Got about 200 poorfageuros to invest. What would you choose to go all in, OMG or ZRX? Both is not an option.
I own both. Go balls deep in 0x
omg is more stable mid term gains with less risk and less gains. oX just came out and has more room to grow but less certain at this point how the product will turn out.
I personally think both are a good option but I would choose neither if I only had $200 at this stage. If I had $200 I'd trust the faggots on this board and go IOC or I'd trust the twitter fags and go MSP
OMG wait 2 hours to see how the support is(might dip lower or breakout). will moon soon cuz news
zrx bruh. omg is a stale meme. zrx is a fresh meme.
buy edgeless. it's on bittrex. thank me later.
>be zrx (.000169 ico price)
>ico drops, rises and starts sitting at 70k sats
>hours later rises again and sits at 90k sats
>day later rises again and traded around for 160k - 180k depending on the exchange you use
No drops or huge auto corrections after the rises in price. Its still sitting at a calm 9x-10x ico price even now. Bunch of sideways movement and consolidation over the past two days.
We havent reached the ATH yet, I just know it. I own some zrx.
ZRX. OMG is currently green whereas ZRX is dipping a little so it's more sensible timing to buy. Also, with ZRX I can get more for my buck due to the price. That being said, I'm bullish on both long term.
Lmao at any summer fag not holding at least 50% OMG
My wallet is fucking ready
You're a bit better off than I am. Well done holding tight, I sold some at 6x to lock in my initial investment.
40k in student loans. With taxes, i need about 55k. Then im cashing out. I cant wait to have a positive net worth.
how are you calculating taxes, where are you from?
Im from usa, im just going to calculate fiat in fiat out and claim short term capital gains tax.
well, i'm from portugal, and short term capital gains tax is 28% here. how fucked are you also?
buy high sell low :))
Itll be around that.
I didn't used to have an opinion on capital gains tax man but its fucking brutal
Buy imperium good time to get in.
buy the 0x dip
Neither, too late. Go with SNT instead.
fuck ox, omg is a nice longterm hold, dont need to worry about always looking at the candles.
Omg rebounding off the small dip hard
0x, growth is going to be insane within these next few weeks
OMG is stable and will moon when the news comes. Still ok to buy in now this will be $40 in a few months