Why are Native Americans offended by the CSA? What did it do to them?
Why are Native Americans offended by the CSA? What did it do to them?
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Creek and Choctaw made fortunes using the southern system on their new land, the "rebel yell" derives from their war cries.
Fun fact: any southerner claiming to have "Cherokee blood" usually really means at least one of their great grandfathers were cucked
They are?
I grew up in Eastern Oklahoma, the former Indian Territory. We're taught in school that Cherokee Chief Stan Watie was the last Confederate general to surrender. There are wallets holding both a Sons of Confederate Veterans membership card and a tribal ID.
Could be a visiting tourist from a different tribe who doesn't know the history between natives in the area and the confederacy. I mean personally I would need some context if I saw something roughly from my cultural group being used to promote something that is heavily associated with slavery.
Does Elizabeth Warren count?
No, she's 100% white, like Shaun King
>if you're an [insert target minority] you must hate the CSA, hate white men, love blacks, love Mexicans, trannies and gay rights because it's our party platform
t. Democrats
>More rural than any other race
>Cling to god and guns
>Nixon was better for Indians than any other president
Indians are natural Republicans.
I think the Union did more harm to natives than the Southerners ever did.
This, the Union is responsible for the genocide.
Southerners were welcome to all types of folks except African blacks.
>>Nixon was better for Indians than any other president
Or the great-grandfather was living the Jefferson dream with a slave.
Can you go to pol?
Except when they drill on their lands or poison their water.
This is an imageboard, we use slashes here.
Iirc the Confederates had a few Native American regiments.
Only when we talk about subs on this site.
One of the main reasons the Union relocated the tribes was to avoid them being butchered by the southerners outright.
plenty of native bands got hella rich off of resource extraction though
Who does she ship with?
Can I get a Northerner war crime denial .gif, kek
This is getting ridiculous.
>Implying both sides don't assume
Wow you sure are brainwashed aren't you?
Need to flip that belt upside so it appears to say "Sn" (Southern Nation). Most Confederates who had captured US belts wore them that way
A dreamcatcher with that flag on is everything wrong with american 'culture'
I've lived in New Mexico and South Dakota and I can tell you this is horseshit.
Cause people who idolise the CSA today usually hate Indians.
>captured belts
if your soldiers have to wear captured belts, you know your rebellion isn't going anywhere.
No, that would mean there great-grandfather was the bull.
not really, most redneck types love indians or at least the romantic idea of indians. Living off the land, hunting and fishing, then fucking your squaw is the perfect life
They are called Indians
But Pajeet never lived in America.
Shaun King is black via the one drop rule.
Sad but true. Democrats have convinced every minority group in the us that they are /their guys/. You kind of wonder what will happen when whites aren't the majority anymore and Hispanics are. How will the blacks respond ? Every Hispanic I know hates nigger more than me.
You fags sound like broken records and tiggered as fuck. Should be a global banned to whine about "muh pol". It's not pols fault you're ignorant. Besides pol is Veeky Forums and just about everyone from other boards view it.
Typical Reddit leftist. You exposed yourself.
We gave these spear chunkers that name. You can also call them red man.
this is your level of thinking process toadlet, and pic related is your average wardrobe. why should I ever take anything you have to say seriously?
No they don't. They have Indian shit all over their houses and usually claim a Cherokee ancestor, whether it's true or not.
t. Someone who lives on the Arkansas/Oklahoma line.
>dat pic
Oklahoma is pretty much WE WUZ RED MAN: the state
It's sad you can't debate.
Maybe head back to l*ddit with the rest of internet marxists?
You know nothing.
Every single fucking thread it's "/pol/ is Veeky Forums" or "Veeky Forums is /pol/". Listen here you Ledditor, nobody outside of /r/nu-/pol/ falls for (((Trump's))) Zionist lies. Veeky Forums is not /pol/. Get over it and shut up or stay in either one your alt-kike hug-boxes.
Parts are. Other parts really do have high Indian populations. But lots of the Indians are so interbred with whites that you can't tell. One of the partners at the firm I used to work at said that he'd try a case in Sequoyah County any day of the week because Indian juries award more money.
This isn't your safe space. If you can't debate then keep you mouth shut. You people who whine about pol are nothing but distressed lefties.
Get out leftypol.
just shut the fuck up, its pretty clear you assholes are from leftypol and are desperately trying to shill this place into your board and you are literally more annoying than stormfags who do nothing but shill denier threads
Calling every other board on Veeky Forums "/pol/" doesn't make it your safe space either. There is no need for you to bring /pol/ into every other board besides "everybody who doesn't agree with me is a leftist now get out of my alt-kike safe space we /pol/ now."
Get out /r/the_donald
Not him but noone brought up Jews at all. Stop trying to make everything into /pol/.
It's because you are such triggered little crybabies when someone posts something you don't like. You exposed yourself as someone who came over from Reddit in the last couple of years.
Lefty's hate the one none keftwing sub on Reddit.
People like you should be banned.
youre the one shitposting and whining simply because someone disagrees with you. This isnt leftypol faggot.
Indians acting offended because of the Confederacy is something I've never seen or heard of. It's pretty common knowledge that Cherokee and Chocktaw fought in the Trans-Mississippi theater in actual regiments. This stamp is from fifteen years ago. If anyone is bitching about it, it's probably someone claiming Comanche blood but fuck them anyway.
Or maybe I'm not a lefty and just hate ZOG puppets.
You're just an edgy chikd.
Where in my post did I say I came from Reddit? If anything the people I'm accusing are more Leddit than me.
Nice argument.
The shitposting began when one of these Stormfags claimed that minorities have to be Democrats because that's there platform. That's where politics was brought in. If nobody tells these Redditors to stop shitting up threads where we want actual discussions then they'll just keep doing it.
t. "normal person"
I know, I dated a blue eyed ginger that was 1/16th native american.
Crazy stuff.
>Pretending the south wasn't a part of the union at the time.
>Pretending that the president presiding over the Indian Removal Act wasn't a southern populist
that still makes him not black
I admit I go to pol It's one of the only boards on this shit site not full of gay and tranny porn.
Zionism is a good thing, I support Zionism and trump.
Don't think I've ever seen that to be honest. If they are it's most likely they're just democrat partisans really. Indians mostly just stick to themselves on their reservations. One I do know of is a moderate conservative and likes guns.
t. leftypol
they aren't for the most part. the tribes out west have far more grievances with the federal government that with a bunch of southerners.
Why are even the /pol/-types so keen to reject the one-drop rule nowadays?
pol types understand history, genetics and culture.
Social engineering like the one-drop rule was what kept North America from becoming South America.
>muh pol
the battlecry of the defeated leftist.
and he was right. The democrat party is the party of identity politics. Those who "get off the plantation" are called "coon" "uncle tom".
also you're the only redditard here. You probably hand around on /r/politics and
>If they are it's most likely they're just democrat partisans really
Most of the ones I've worked with usually just pay lip service to the Dems. In the weeks leading up to the election it was always "this country's gonna go to shit if Trump wins". After Trump won, the general attitude was "eh, may as well give him a chance, what's the worst he can do?". It's even become a recurring joke to blame things on the Russians whenever something bad happens. The forklift blew out a tire? Russian saboteurs. Inventory system's fucking up again? Russian hackers did it. Weird noises coming out of the radio? The Russians are signalling for their invasion.
>it's another dixiecuck thread
1/4 or 1/8, perhaps.