>almost all the major coins are held by chink whales
>chinese, japanes and thai governments have been very open about wanting to work with cryptocurrencies and will ultimately incorporate it
>most investors of crypto are small-fish westerners trying to make a few shekels while ultimately just sending a bunch of Western wealth to east Asia
We should invest in American crypto fags and start shilling that shit
Crypto is chink scam
ok have fun with that mindset. I'll be paying you in chinkcoins to mow my lawn
As if the rich and powerful in America give more shits about you than some chinese scammers.
But basically you're right, the Chinese found yet another way to bleed the US out.
Its just one of many examples, and most people who voice their strong political opinions about Trump dont feel like China is a problem. Moneywise or morally.
>global currency you can use in literally any country that has internet
>central bank currencies being run like monopoly money using the USD as a "global reserve"
the reason you're a nocoiner is because you believe the USD to already be "the coin of all lands", but you've ignored that the infrastructure required to keep said nation-based central currency as the top one is eroding as many people realize that out of the above choices, one is always going to be more useful in every situation
sure, you can take USD to almost any country and use it like you're a king in some areas of the world even, but for how long? by the beliefs you espouse, you should have been aware that the house of cards is crumbling and has been since before 9/11
you're just now becoming hyperaware of how fast everything is changing, and it scares you.
of course you could always try an american based coin
OH WAIT the SEC is making sure that doesn't happen
enjoy your regulations, statist.
If anything crypto forces market based FX rates which isn't necessarily good for China
True but I'd rather just try to pull some of that Chink wealth our direction instead of continually just moving it over there. If we're all just gambling at some point with this, what does it matter if we tried to boost American/Western coins?
>implying I'm not making shekels off crypto myself nucoiner
>SEC is coming along: authorized LedgerX to start by end of year, allowed GBTC to go on the NASDAQ and expanding to an ETH based fund as well
Chill out libercuckian, I'm well aware of your geolibercuckian monetary policy position regarding decentralized and basket currencies. Doesn't mean it can't impact your home country though if one group starts mass collecting these """decentralized""" currencies. If whales can already spoof coin prices now, imagine what a government that already exists on fiat-print-as-you-want currencies can do if they start buying endless amounts of them. Enjoy your 5K tho bro
A working economy is one of the things that keep the US from being Sao Paolo. Chink scams, overregulation, "degeneracy" (= the lack of a unifying moral code/culture that allows coordinated moving in one direction).
I dont say it has to be "white" culture but the US need union and its certianly not reached through the self destructive ambitions of a progressive left.
>hates the federal reserve
>wants to have the president make everyone use labor theory of value based fun bucks (hitlerTM) instead
>doesn't realize that people will trade anything and that without his precious RWDS turning america into a completely nationalized shithole that this idea will never take footing
>wanting more government
>getting it and lowering his ability to compete with his dreaded third world shitholes
There is a shift in wealth but only because us doesn't like crypto and instead trying to control it
the only American coin that's worth a shit is BTS and the chinks are already neck deep into it
Who says I'm American?
>mfw Veeky Forums is /int/ernational
Are you forgetting Trumpcoin libfag
Americans have too much faith in the dollar , so they don't buy crypto
China is balls deep in anything and everything that isn't USD
American detected
Yeesh your argument is literally the truest realization of libertarian autism and barely makes any sense.
>hates the federal reserve
I don't hate the Federal Reserve. It's a necessary evil to keep the dollar from having crypto-like volatility. I think we should remove interest rate responsibility though
>wants to have the president make everyone use labor theory of value based fun bucks (hitlerTM) instead
What are you even talking about here? This has nothing to do with whether or not the American dollars needs some sort of commodity standard. You're just blathering off libercuckian talking points
>doesn't realize that people will trade anything and that without his precious RWDS turning america into a completely nationalized shithole that this idea will never take footing.
If you don't realize that all of your wealth and prosperity is ultimately derived from the country you were brought up in, then you're completely narrow in your thinking.
Ok, so what if there were a crypto that was approved by the SEC?
The company offering it would need to file a registration form just like a public company would, among a few other requirements. This registration would make the coin purchasable at ICO by any US citizen.
Would that make a big ICO?
chinks are waking up
I mean you could literally pull the Antshares argument at that point? Here is an American public blockchain for other companies to build on that has been greenlit by the SEC. I think there's a lot of value in that. I mean there are American based coins right now obviously but everything is in that grey area with not much confidence in what the government might do to it. I'm just saying the bigger crypto gets, the more money is going to east Asia which we should stand up against.
all of your wealth and prosperity is ultimately derived from your own ability to defend and maintain said wealth and prosperity, the fact that you depend on a group of organized thugs who can at any time seize said property and claim it for any "greater good" they cook up and not only that, say that they are responsible for your wealth because they're the ones defending it (protip: they aren't, they're just not taking it all at once so they can bleed you for the rest of your life) is hilarious.
you have what you can hold onto or take. so do they. by all means, let them take as much from you as you believe would benefit muh greater good, but it will always ultimately end up with you holding onto less and less as time goes on.
So invest in metal (mtl) its a better version of omg and is all american
Then go seasteading faggot. You and Patri will be very happy living with each other. To think that any government can function without some form of revenue stream is completely naive and just as dumb as anarcho-communist philosophy. I can't stand people who derive all the benefits from Western society and thought yet feel no obligation to it at all. Have fun with your shekels
I do have some MTL muh friend
The real "benefits" of western society are out of reach of 99% of the people. This is how America controls you, they allow you to live in the "land of the free" full of opportunity, but they mentally and financially deteriorate their population so they never have any hope of achieving that freedom. Like how they poison the water/food supply to keep you inhibited and to control over-population. Like how they brainwash you with a non-stop media barrage to keep you distracted and unquestioning. Like how they trick you into paying for unreasonably expensive student loans, insurance, mortgage, leases/loans, and taxes in order to pay off the debt created by bailing out the banks during the last recession, and keep the population under the thumb of those same banks. They are just transferring debt from themselves to you, you are literally America's bagholder. So no, I don't feel any obligation to it at all.
Move to Hungary they lowered their taxes to 200 euro untill 40k and then it gets to 6% honestly is the best country to live