otherwise, you were less beneficial to humanity than african "civilisation"
Tell me Veeky Forums, what did you do to better humankind so far?
I havent killed anyone innocent.
what do you think you do when you fap, genocidal SOB
i lived and loved
my life is a work of art
you're welcome
I have a job, unlike the average nigger.
most niggers live in countries without welfare, so they are bound to have a sort of job.
you're nothing special in this regard
so, you did nothing special, then? those are things that were made possible through walking on a foundation made by others, but by no means they improved the way humanity exists.
>so they are bound to have a sort of job.
Or there doing something illegal like selling drugs.
I had kids.
I was true to myself.
why not if your state allows it? it's not like there is much left, but last time i checked most blacks are beating themselves through life by planting cargill seeds and trying to not get fucked by the industries' monopoly. or getting to work in mines. not glorious, but it's what they have
>The entire population of Africa sells drugs
if it's less than 5 surviving ones, than it's still below afrca's standard
If that reasoning is legitimate, then your own existence would have the same outcome. In fact the time you spend having a child is wasted, you could immediately begin working upon what the child themselves would achieve.
Tell me how I can better humankind. Does it have to be something that betters everyone or can it be something like putting out a fire or making clothes.
More hands to build.
invent something. that's how you guys measure a race's value after all?
Fuck humankind, i work to preserve biodiversity and do ecological restoration
What do you mean by you guys? Im just one person.
you wouldnt be on Veeky Forums if you werent one of "those guys", after all
I really dont know who your relating me to.
Build what? The question here is how to better mankind. Undoubtedly much could be built that would hinder human progress.
My idea of bettering humankind is to build so everyone can be comftorble, I dont think I can or anyone can without followers.
So the way to better humankind is to provide comfort? So all the people presently on earth are incapable of comforting themselves, so the answer to that problem is to make more people?
If every human is a burden, and the best way to better mankind is to provide comfort then wouldn't it be practically and morally advantageous to be gay?
I have killed and eaten fifteen homosexual men. Just doin' my part!