Apocalyptic times

What where some real shit times and places to live in history? I don't mean just a bit of war or hunger, but full end time feeling.

so far I got
6th century Europe
>extreme weather event 535-36 with widespread famine
>migration era in full swing, now with cannibalism
>541 Plague of Justinian comes, half the people die

14th century Europe
>medieval climate optimum ends, decreased harvests can no longer feed the large population
>hunger everywhere, great famine in 1317
>black death in 1347
>everybody is at war with everyone

16th century Americas
>up to 90% of people die
>rest gets a low wage job with the Spaniards

Anyone got examples from Asia or pre Columbus Americas?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sea peoples invasion - Bronze age
Germanic invasions- late classical

2 most obvious

>Collapse of Han Dynasty China
>Hundred years period where the population decreases by about 80%, mostly to starvation, but the endemic warfare doesn't help either.

Except it was seen as a heroic age instead of some Dark Ages.

whenever I hear about a great number of Chinese dying I never take it seriously, is it latent racism or human nature?

yall be talkin bout the apocalypse then but the greatest apocalypse of tomorrow will be the greatest yet

once the power goes out you better prepare that booty

Sea peoples were the consequence and not the cause of shit times.

Maya collapse of the late classic period. And fall of the Toltecs particularly during the reign of Huemac.

what century? any dates on events?

what make you say that?

Anazazi go down at the same time, likely climate change in the southwest, triggers large migrations, famines, cannibalism, and made torture killing a folk art.

You usually get it defined as between 184 AD and ending at around 280.

As for big events, just check here. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Kingdoms
Most of the population decline probably wasn't due to big name battles or events though; China's population at the time was supported by some fairly massive agricultural infrastructure works, especially huge chains of irrigation ditches spreading out from the Yellow river. Get a bunch of rampaging armies and smash up that stuff, and suddenly you don't have nearly the same kind of food production that can support about 55 million people.

Reality. Do you think the Sea Peoples just popped out of nowhere? There was a massive crop failure all over the Mediterranean, possibly of volcanic origin, which forced several previously settled civilizations on the move.

Tollense battle comes to mind, largest bronze age battlefield uncovered so far, in northern Germany. Exactly at the same time as the sea people show up.
So far DNA and strontium tests are not completed yet, but it'll be interesting to see where the combatants came from.

There's been evidence of massive migrations in that period as far as China, it was probably some gigantic cataclysm.

Please do respect their culture, it is a time honored tradition to thin out the population every now and then.

17th century anywhere
>The Thirty Years War in Germany (1618–48)
>The Economic Crisis in the Holy Roman Empire (1619–23)
>The Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639–51), The Protectorate (1653–59), and the Glorious Revolution (1688) in Britain and Ireland
>The collapse of the Ming Dynasty and rise of the Qing Dynasty in China (1644–62)
>The Fronde in France (1643–68)
>Revolts against the Spanish crown in Naples, Portugal, and Catalonia
>The climax of the Dutch Revolt and related conflicts (ends in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia)
>Numerous internal revolts in the Ottoman Empire (especially 1622)
>The disintegration of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Deluge
>The beginning of Sakoku in Japan and the Shimabara Uprising (1638)
>The Char Bouba War in Mauritania (1644–74)
>runaway inflation everywhere
>mini ice age

there have been raider cultures throughout history, every once in a while a really effective one comes by and kicks the shit out of the softer civilizations

Not really. Raids and pirates yes, but not a migration of an entire population that completely displaces/wipes out entire civilizations.


Are you being retarded or just pretending? There was like 2000 Spaniards invading the Aztecs. What happened during the Bronze Age is that ENTIRE CIVILIZATIONS moved from one place to another, not just a tiny raiders group.

>Sea peoples come into your town, rape your women, and burn it to the ground
>NOT part of the apocalypse guyz!!!

>not part
Did I mention the word "part" in that post, you literal nigger?

There where then thousands conquistadores and early settlers in total , and they brought diseases, war, famine and slavery to an entire continent.

Relatively few Mongols did kill the so fare largest percentage of humanity ever.

Raider people are a fact.

Sedentary/developed fags being the "softer" civilizations is a massive meme. "Raiders" only ever took on empires when they were declining from the inside.

>Sea peoples were the consequence, not the cause
It really sounds like you're trying to say that the famine/economic decline was THE REAL apocalypse so yes. otherwise your post was just an excercise in pedantically picking on a guy who lazily said "sea peoples invasions" instead of "bronze age collapse"

Of course raiders are a fact, raiders populations however are mostly unheard of. Your best bet is the migratory period of the early middle ages, closest parallel to what happened and it also followed a massive catastrophe.

3rd century crisis, of course

Sea people invasions was just a part of Bronze age collapse. It was neither all there was to it, nor was it its cause.

Did I say otherwise??????

Mongol invasion of Iran

I wouldn't want be near Mongol hoards at at point in their rampages across the world. They were ruthless.


we'll enter it with strategic bombing, and asymmetrical skirmishes. we'll leave it with ai powered robotic death squads, and the absolute dominance of the multi-national corporate mega chaebol

Bronze Age Collapse

>some unknown barbarians coming out of bumfuck nowhere to destroy your civilization isn't the cause of shit times

Egypt a few years before the Middle Kingdom

Today, Argentina
>mentally handicapped and arrogant people
>never ending corruption everywhere
>backwards education system
>shitskins everywhere
>'it could be worse' + 'at least we're not congolombia' mentallity
>dumb """"women"""
>crab mentality
>backstabbing and scamming are considered a virtue
>life inside a bubble
>brown reggaeton shithole
>feminism growing
>garbage everywhere
>no national identity
>chinks everywhere
>controlled by kikes
>no international standards
>caste society
>absurdely high taxes for a 3rd world country
>lower classes are degenerate and have no brain or soul
>upper class is degenerate and have no brain or soul
>mafias everywhere

To describe Argentina, it's like an autistic kid acting cocky on the internet who is just lucky and safe inside his isolated room.

Sounds depressing, but nor really end time blues.

South america pretty much. It feels like living in Sodom here