BCH hashrate now exceeds 20% of the BTC hashrate
Flippening Watch General /FWG/ - +20% Edition
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At first I thought that was fork.loli
Give up already faggot
lolis are not allowed on Veeky Forums
the market is insane right now. bitcoin is the most toxic asset on the planet and it it's going ***UP*** in price.
$5 fees and transactions that take longer than an hour, a corrupt dev team pushing for their second layer solutions, and a competing product (eth) blows it out of the water.
taking a moment to reflect on the world.
And yet BCH is still going down in value
Give up nerd
>muh hash rates
why did the chinese gov not ban Veeky Forums in china ..
jeeeez i'm so tired of the constant shilling
I fuck your mother with my Chinkcoincash.
I fucking hate what this place has it become I used to come here to get away from the fucking bullshit jihad cocksucking that is r/btc and now you guys have just infested our board in the last few days and convinced a few normies that are in on the pump that think its anything more than just a pump
Not a single person had a good thing to say about bcc a week ago here until this hostile pump attack happened and then all we got was you retards spewing propaganda all over our board.
I'm fucking done with this place
Is there another chink-free board?
bye nocoiner
Sorry, she only accepts BITCOIN
>And yet BCH is still going down in value
if bch hash power goes up, means more supply, means lower price. or am i missing something
Exact. Like they won't dump it on the moment the second they have access to the new rewards.
Jesus. People need to read a book.
>missing something
pic related
>Shilling against BCH is OK
>Shilling for it is bad
Kill yourself
Blockstreamcoin fags are afraid.
I profited off the chink pump, but now that it's over, it's time to chill
why dont u idiots just hold both?
>Implying you're gonna make it out of Jihan's Wild Ride okay
>thinking he can shill BCC on Veeky Forums
I do. But I'm not stupid. I sold 20% of my stake at .227.
Only holding the rest because I don't trust chinks, and they will pump it again.
If I'm wrong, I can live with it or might hold it long term.
It's funny because Jihan is in cahoots with kikes while Core's devs are 100% white.
calm down, it'll go up.
23 blocks per hour, mostly empty, going to two miners, one which is unknown.
truly satoshis vision.
But muh hash rates.
Up 0.07%
>muh hash rates
>muh censored forums
>muh jihan sucky sucky
No joke, the bcc propaganda here gets intense. Saw a thread earlier with 3 IDs obviously samefaging, spewing the same bullshit, using some kind of double-speak to describe BCC. Really just made me close the tab and get off biz.
Guess what guys? Miners are not fooled easily. They watch charts and are aware of the intricacies of scaling much more intently than any of you holders. Do you think that BCC could ever stay at $1000-$800? Do you think they don't know that this pump was started by some dude using Korean money to 3x the price on one exchange, then others arbitrage it from other exchanges? not originally people selling bitcoin. That's not the only cause of the rise, but was compounded by known pumpers.
Mining difficulty adjustments with price action will soon modify the hashrate share once again. BCC's mining profitability is not sustainable without a continued pump. Miners that moved will easily move elsewhere.
I'm a nocoiner btw.
ok kys
>I'm a nocoiner btw
>Core's devs are 100% white
Dude looks white as fuck, what's your point?
Nice to see someone else not brainwashed by this bcc scam amongst this sea of shills our board has become.
Looks like you got the same quality replies my post got too, kys and being called a nocoiner.
I guess i'm gonna just take a break from crypto and this board till this ugly chinks tantrum has played out entirely.
Jihan is forming a hostile attack on bitcoin, while r/btc attacks our board at the same time.
so many blockstream employees are detatched by the ceo to shitpost...?
btc is dead
your shilling is in vein
miner will abandon you
good luck with 5 hour 1MB blocks
>posts 'you have to go back' image
>implying you're not from reddit
>uses reddit spacing
>surprised at people telling you to kill yourself
>think your gonna just take a break from crypto and this board
Nice attempt at blending in core cuck, you couldn't be more obvious. Kill yourself
look at the 3 latest news
>core cuck
theres literally nothing more cuck than shilling for bcc's little fishead jihan. if you shill for bcc, you also give roger and jihan the right to eiffel-tower your twink ass while you furiously dj your microcock clit
i rather suck a micro clit than a hairy jewcock
Carry on disappointing your stepdad
Just a shitcoin with too much money behind it. Gobble gobble.
Literally nothing positive about bcc could be said on this board less than a week ago, you're literally all shills from plebbit with a few newfags caught in the pump and propaganda spam who actually think its anything more than a pump.
We both know 1 year from now there will be only 1 bitcoin people remember, and its not going to be some private side chain forked off by this ugly autistic chinky.
You guys are the worse shit that has ever came to this board even when dgb pumps like 10% and we have like 10 dgb threads it isn't this fucking bad
"Tweaking" John McAfee
open this website
>Shilling against BCH was fine
>Shilling for it isn't
Kill yourself
Stop coping you ignorant swine. Buying BCH shitcoin is cope. There is 0 point in buying this BCH shitcoin if you dont have ideal bones and have a wide waist and narrow bideltoid width. Any genuine chad who is ottermode and goes running for sports will be infinitely more attractive than the ectomorph Bitcoin Cash shitcoincel who compensates for his inferior bones by trading BCH in the hopes of making enough money to then jump on the hedonistic treadmill. Shitcoin trading and BCH shitcoin will ruin your life srs either by losing you all your money and failing that, by highlighting the flaws in your BONES because no amount of Bitcoin Cash shitcoin will fix inferior bones. I will never ascend desu desu fampai senpai desu
(OP Post should read $BCH):
(Twitter, lol...shills for thrills)
Look at the posts I've been making the last 5 hours on the developing BCH moves. The pattern is progressing completely identical. Run the proportions yourself. .35 BCH, probably early Tuesday.
wrong image
Chain death spiral is habbening
why is not reflecting in the price then?
Wait, wouldn't a small penis be a megaclit, not a micro one?
I don't understand why anybody would favor bbc over bcc after reading about it. Especially this one long reddit post with sources.
Bcc is what bitcoin was meant to be.
Bbc is what bitcoin was fighting against.
Bcc is what makes crypto decentralized.
Bbc is what makes crypto centralized.
Bcc is what could end in a bank free world.
Bbc is what could end in a world we allready have but with a cool word before world.
Bcc is the idea of bitcoin.
Bbc is the enslaved bitcoin.
Bcc is hope.
Bbc is 1984.
Bcc is freedom.
Bbc is slavery
All that cool crypto game with much gains and shit will be over sooner or later of they put chains on the Blockchain by Blockstream.
Bitcoin Cash is the body, bitcoin is its sole.
Blockstream bitcoin is banker, enslaving the sole of bitcoin.
I'm convinced big banker whales are pumping the shit out of BTC core to keep it afloat at 4k. There's no way this is sustainable and will soon crash before the end of the month.
nice poem
>Giving all my gold to the chinks is freedom
Thanks, I'll stick with the Jews, at least I'm certain they know how to make money.
>at my expense
>As if the chinks wouldn't stab you in the throat and rifle your pockets
The Chinese are the asian Jew, with half the morals.
Stupid idiot.
This exactly
The main way for the chinks to profit is to increase the value of the investment. Blockstream and core plan to profit from offchain fees through the LN so they don't care what the price is.
He looks more like Irish to me.
>The Chinese are the asian Jew, with half the morals.
are u literally this stupid to believe ANYONE has moral when it comes to their money? Its a fucking rat race in every country u retard
Not in Korea
>implying they have a choice