make what they did right or justified. We are civilized because we are ruled by laws, not men. On paper anyways.
Vigilante justice is illegal for a reason, and violating that is barbarism. It might be less frequent but it isnt justified.
>This happened in 20th century USA
worst shit happens across the globe on a daily basis.
And what is the result of that?
>there is worse than X, thus X is fine
>you broke your leg? well somewhere in africa a child is dying of thirst, so your leg doesn't need attention.
>you have to be christian to be disturbed by mangling a dead body
The fuck is this chimp-tier logic?
that´s not how mob mentality works. Im sure those people would´ve said the same thing a week before it happend.
dopamine ain't a spook user
I am sure crime rates would be much lower, if people could only publicly torture and murder each other.
That's not straw-manning, that's more or less exactly what you said.
Dubious, you've picked one particularly unsettling example from rural Texas, a century ago - where the victim wasn't innocent.
It's hardly ethically tantamount to women being slowly beheaded by drug runners on the rumor of infidelity.
>Mexican cartel tier
Honestly if whites are so abominable why do non-white flock to their societies?
>tfw not even american
Not that we'd expect your assumptions to be accurate, huh user?
I agree, but that's clearly not the point of this thread.
It's another mirrored-/pol/ where the conclusion is meant to be whites are uniquely awful and the source of all that is wrong in this world.
>mangling a corpse from the Christian perspective
You are symbolically deflining what will ultimately become the vessel of a person during the Rapture. It's profoundly taboo in Christian theology and it's extremely rational to wish not to upset the will of God.
>mangling a corpse from a secular perspective
lmao he dead nigga why do you give a shit
What is with this specific town and fucked up shit constantly happening to it?
0P if someone committed a similar crime to this perp to a close family member what sort of punishment do you think it deserves?
Guy who pretend to follow the teaching of the savior still act like that.
That what you got when you don't have the holy church with the holy tradition to guide you.
Fucking protestant.
I keep hearing this stupid fucking argument, Justice is not giving into a mob, you fucking retard, the constitution explicitly bans these kinds of cruel punishments.
Should we just start /pol/ hate threads?
in the late 1800's there were many towns in the west where you could not even own firearms.
as an atheist, youre full of shit.
And? Justice is not that which appeases those affected by crime.
fuck off, he compared having an objection to carving slabs of meat off a still living person and then burning them to death as being indifferent to a woman getting raped; feeling 'sorry' for him as a rapist and not a human. That's strawmanning.
Genetically, humans do not like corpses or dead things in general. It's hard wired into our DNA to avoid them. standard protective behaviour - there might be something dangerous nearby.
You do not need to be religious to have a natural, innate revulsion at dead things.
t. dipshit
no, just put a board cooldown. You can't post on Veeky Forums if you've posted on /pol/ in the last hour. That easy. not that gookmoot would ever do such a thing, and it wouldn't stop the most determined stormfags, but it might clean up bait threads a bit
spooky af
Or how about you fuck off to another safe space you niggerloving nigger
>let's encourage stormies to permanently settle this board
Yeah it sounda like a nasty event. And to think to avoid that fate he only had to not rape and murder someone...hmm.
If your sense of justice doesn't extend to Criminals, then it's not a system of justice, it's something you tell yourself to feel good about yourself.
easy (you)s
never thought about it like that desu, perhaps the best method is to do nothing
>Caring about a nigger rapist.
This is a faggot who thinks he is deceiving anyone, and this baiter actually deserves a (You)
He was a rapist and a murderer, he absolutely deserved it. Go suck nigger cock somewhere else.
No they just execute children.
There is nothing bad about public execution.
Who gave the world civilization.
He had it coming.
Middle Easterners
>mexicans are good people and forced into the cartels
>the cartels are all psycopaths even with the sheer number of people in them
which one is it?