Hey, Veeky Forums, what are the ethnic origins of the Mohawk Indian people?
Hey, Veeky Forums, what are the ethnic origins of the Mohawk Indian people?
>the nose knows
i'm being serious
What do you think?
Is this one of those memes about how some of the north-eastern indian tribes might have originated from early Europeans rather than siberians who came over the bering land bridge?
they really hate the land bridge idea because it labels them as immigrants
I have never met a single Native who had any kind of opposition to the idea. Also how would it label them as immigrants? They would literally be the first people to ever set foot on that soil. There would be no sort of country to immigrate to.
They stole it from the raccoons.
You mean Bigfoot
Him too
> in the process of immigrating , not being called immigrants
Not Europeans, but Bering bridge is literally a retarded theory. Even today the temperatures in that area get so low that even animals native to Alaska and Far East Russia freeze to death there over the winter, yet I'm supposed to believe people were freely settling the area during the mother fucking Ice Age? Nope. It's far more probable they migrated to central Asia first, on boats through the Pacific.
>Even today the temperatures in that area get so low that even animals native to Alaska and Far East Russia freeze to death there over the winter, yet I'm supposed to believe people were freely settling the area during the mother fucking Ice Age?
Yes, that's why all animals and all people who live there freeze and die each winter and then new ones are being shipped in.
You know nothing about survival in winters.
> It's far more probable they migrated to central Asia first, on boats through the Pacific.
> boats through the Pacific.
Do you know the first thing about """"""Pacific"""""" ocean?
the original amerindians came from the pacific, the later ones came from beringia
>Yes, that's why all animals and all people who live there freeze and die each winter and then new ones are being shipped in.
Actually most animals just migrate the fuck away from there, and so do most people. Chukotka has a population density of 0.07/km2 and a huge chunk of Alaskan population lives somewhere else during the winter. Now note this is with MODERN TECHNOLOGY and much warmer temperatures than during the ice age.
>You know nothing about survival in winters.
I reckon I do as I'm from a pretty damn cold country.
>Do you know the first thing about """"""Pacific"""""" ocean?
What of it? Melanesia and Polynesia got settled by boat people from Asia, why not the Americas?
Speaking of which, who were the Jews of the Americas?
God damn, i'm starting to think Joseph Smith was right. Native Americans have the same nose.
People have been crossing the Bering Strait for a long time.
Those languages are not older than the ice age.
A boat trip from Kamchatka peninsula to Alaska is fundamentally the same as crossing the land bridge.
The Bering Land bridge
The big nose is because of similar humidity and temperature to the desert of the mideast.
Cast out of Israel and punished by God with red skin