Anyone know anything about Nation of Islam? It's pretty fascinating.
Anyone know anything about Nation of Islam? It's pretty fascinating
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It's a black supremacist cult created by an Anglo who they believe is the Messiah of Judaism and the Mahdi of Islam.
We Wuz Muslims and shit
>Muslims weren't in Africa
u wot
They're not even Muslims. Malcolm X learned this when he went to Mecca and other Muslims told him his beliefs were unhinged.
theres a more extreme version of them that believe not only are white people devils, but that black people are gods and Jay-Z is a member of them
can someone explain to me why the NOI leadership is yella af? wallace muhammad even got good hair too lol
And after that he realized hating white people was stupid and he became an actual muslim.
Then he told that to his """brothers""" and they killed him.
yeah this guys pretty interesting, just started it and then vanished into the wind (not in a foul play way)
>They're not even Muslims
Yes they are you dope. You can't even begin to discuss the history of Islam in America without bringing up NOI.
NOI is just a form of Islam like Sunni and Shia.
Where in the Quran is the account of Yakub's creation of the white devils to bring down the Melanoid Empire?
They have more in common with Scientologists. Their belief system isn't even remotely Muslim, and Muslims will tell you this.
Original WE WUZ KANGS. That's all there is to say.
If you believe there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, you are by definition a Muslim. If you submit yourself to God, you are a Muslim. Moses was a Muslim, Jesus was a Muslim, Adam was a Muslim, etc. Just because the NOI has some obscure beliefs doesn't make them any less of a Muslim. They liberate themselves through Islam either way.
>Fuck whitey. I'm going to be a real African and shit. I'm not a slave.
>Converts to a religion that has brutally invaded and enslaved Africans for centuries like nothing else.
It's highly comedic how stupid niggers are, seriously.
>You can't even begin to discuss the history of Islam in America
holy fuck. so you're saying that a cult invented in the 1930s that was related the islam in name only is the only basis for the discussion of the history of islam in america? kys
>that tweet
Everyone forgets about the Ibadi, i feel sorry for them
>a religion that has
people do things, not religions user
>If you believe there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, you are by definition a Muslim.
They don't believe that. Stop trolling, faggot. Elijah Muhammad thought farq was a god or prophet or some other divinity in a succession of other divinities. That denies that Muhammad is Allah's sole messenger, which is heretical to say the least. It's also polytheistic to say that a man in the 1930s was god's incarnation when mainstream islamic thought has always vehemently denounced god ever having human form. That twitter poster may be a muslim but she sure as hell is ignorant about her own religion and NOI.
She is pandering to those people, look at her twitter, she is a political activist.
They aren't muslim.
yeah I was going to actually end my post saying its probably some political ploy but i couldn't think of why she'd want to pander to black people desu. I'm guessing she cares more about "social activism" than actually leveling with people that their ""religion"" is a reverse-racist revenge cult with the makings of the worst written science fiction imaginable.
Still does. Islamic countries still yearly import tens of thousands of African slaves.
I'm sure black and slave mean the same thing in arabic. Darkies truly are the most stupid people in existence.
The ebonoid galactic empire utilized melanin powered stargates to traverse to Earth and conquer it with their superior black might and used their superior black intuition to create civilization before the white cave people overthrew them with tricknology, forcing many of the ebonoids into the hollow earth and then enslaving the rest until the Muslim armies came to the rescue educated in the ways of the Ebonoid Muhammad and freed the slaves from the white devils.
islamic slavery =/= white people slavery
You gotta read about Yakub. It's probably the funniest thing in any religion other than scientology.
Do you think all Africans are black or something?
Such bullshit. I have a South Sudanese friend whose father was a slave for 15 years of his life because of an Arab slave raid. He's like 44. He's younger than my dad and he's been a slave for a good chunk of his life until he escaped. The Arab Slave Trade and Transatlantic Slave trade enslaved just as many people, the difference was the Transatlantic Slave Trade was mainly contained in West Africa so it completely changed the demographics. The Arabs enslaved East Africans, West Africans, Central Africans, it was spread around so it didn't affect the area as much. The other difference is the Arab Slave Trade never ended.
>It's probably the funniest thing in any religion other than scientology.
We could do whole a thread about the funniest/stupidest things in religion/cults/mythology, honestly.
Because nearly all successful Black people pre-21st century are several generations deep into being mulatto
That's the "no true Scotsman fallacy" if I've ever seen it.
Okay, well I'm a 3-headed magic elephant. If you can't accept that despite my appearance of a human, then that's a fallacy.
they're not muslims though, no sunni/shia jurisprudence considers them as muslim, even jurisprudences which consider druze/alawis as muslim don't consider noi as muslim
I get what you're trying to do, but noi are not muslim, just look at malcolm x's story and his coming to true islam
to expand on this, they don't believe in allah, they don't believe in the prophet muhammad, they don't pray, they don't practise any of the pillars of islam
just because they have islam attached to their name for whatever reason doesn't mean they are muslim in any degree
Shitty spinoff of an already shitty religion that spun off into the Nation of Gods and Earths/Five Percenters. Both Five Percenters and NOI have only done two things right: Bean pies and god-tier rappers. Seriously, go have a bean pie right now.
You mean its shitty spinoff of a shitty spinoff of a shitty spinoff right?
If that's the case I would have to go back to the earliest sand religions before Judaism. But sure.
Where the fuck does one even find a bean pie anymore? Fucking no one's selling them anymore. It wouldn't at all surprise me if NOI was pretty much dead these days.
Fake news
Look up Nations of Gods and Earths, it's real. A disturbingly large amount of rappers from the 80s and 90s were a part of it.
>Do you think all Africans are black or something?
right because islam never spread beyond north africa
How historically probable is this?
He was an Afghan with an anglicized name
This. How can someone be so fucking retarded
Pretty loony, desu. When I went to university (big city), there was always a bunch of these mongs on a particular street corner. They'd rush up to whites (or non-blacks anyway), and literally drop or shove into your hands a stapled collection of photocopied sheets on "Black History" that they called a book and then demand money from you. If you declined, they'd try to guilt or race bait with you shit about how whitey keeps the black man down and that you therefore owe them money 'cuz slavery! (We are in Canada). They're rare here, but they do exist.
I got sick of their tactic over the years, and I'd just drop their shitty photocopies on the ground and walk on without saying anything if they tried it.
NoI are literal WE WUZ LARPers with a bit of Islam and other esoteric mysticism thrown in. They aren't real Muslims, fwiw.
Well, although they are their own small sect, Sunnis basically count them in as "not Shia, good enough".
>bean pie
So, a rip-off an ancient Chinese pastry?
I once met an NOI Black Panther at a book store. We suprisingly hit it off and I tried to reccomend some history and philosophy books to him, but some 40 year old black dude started ranting to us about how CERN is owned by angels, and the black guy was more interested in him, so I left to buy some arby's. Picked up Introduction to Logic and Beyond Good and Evil there, so I guess the experiance was alright.
It's weird meeting some people. I met a lebanese dude in the gym once who thought israel had earthquake machines.
I know this one Arab Muslim who thinks the Saudis are Jewish, ISIS is Jewish, Jews were behind 9/11, Shia Islam is a Jewish subversion of the faith, The Holocaust was a Zionist conspiracy and Hitler was a hero. Weirdest part is he is a Socialist far-left at the end of the day.
Why do people give this cunt a platform? With all the nonsense she has spewed and all the groups she associated with.
I thought trolling on Veeky Forums was against the rules?
She was part of the "womyns March" nonsense.
Like Linda Sarsour is the one who gets to decide if someone is a Muslim or not. Guess what? If you think there is another prophet after Muhammad (SAW) you are no longer a Muslim and you remain a kafir until you reject that or die. Elijah Muhammad was a false prophet, end of story.
Allah used the NOI to bring many Africans to Islam, as he always uses something that is bad to bring something that is good. Elijah's son was a good man who lead many people to normal Sunni Islam and denounced the racism of NOI. But the modern "Nation of Islam" are still following an incorrect belief by making themselves as Gods (saying that the black man is God) and many other bizarre beliefs. May Allah guide them.
And Yezidi.
Not these ones
In the same way Mormons are Christians, albeit with less science fiction (on the part of the Yezidi).
The Yezidi religion has literally nothing to do with Islam, except that it's monotheist.
Yezidi worship peacock statues. They have little peacock statues that their holy men have carried around for hundreds of years that they offer money too and kiss. By worshiping their peacock god they have committed shirk and are outside the fold of Islam, they do not follow the Quran and the sunnah, they are not Muslims.
As I said,
>in the same way Mormons are Christians
Do you not know what Mormonism is?
Most Christians don't consider Mormons to be Christians, because they believe in an infinite number of Gods, believe book of Mormon, believe Jesus came to America, etc...
Yezidi have even less of a claim to being Muslim than Mormons do of being Christian because Yezidi don't even follow the Quran and Sunnah. To categorize Yezidi as Muslim is absolutely absurd.
Not all sweet bean treats are Chinese user, they use different beans.
The Muslims never went deep into Africa because they had no interest in colonizing niggers.
Then why is most of West Africa, nearly all of North Africa, and about half of East Africa Muslim?
Interesting. I don't think I've ever heard "Yezidi" without "Christians" following it.
Women speaking for Islam.
This Arab Muslim is correct
Sarsour is an extremist SJW who indulges the NOI and their craziness because they're black.
they claim to be the original asiatic black muslims and that the black man is god among a bunch of other weird shit. literally we wuz: the cult.
Are there ibadis outside of Oman, even? Except for omanis living elsewhere of course.
But Mormons are not christians
How can you be muslim and SJW?
I work as a cable guy. I had an elderly black lady who was a member of NOI.
it's the 21st century, you can bee whatever you want :^)
You can't really, most Muslims lean heavily democratic because they are immigrants/minorities. That's basically the only connection with extreme leftism, Islam is socially conservative but also rejects purely materialist libertarian style "free marketism". Islam is socially conservative but still implements welfare for orphans, widows, the sick, mentally or physically deficient, etc.. Free trade is accepted within bounds, usury is banned, lying about quality of product you are selling is forbidden, selling goods you don't possess, etc.
So basically socialism is not Islamic, rather the sharia is closer to capitalism with heavy regulations. Zakat and Jizya is established to build roads, hospitals, schools, etc... and other public necessities. The early caliphs were very strict about ensuring the money in the state treasury was used properly, and the Islamic leaders would live austerely without furniture and eating simple meals.
TLDR welfare and equality (within bounds) only connection with SJWism
>the sharia is closer to capitalism with heavy regulations
It's pretty low if you compare them with the regulations in 100% of western countries desu
he is not entirely wrong
Fuck off back to /pol/
this thread belongs on /pol/, lil kang
Certain sectors would be less regulated, other sectors would be regulated out of existence. For example under the shariah credit card companies would not be allowed in any way shape or form, no more 25% APR under God's law.
Other aspects of the shariah are closer to a conservative or libertarian position. For example the 4th amendments is a completely shariah compatible constitutional right. The Prophet (SAW) would not even look into someones house until given permission, he would look away when they opened the door. It is not allowed to enter someones house even if you believe they might be doing something haram inside, like drinking alcohol, you still can't enter. Also listening or spying on someone is completely forbidden by the shariah.
The second amendment is also compatible with the Shariah. The Prophet (SAW) said that if you are being robbed it is mandatory to fight the robber to the death, and if anyone dies defending their private property they die the death of a martyr and are guaranteed paradise.
>the Saudis are Jewish, ISIS is Jewish, Jews were behind 9/11, Shia Islam is a Jewish subversion of the faith, The Holocaust was a Zionist conspiracy and Hitler was a hero
These are all true tho...
A pedophile and a sun-worshipper will work together against degeneracy... Sure thing Hans.
Wait. Was Muhammad actually based?
the fedora is off the charts
Yes he (SAW) was actually, big shock am I right?
WTF I hate fox news now.
Tomas Carlyle was right, Muhammad (SAW) literally did nothing wrong.
Islam might be okay if most of its followers weren't dirt poor, inbred, sand monkies. The no alcohol thing is a deal breaker to me though.
But isn't the actual quran command more like "don't get drnk"? Half of the muslim leaders including some caliphs died of alcoholism anyways.
Here is the context of the forbidding of all intoxicants.
Narrated Abi Burda: That Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari said that The Prophet (peace be upon him)had sent him to Yemen and he asked The Prophet (peace be upon him)about certain (alcoholic) drink which used to be prepared there. The Prophet (peace be upon him)said, “What are they?” Abu Musa said, “Al-Bit’ and Al-Mizr?” He said, “Al-Bit is an alcoholic drink made from honey; and Al-Mizr is an alcoholic drink made from barley.” The Prophet (peace be upon him)said, “All intoxicants are prohibited.”
Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 59 Hadith 631
When it was revealed that alcohol was forbidden by the prophet (SAW) many of the companions were actually drinking alcohol. When they heard the news that it was forbidden they spit out the alcohol they were drinking and many even forced them selves to throw up what they had drunk. They then proceeded to destroy all the kegs and containers of alcohol until the entire city had alcohol flowing in the streets up to peoples knees.
This is one of the miracles of the prophet(SAW) that he implemented the first and so far only truly successful prohibitions on alcohol, and even Americans hundreds of years later could not do that.
>Rejecting the truth because of tribalism
It's not worth it bro. On the day of judgement you will wish you hadn't sold paradise for such a paltry price.
It's not Islam. Its Gnosticism, Theosophy and a mish-mash of other occult new-age fairy tales.
Five Percent Nation. JayZ is not a member, even though he reps them.
This they use the Scientology auditing method. Their belief system is Gnostic new-age UFO fairy tales.
>The Five-Percent Nation, sometimes referred to as NGE or NOGE, the Nation of God and Earth, or the Five Percenters, is a way of life founded in 1964 in the Harlem section of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, by a former member of the Nation of Islam, Clarence 13X, who was named Clarence Edward Smith at birth, and who ultimately came to be known as known as Allah the Father.
>Allah the Father, a former student of Malcolm X, left the Nation of Islam after a dispute with Elijah Muhammad over the fact that Elijah taught that the white man was the devil, yet did not teach that the black man was God. Allah the Father also rejected the assertion that Nation's biracial founder Wallace Fard Muhammad, was Allah and instead taught that the black man was himself God personified. Members of the group call themselves Allah's Five Percenters, which reflects the concept that ten percent of the people in the world know the truth of existence, and those elites and agents opt to keep eighty-five percent of the world in ignorance and under their controlling thumb; the remaining five percent are those who know the truth and are determined to enlighten the rest.
Look at the list of rappers they have on there. Big Daddy Kane, Rakim, Busta Rhymes, MF Doom, Black Thought, even pop rappers like Freedom Williams.
Isn't him being white the most ironic thing ever
>Five percent nation
a lot of them dropped it. i know mf doom started out as a five-percenter type rapper in KMD but after his adoption of the MF doom moniker he clearly moved past it.
But that's a hadith. I know they're perfectly valid for sharia, but I also know that muslims can't really agree on which ones are true and normally rely on the quran to seek if the traditions and stories look reliable. Is there any part of the quran that hints to this hadith?