What is the root of racism?
What is the root of racism?
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White supremacy
It's a consequence of having the ability to notice group differences. The only cure is brainwashing.
Biological urge to group people into in groups and out groups
fear of "the Other" from our caveman dayz
successfully applied game-theory
>successfully applied
Wouldn't this mean that racism is the product of men using game theory to find that racism is the most efficient behaviour?
Game theory explains racism, but doesn't cause it.
caveman paranoia coupled with group-thinking based around things like visual differenciation rather than other qualities, because back then it was more dangerous to try to judge someone by analizing their qualities as a person than it is today.
also because there is no inherent altruistic drive towards a group they did not grow up in, and visual differences can be associated with it.
racism is a safety mechanism that becomes more prominent the more superficial one is in judging others and the more unknowing one is about others.
>mechanism that becomes more prominent the more superficial one is in judging others and the more unknowing one is about others
The consequence being it becomes all the more ubiquitous and above all necessary (because you DO need a discriminant, that's just how your brain works) the more people you have around, since you can't afford to waste resources in getting to know an increasingly larger number of people.
Which definition of racism?
>the belief that the races are different
This is caused by differences in the races
>hatred for other races
This is caused by genetic self-preservation impulses
>the SYSTEM that OPPRESSES and DEHUMANIZES People of Color!
Pattern recognition.
I always love when people bring up "Othering" with a judgemental tone as if it is a priori a bad thing to do. I other all day long because my love is a finite resource to be given to those I have the greatest affinity for. No fear needed.
Removing "the Others" is the key feature of human being sinxe cavemen times.
>stunted animeposter cannot into empathy
Many such cases!
Not that guy but you literally care equally about all people on the planet? That's not even biologically possible.
Were "the other" from our caveman days niggers?
>I other all day long because my love is a finite resource to be given to those I have the greatest affinity for.
No, you other all day long because that's the literal only way to perceive anything at all.
>cannot into empathy
I can into finite empathy. Anyone who thinks they have unbridled love for the whole world is a liar or doesn't actually know what love is.
>can't understand contextual ques
What an autist.
Okay, true, but I was specifically talking about preference for some people over others. Not an epistemological mode of thought.
Why does "I don't think 'othering' is a big deal desu" imply lack of empathy?
If anything, I think freaking out about "othering" is the unempathic thing.
>I prefer to be surrounded by my own kind
>wow wtf how is such a thing even possible it just makes no sense!
>The only cure is brainwashing.
The cure is an unity towards a bigger cause, always been that way since we were in tribes - also christian values, education, empathy
>just not for the sorts of feelings we find inconvenient, like feelings of wanting to be with your own kind
I do not get why the term "empathy" is so holy to people who seem to have no ability for it.
If aliens showed up and started genociding niggers I'd probably support them rather than the niggers.
user, empathy means understanding others' emotions, not acting upon it.
I perfectly understand the plight of boatniggers risking their life to cross the Med for example, and I candidly admit that I'd do the same in their place. Doesn't mean I actually want them to succeed in their crossing.
>What is the root of racism?
What is Context?
Is that an anime?
oh look another thread by the "anti-pol" crew shitting up our history board.
That does sound like brainwashing to me user
generally? us-vs-them mentality and a need to justify your amoral actions coupled with bystander effect
but usually the root of the racism depends on the culture
Empathy among many other things is not limited to race.
Do you know about genetics or do you just get your information from David Duke
History has shown that "only caring for your own kind" leads to violent conflict and fall of society in general.
If you don't care at least about the people in your state then eventually you won't have one (since the people in your state that you don't care about will probably not care much for you either).
Biological utility gained from eons of evolution. Every prisoner is a racist in practice to survive. The free can only afford to be nonracist because they are distance from the threat of constant violence of other groups. It's very simple and with no need of philosophical posturing if you're actually open to it: 5 people beat the hell out of one, and race is nature's "team colors".
Racism isn't the best solution, but it's the best simple solution. Group closure.
It's so simple humanity has found it even without knowing game theory.
>tfw listening to nazi ideology
>christian values, education, empathy
you dont believe that yourself
Pattern recognition desu. We do it wiht everything why should we stop it with race. There are clear differences in societies of different ethnicieties. There is even i think fundamental evidence to support there is even a biological connotation to it ,although i think there is no need for that ,since cultural difference already explain why racism is a natural and cautious way for humans to asses differenct groups
Because people use Christianity to do things that are the opposite of Christian things ironically.
Logic. Look at how they're not speaking about asians or anybody whobisn't black.
They would ignore niggers as they're irrelevant and make the actual people fight each other.
Where has history showed this?
Plebeian and Patrician conflict for one. Not a racial problem but still an "other" problem. People only cared about their own circles so when said circles conflicted with each other they had no qualms purging the other.
Any time the princeps had difficulties and the Senate tried to take back power and thereby restoring the original government they almost always get attacked and humbled by the people there that wanted their circle to win, so the republic was never a thing afterwards. This also happened in Florence during the renaissance just a lot quicker. Internationally the Poleis in greece after the Peloponnesian War
Thing about republics is that it was made for the citizens, ALL the citizens so not caring or thinking their problems aren't yours is a sure fire way to lose it to a person that actually cares or at least says he cares about it (aka your future ruler and sovereign).
Common sense
pretty much this.
Its just an expression of general human tribalism
Race is just a an easily observable "othering" quality
Pattern recognition
the eyes
the brain
Why are all "race realists" and the "red-pilled" individuals the biggest weebs?
Che Guevara was also extremely sexist. All in all just a regular Macho.
Why does it matter
Che Guevara became racist because he was incapable to organise the revolution in Congo and then blamed the Blacks for his failure. After he left, the socialist revolution in Congo became succesful and turned the country into communism.
It is actually pretty plausible that the meme of "black people are more animals than humans, therefore enslaving them is morally not bad" was indeed invented by Arabs and Europes copied it. So why did Arabs invent it? European civilisations had slaves too. But the Europeans a) enslaved all kinds of races, mostly whites b) didnt see slavery as morally bad so there was no need to justify it.
The Arabs though had a Koran that stated that slavery is maybe not outright forbidden, but it is deemed bad. So they needed a reason why they enslaved all these eastern Africans, who were primarily black. So they came up with the idea that Blacks are more animal than human, so its not even slavery in the proper sense. Blacks pretty much are made to be enslaved and enjoy it ("submissive to slavery").
This then lead to the fact that the Arabs, who quickly became the biggest slave traders on the planet, enslaved only black people and exported them to the european powers, and with that their racist ideology that was invented to justify their slavery business.
socialism, see Mussolini
Hey my post was not even racist, and i'm not even a weeb i just like posting purple haired anime girls from time to time
Good instinct fampai
But to be fair Ibn Khaldun dismissed this theory and wrote
>Genealogists who had no knowledge of the true nature of things imagined that Negroes are the children of Ham, the son of Noah, and that they were singled out to be black as the result of Noah's curse, which produced Ham's color and the slavery God inflicted upon his descendants. It is mentioned in the Torah 219 that Noah cursed his son Ham. No reference is made there to blackness. The curse included no more than that Ham's descendants should be the slaves of his brothers' descendants. To attribute the blackness of the Negroes to Ham, reveals disregard of the true nature of heat and cold and of the influence they exercise upon the air (climate) and upon the creatures that come into being in it. The black color (of skin) common to the inhabitants of the first and second zones is the result of the composition of the air in which they live, and which comes about under the influence of the greatly increased heat in the south. The sun is at the zenith there twice a year at short intervals. In (almost) all seasons, the sun is in culmination for a long time. The light of the sun, therefore, is plentiful.220 People there have (to undergo) a very severe summer, and their skins turn black because of the excessive heat. Something similar happens in the two corresponding zones to the north, the seventh and sixth zones. There, a white color (of skin) is common among the inhabitants, likewise the result of the composition of the air in which they live, and which comes about under the influence of the excessive cold in the north. The sun is always on the horizon within the visual field (of the human observer), or close to it. It never ascends to the zenith, nor even (gets) close to it.
the moral justification of imperialism
15th century Iberia
Please find a simulation from evolutionary biologists that shows that groups with no ingroup preferences out-compete groups with ingroup preferences.
The white "anti-racist" that says he has no enemies will meet a group that says "we are your enemies". The muslims have fierce ingroup preferences, as do all immigrant communities entering Europe.
Congratulations, you're a sociopath.
Which makes you a fucking weeb, animeposter.
I'll find you and bully you.
So then you want to just have people screwing each other over even though, if positions were reversed, people would rather not be screwed over themselves?
Judging by those guys in the OP it seems that having a beard of any type might unleash racism
Nippons are the masterrace. Hitler knew it. They know it.
This could well be feasible. It's just bizarre because Muhammad made a point of speaking out against racism in his Farewell Sermon:
>From Abi Nadrah: Someone who heard the sermon of the Messenger of Allah in the middle of the days of at-Tashriq narrated to me that he said, "O people! Indeed, your Lord is one and your father is one. Indeed, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor of a non-Arab over an Arab, nor of a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except by taqwa. Have I conveyed the message?" They replied, "You have conveyed it, Messenger of Allah!"
Try drowning your brain woth lsd and really think hard and long about how you think and why you think about what you think about and why you've thought the thoughts you've just thought about your thinking.
>you want to just have people screwing each other over
I think you're missing the point here. It's not about screwing people over, it's about my gain. I don't care if boatniggers exist or not so long as I don't notice them.
>even though, if positions were reversed people would rather not be screwed over themselves
Yes. Because positions aren't reversed. In the end it's pragmatism vs idealism.
Race you fucking retard.
but he just described his ability to put himself in other peoples shoes. that's pretty much the exact opposite of sociopathy.
You ever notice chimps in a zoo exhibit form packs and beat the shit out of eachother for being in different packs?
Its in our primal DNA to be tribal assholes whether its for race, gender, religion, age, social clique, or ideology.
Nope, you're confusing sympathy and empathy.
That guy described sympathy, empathy is feeling the other's emotions.
He is merely recognizing their distress which is sympathetic, but shows a lack of empathy through his open hostility which is a sociopathic trait.
Not wanting your nation, culture and way of life destroyed by invaders is not being a sociopath. I actually think those who want them to be rescued are the sociopaths. They lack empathy for their own people and care more about aliens then their own family.
empathy is not always a value that needs to be expressed.
>The cure is an unity towards a bigger cause
that's a fantasy and the United States has shown your vision will never happen.
>Empathy is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling.
it's actually not as cut and dry as that apparently, but what he described is indeed a form of empathy. just because someone can connect with another persons emotions, doesn't mean they will want to subject themselves or their loved ones to further punishment. and sociopathy, or rather aspd, is a mental disorder all by itself and requires proper diagnosis. chances are someone with the actual condition wouldn't even give a shit about their families or migrants to begin with.
I live in a 60% black city and nearly only hung out with blacks in elementary school and many of my developmental years. I know blacks pretty well. That's why I hate them.
exactly, there is a reason why the most "diverse" parts of the country are the most racist.
so asians are white now... hmmm
Calling someone a nigger and hoping they drown in the Mediterranean Sea isn't a form of empathy.
He's merely sympathizing with their cause of escaping poverty/starvation/oppression etc., calling anyone empathetic with this sort of mindset is delusional.
to the american left and american negros yes they are.
I think he called the other user a sociopath because he misinterpreted as the user wanting to sink the refugees.
Those people don't view race as a family and nor do I, the reason why boomers and liberals want to bring refugees in is because they have been told that these people are escaping war in search of a better life and do not know that they are economic migrants, so they would prioritise the ones that are in a bad situation rather than the ones in their own country because they assume the ones are already in a good situation. The people that ask for refugees are not vary of the crisis it has brought or will bring.
The ability to notice patterns.
In-group bias