convince me why shouldn't I put all my money into this and just fucking wait? hardmode: avoid using "muh jooz" meme.
>still under ICO price
>lots of development upcoming on roadmap
>real practical use once product is finished
Convince me why shouldn't I put all my money into this and just fucking wait? hardmode: avoid using "muh jooz" meme
> browsing Veeky Forums
> "Convince me why..."
You will never make it
long term interesting hold
Bancor is smart money right now user you’d be wise to put as much as you can in it and stop worrying about it
Everyone knows it’s going to moon eventually and it’s price has floored right now for a while. It’s better to secure you’re ticket on this moon mission than end up hopelessly chasing it after it takes off
Inb4 low IQ pol inbreds come in here and attempt to "redpill"
well, why not? go ahead if you're willing to lock your money up for a while
hot damn, I still got 1k of these lying around
I heard 90% of Bangor is owned by the creators which is why it has gone below ICO price yet it still is been sold!
Because they got it for free!!
This is acctually a great entry point with current price.
But be aware that bnt may stay dead for a longer while.
what is a "long while"....i have's going to moon before the year is over. Once it starts mooning and gets some momentum, it might go full NEO mode on us so it's better to grab a stack and wait rather than be left behind chasing the rocket.